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Chapter 657 The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked

Chapter 657 The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked

Seeing the master's appearance, the little junior brother couldn't help but change his face.Damn it, why did you forget about the Wannian peach wood sword?
Thinking of this, he was filled with anger, and his eyes at Zhang Mengmeng became even more fierce!He hated this little girl so much now. If she hadn't been holding the Ten Thousand Years Peach Wood Sword, how could he have been so ugly?
Thinking of this, he said angrily: "Don't think that just because the weapon is powerful, I can't do anything to you!"

As he said that, he rushed towards Zhang Mengmeng quickly, and then grasped the sword art, and attacked Zhang Mengmeng with the help of an immortal guide.

"Hey! It's a good trick to guide the way!"

"Yes, it seems that my junior brother's basic skills are pretty good!"

Several Tianshi Taoist disciples praised again, which caused the headmaster to nod his head, and the eyes he looked at them became more kind.

Although there is some strife within Tianshi Dao, he doesn't like it, so he always treats generous disciples differently.However, what he didn't know was that generosity can also be shown.

The junior brother didn't care about this, he only had Zhang Mengmeng in his eyes now.Although the peach wood sword was not fatal, he still wanted to use it to teach Zhang Mengmeng a lesson.

Seeing him rushing over, Zhang Mengmeng was still a little scared.She hurriedly took out a yellow talisman, and threw it at the little junior brother!

The people of Tianshidao almost burst out laughing, "Does this little girl understand the film? She threw out the talisman paper without activating it."

"Is she stunned?"

"It's really possible! Judging by her height, she should be underage! Haha——"

Seeing that Zhang Mengmeng was frightened by him, the junior brother felt even more proud.A little girl who dares to fight against herself, let's see how I deal with you!
He picked it casually, wanting to fly the talisman paper thrown over, and then continue to attack Zhang Mengmeng.

But just after his mahogany sword stuck to the talisman paper, a gust of cold air came out from the talisman paper, making him shiver.The whole person slowed down, looked at Zhang Mengmeng in surprise, "Is this an ice charm?"

Zhang Mengmeng immediately felt reassured when she saw that the person in front of her was wrapped in a layer of frost.It seemed that the method of making talisman paper given to him by Fang Han was really good, and it actually froze the bastard in front of him in an instant.

She ran up to the little junior brother with a smile, kicked him to the ground, and said disdainfully: "You still want to fight me with your little ability? You can't even stop one of my ice charms, you really can't help it!" Do what you can!"

Ice Talisman?The people of Tianshi Dao were astonished. Some disciples looked at the head of the sect. They didn't know what ice talismans were, didn't they only have fire talismans?

On the contrary, a senior brother is well-informed, "Amulet paper can have many attributes. In addition to the fire talisman we use, ice talisman, wind talisman, and thunder talisman all exist."

"Really?" Some disciples didn't believe it, because for them, the fire talisman was already very powerful, so why do they need talisman papers of other attributes?
Seeing that the seniors questioned him, the senior couldn't help saying: "It's true! Although the fire talisman is powerful, the talisman paper of other attributes is not bad. The ice talisman can cause freezing and slowing effects, and the wind talisman can cause The impact and repelling effect, the most powerful is the thunder talisman, which can not only cause electric shock and paralysis, but also has the ability to restrain ghosts and ghosts. If we know how to make thunder talismans, dealing with evil spirits will not be so troublesome! "

Seeing that what he said was so evil, the disciples became even more disbelieving, so they all looked at the leader again, hoping that the leader would make an evaluation.

The head frowned, although he didn't want to admit it, but what the apprentice said was indeed true.So he nodded and said, "Indeed!"

The disciples of Tianshi Dao panicked, so there are so many talisman papers!But why don't they know?
Seeing that people's hearts were not stable, the headmaster said annoyedly: "Everyone stand still! Originally, our Celestial Master Dao also had these talisman papers, but they were lost for some reason. Now that the ice talisman has reappeared in the world, our Celestial Master Dao There will be ice charms soon!"

All the disciples were stunned for a moment when they heard the words, the ice talisman reappeared in the world, will there be an ice talisman in the Tao of Heavenly Master soon?This sounded a little awkward, but they quickly figured it out, and couldn't help looking at Zhang Mengmeng.

Zhang Mengmeng easily dodged the little junior brother's attack, and looked at him with disdain, "Your speed is slower than the old lady, and you still want to hit me?"

The junior brother was very angry at being teased by Zhang Mengmeng. Although his movements were still slow, he still raised his peach wood sword and slashed at Zhang Mengmeng.

Zhang Mengmeng turned sideways, dodging the peach wood sword's attack, and slapped him on the back of the hand with the Wannian peach wood sword.

The junior brother suffered from pain in his hand, and Tao Mujian let go immediately.Zhang Mengmeng went up and kicked him again, knocking him to the ground, and said with a sneer: "If you still don't admit defeat, I will beat you until you do!"

As he spoke, he raised his ten thousand year peach wood sword and struck his junior brother head and face.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"...

The ten-thousand-year peach-wood sword was as hard as an iron stone, and the younger brother screamed in pain when he hit it.

"Ah——" "Ah——"...

At first, the little junior still gritted his teeth and insisted, but the bigger the pain, the more he couldn't take it anymore, he quickly waved his hand and begged for forgiveness: "Don't fight, can't I admit defeat?"

When Zhang Mengmeng heard this, she stopped and snorted coldly at her junior brother: "Humph, get out of here!"

The little junior brother who was beaten all over his face gave Zhang Mengmeng a resentful look, and quickly backed away.

Everyone in Tianshi Dao looked at this young junior brother with cold eyes. They had just finished discussing the ice talisman and saw him begging for mercy. Can't you just hold on a little longer?Then we go rescue you?It’s really embarrassing to Tianshi Dao.

The face of the sect master was also darkened. A disciple of the Heavenly Master Dao was beaten by a little girl and begged for mercy on his knees. If word of this got out, the reputation of the Heavenly Master Dao would be ruined!

Seeing the faces of the sect master and the senior brothers, the little junior brother felt a chill in his heart, and quickly hid aside.

The headmaster didn't even look at the little apprentice, but fixed his eyes on Zhang Mengmeng, "Little girl, who are you?"

"Are you in control?" Zhang Mengmeng said with a cold face.

"Hey?" The two Taoist priests next to him became unhappy, and said to Zhang Mengmeng: "Little girl, do you know who you are talking to? This is the head of our Heavenly Master Dao!"

Zhang Mengmeng said disdainfully: "I don't care whether you are the head of the sect or not. Your celestial masters are not upright, and you are not good people anyway!"

Fang Han listened behind and couldn't help but smile.Zhang Mengmeng is treating Tianshidao as a villain, which fits her image of the second girl.

The head of Tianshidao frowned, he really wanted to know the source of the ice talisman.To be honest, he valued the Ice Talisman more than the Wannian Taomu Sword. No matter how powerful the Wannian Taomu Sword was, it was just a sword.

But the ice talisman is different, it is knowledge and can arm everyone.If Tianshidao really got the method of making the ice talisman, his strength would rise to a higher level.If one can follow the vine to obtain the method of making wind and thunder talismans, then the Tao of Heavenly Master may be able to restore its heyday.

(End of this chapter)

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