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Chapter 654 People's hearts are scary!

Chapter 654 People's hearts are scary!

But Fang Han is an outsider, and the blood in his body has no magic power.It should be that the master fell in love with the Wannian peach wood sword, so he made an exception to include Fang Han as a disciple.

If I could get the Ten Thousand Years Peach Wood Sword back, it would not be unacceptable to accept a disciple!
So, they all put on that "you got cheap" look.

"Let's forget it!" Fang Han waved his hand and said, "I'm used to being free."

Zhang Mengmeng got a little anxious when he heard him say that, "Fang Han, this is the way of the heavenly master. They never accept outsiders, this is a rare opportunity."

"That's right!" A Taoist said arrogantly: "Our Heavenly Master Dao has always included the descendants of Heavenly Masters, and we have made an exception for you, and we already think highly of you!"

"Yes!" Another Taoist priest also said: "But you are still pushing back and forth. What are you pretending to do!"

"If it weren't for seeing that you have a powerful magic weapon, how could we make an exception for you!"

When Zhang Mengmeng heard the words of these Taoist priests, she suddenly realized, "It turns out that you are just greedy for the Wannian peach wood sword, so I misread you!"

She said to the old Taoist priest: "I never thought that the Tao of Tianshi would degenerate into what it is now. You are embarrassing Zhang Tianshi!"

The old Taoist blushed at Zhang Mengmeng's words. He really wanted to admit Fang Han because he had eyes for him.Of course, on the other hand, it is for the Wannian Peachwood Sword. It is impossible to say that he does not have the slightest desire to covet such a treasure!

However, he has no intention of getting the Wannian Peachwood Sword.In any case, he has read Taoist scriptures for decades, so he naturally understands the principle of not forcing anything.

However, he did not expect that the group of disciples he brought back would be so unbearable.Although the way of heavenly masters is indeed noble, but don't you even have the politeness to respect people at least?
"Okay!" Fang Han stopped Zhang Mengmeng, "We don't agree with each other, let's go!"

"Okay!" Zhang Mengmeng nodded, followed Fang Han and turned around to leave.

"Stop!" A Taoist priest yelled loudly, quickly caught up with them, and shouted at the two of them, "Leave the Wannian Taomu Sword!"

Several more Taoist priests caught up and surrounded the two of them.

"Stop it all for me?" The old Taoist looked at them sullenly, "You all think I'm dead, don't you?"

The Taoist didn't listen to him, but said instead: "Uncle, if Master finds out that you lost the Wannian Taomu Sword, I'm afraid you won't have any good fruit to eat, right?"

The old Taoist looked at him angrily, "Even if the brother blames him, we can't steal other people's things."

"Other people's things? If you snatch them, they belong to us!" The Taoist said coldly, "Now the evil spirits are rampant, and our Heavenly Master Dao has lost more than ten disciples. The Wannian Taomu sword is used to deal with evil spirits. Zhibao, appeared in front of your eyes and let it run away, how many people do you want us to die?"

"Dead people are not scary, but if the heart is evil, the way of the heavenly master will be over!" The old Taoist said sadly.

The Taoist sneered, "It is because of a pedantic person like you that the way of the heavenly master is getting worse day by day."

Then he turned his head to look at Fang Han and Zhang Mengmeng, "Leave the Wannian peach wood sword, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"You are so shameless!" Zhang Mengmeng glared at him and said.

"Shameless?" The Taoist said disapprovingly: "As long as I can live, I am willing to be shameless!"

"That's right!" Many Taoist priests gathered around. They were also afraid of death. Now they have a sharp weapon that can deal with evil spirits.With the Wannian Taomu Sword, they can eradicate all evil spirits. This is called big things regardless of small details!
"It seems you think you've got us?" Fang Han looked at them indifferently.

After finishing speaking, under the astonished eyes of all Taoist priests, a thick flame was ignited on his hand.

The Taoist priests were shocked when they saw that Fang Han could light the fire with bare hands.They always thought that Fang Han was just an ordinary person, but they didn't expect him to be a practitioner.

The old Taoist priest was also taken aback by this change, and regretfully said to the Taoist priests: "How many times have I told you in the past that you must be humble. Now you know that there are people beyond people, and mountains beyond mountains? Don't hurry up." Come back, do you still want to embarrass Tianshidao?"

Hearing the old Taoist's words, some Taoist priests hesitated and really retreated.If Fang Han was an ordinary person, they might use their status to bully Fang Han and force him to hand over the Wannian Taomu Sword.

But since Fang Han is a cultivator and has a treasure like the Ten Thousand Years Peach Wood Sword, his cultivation level must not be low.Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to give a treasure like the Ten Thousand Years Peach Wood Sword to Zhang Mengmeng.

The Taoist was very unwilling, he looked at the flame in Fang Han's hand with some fear.This kind of cultivation may have surpassed his master.

Just when he wanted to retreat, he saw Fang Han's sarcastic smile, as if he was mocking him for overestimating his capabilities.This smile made him feel particularly glaring, and his strong self-esteem made him ignore the difference in strength, so he said to other Taoist priests: "You can go if you are not brave, today I must get the Wannian Taomu Sword, and then cut Kill the evil spirits and avenge the dead brothers!"

Some Taoist priests were inspired by his words, and said one after another: "That's right, we don't want to live the days when we are beaten by evil spirits and have no power to fight back!"

When the old Taoist heard this, he was stunned and speechless.He never expected that there would be such a shameless disciple in the Tao of Heavenly Master!

Zhang Mengmeng was also furious, "You are too shameless! Robbing other people's things is so grandiose? With the Wannian Taomu Sword in our hands, it can kill evil spirits, and it kills more than you!"

"Just the two of you?" The Taoist priests sneered, "There are hundreds of people in our Heavenly Master Dao, and I don't know how many evil spirits have been killed. How do you compare?"

Zhang Mengmeng said disdainfully: "Even if you have 1000 people, you can't compare to Fang Han himself!"

The Taoist priests looked at each other when they heard this, and burst out laughing, "Hahaha——"

Zhang Mengmeng was in a hurry, she was telling the truth, why did these people laugh?She was about to tell those Taoist priests not to laugh, but Fang Han stopped her.

Fang Han patted her shoulder and signaled her not to speak, and then he said to the Taoist priests: "Even if you kill ten thousand evil spirits, it will not be able to offset the harm caused by your evil intentions!"

He said to Zhang Mengmeng: "Remember from now on, evil spirits are not scary, but people's hearts are! Don't take a liking to anyone in the future, because you don't know what they are!"

The Taoist priests blushed when they heard this.The Taoist priest became even more angry. He pointed at Fang Han and said, "Boy, what are you talking about?"

Fang coldly looked at him.

The Taoist was anxious, "I'm going to ask you again! Are you dumb?"

While speaking, he took a few steps forward and said arrogantly: "Leave the Wannian peach wood sword, and then you two get lost—"

Before he could finish speaking, he saw the flames rushing towards his face, and then he felt severe pain all over his body, and he yelled out in pain, "Ah——"

As soon as he shouted out, he was burned to ashes by the flames and scattered all over the floor!
(End of this chapter)

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