Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 65 Energetic

Chapter 65 Energetic
As soon as this look came out, Fang Han's heart skipped a beat, and when he was thinking about what the femme fatale was paying attention to, his eyes suddenly jumped wildly, because he obviously felt the strength of the ankle in his hand loosen and increase!In the end, I saw Ximen Jing's two small hands grabbing his head violently from the left and right ends, almost subconsciously raising his hands and turning his head to avoid defense, but what he didn't expect was that the moment his defensive hand came up, , Ximen Jing had already used the upward resistance of her arms to suddenly give up the center of gravity stabilized by one foot, and directly raised her leg to touch her knee in the air.The other leg flew straight into the air?

this angle...

With a sinister curse in his heart, Fang Han swung Ximen Jing's sexy thigh upwards with his wrist force like a poisonous snake.

There is no way that this time, after Ximen Jing made a false move with both hands, the target of the knee push was not another position, but his own descendant root... This guy is indeed insidious enough. If Zisungen is attacked, Fang Han has no doubt that he is miserable end.There is no way... No matter how strong your body is, your vitals are still vitals.With Ximen Jing's strength, this knee is enough for him to drink a pot.

With an angry curse in his heart, how could Fang Han dare to take it too seriously?He casually flicked Ximen Jing's lower splitting leg, and he could only hope that this time's shaking of the hand would affect the instantaneous balance of the opponent's figure, and make the opponent deviate from some angles, so as to give himself time to dodge the vital point.

It has to be said that Fang Han's immediate reaction was really fast, and his judgment was very correct in an instant. This leg swing really interfered with Ximen Jing's offensive, because Fang Han was exerting force upwards, and Ximen Jing's light body was also lifted a height.Although the offensive was not completely resolved, at least this knee could no longer go down.

That Ximen Jing seemed to have expected this a long time ago, a sly look flashed in his eyes, not only did he not pull back, but also controlled his center of gravity to hit Fang Han at a faster speed.

In just a split second, the knee hit the target and hit Fang Han's abdomen fiercely.At the same time, after making a false attack with both hands, they directly turned their palms into grasping.Both hands were clasped together from the back of Fang Han's neck, taking advantage of the moment when Fang Han's stomach was in pain and he subconsciously lowered his head, he clasped the back of Fang Han's head with a neck hoop commonly used in Muay Thai.

The stomach was attacked, and Fang Han was feeling uncomfortable!But at the moment when the back of the head was held by Ximen Jing, Fang Han instantly felt a chill rising from his heart. According to normal judgment... When Ximen Jing's center of gravity falls, it is estimated that the opponent's knee will be ushered in immediately Up top?With her speed and strength, if she couldn't react in time, the only thing waiting for her would be to be KO.

This is a common ferocious attack in the fighting arena, hooping the neck and flying the knees.The normal defensive method can only be to quickly block the opponent's flying knee angle with both hands.But this will be more passive, with both hands used to block the opponent's knees.With the two of them at such a close distance, Fang Han's feet, who are in a passive state, are useless. If he is to defend against the opponent's flying knees, what about Ximen Jing's seemingly small hands that actually imply great strength?
At this distance, after defending the opponent's knee attack, can you quickly return to defend the opponent's double punch?Or is it possible to quickly retreat out of combat?

Reminiscent of Ximenjing's speed and strength and the current extremely passive dilemma, Fang Han knows that the probability of success of this countermeasure is less than [-]%, because it is not what he wants now, Ximenjing's powerful little hands are tightly bound It was impossible for his head to retreat quickly after he dropped his knee.

Suddenly... Fang Han's eyes flashed a strange light, because he thought of a solution that was not a solution. The only thing Ximen Jing was different from the pictures on the boxing world at this time was her movements at this time. knee!In this way, as long as she is guaranteed not to fall to the ground, there is no way to form the second knee push, right?The only way is to take advantage of the opponent's knee and successfully attack his stomach, grab that leg immediately, and then reach out to catch the other leg that was thrown out by him just now. Once the two legs are controlled, Ximen Jing will be like a hoop So what if you live by your own neck?The big deal is to hit yourself with your head?In this case, it is still uncertain who has a hard head.

With a decision in his heart, Fang Han didn't care about the overwhelmed stomach. He quickly stretched out a hand and grabbed Ximen Jingfei's leg before it fell to the ground. The back of the leg was brought to his waist, and then he firmly pressed the jumping leg to his side.At the same time, the other hand wanted to go around Ximen Jing's arm, and then grabbed it diagonally, holding Ximen Jing's other leg in the air. After successfully performing the previous steps, Fang Han simply pulled Ximen Jing's center of gravity and stuck it himself.

At the same time, in order to prevent Ximen Jing, a femme fatale, from having any vicious tricks, Fang Han simply took Ximen Jing and fell backwards.

Seeing that Ximen Jing's face changed drastically, she exclaimed a few times and then was trapped by Fang Han's strong arms. Ximen Jing, who was hanging on Fang Han's body and couldn't move, was brought to the ground by Fang Han. Putting his legs between the two to ensure that the other party could not break free, he put his free hand directly on the back of Ximen Jing's head, and locked Ximen Jing's head on the left side of his neck like Ximen Jing imprisoned his neck...

This kind of picture... all the people around were stunned. They were still standing in an indescribable posture, but now they are directly replaced by the difficult ground, which is indescribable?
Looking at a man and a woman's necks touching each other, Ximen Jing's legs are spread and the whole body is attached to Fang Han's body... Is this still a female superior and a male inferior?And it is a coincidence that the two are about the same height, and after the previous series of confrontations, the final body position is really the same body with a neat waist.

This picture is indeed indecent, which is the common feeling of everyone.

As the parties, a man and a woman, of course they also know it well.

But there is no way... They don't want to do this, but they can only maintain this posture.

No matter how Ren Ximenjing struggled on him, Fang Han refused to let go of even a little bit of strength.

Now that this is the case, Fang Han can only play tricks to the end, at least he won't be so stupid as to let go of Ximen Jing easily, let the other party regain the initiative and continue to eat himself to death with moves and movements.

As for Ximen Jing... Once she enters a state of relying entirely on competition, she will basically be defeated. At least she can't compete with Fang Han's monstrous power even if she has practiced for many years in terms of absolute strength.

Ximen Jing tried to break free for a while, but nothing came of it.There was a slight groan of unwillingness in the heavy breathing, and Fang Han's neck was itchy from the scent.

If Fang Han didn't feel anything about being rubbed against his body by a beautiful woman, it would be impossible!At this time, Fang Han's face was also flushed.

"You still don't admit defeat?"

Fang Han, who felt that continuing like this was really not an option, asked hoarsely with heavy breathing.

As soon as these words came out, Ximen Jing's struggling body paused for a moment, and then let out a slightly angry roar.

As soon as such a sound appeared next to his ears, Fang Han's expression changed abruptly. He was shocked with disbelief, and quickly threw Ximen Jing aside, and then quickly jumped to the side without waiting for his center of gravity to stabilize.

Afterwards, when he heard a dull bombardment, Fang Han's eyes jumped wildly, and Ximen Jing's palm cracked the arena with a gap.

It's vigor!Fang Han believed that he would not feel it... He would never have imagined that the seemingly weak, coquettish and sexy beauty in front of him could actually use Qi Jin and release Qi Jin through his palm.

But looking at Ximen Jing's staggering figure struggling to stand up, and the strangely pale face in the red, let Fang Han understand that releasing this palm is also a huge hidden danger for Ximen Jing, right?At least such a perverted attack method is definitely not something that can be used casually, otherwise Ximen Jing wouldn't be able to maintain that position on the ground and compete with her for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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