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Chapter 648 Let's practice Taoism together!

Chapter 648 Let’s practice Taoism together!
This surprised him very much. Did those six people switch the plates in the restaurant?Not so!Although those plates are very good, a set only costs about a thousand yuan, which is not as expensive as this meal!

And the plates that were replaced didn't look like cheap plates, they looked very smooth, as if they were made of fine porcelain.

She glanced again, and saw a flagon next to it. It was a flagon used in ancient TV dramas. It was made of white porcelain. There was no pattern on it, but it was very beautiful. It was white and translucent, like jade.

Curiously, he picked up the jug, opened the lid, and a strange fragrance came out from it.

The waiter was stunned, this was the fragrance she smelled just now.Looking into the jug, there was still a shallow layer of wine in it, and her saliva was about to flow out.

After thinking about it, she covered the wine jug, then ran to the door of the box, closed the door and locked it, then took a clean glass from the cabinet beside her, poured out the wine in the wine jug, and poured it into the glass I sniffed it and was immediately intoxicated.

She couldn't help but take a sip, and straightened her body, entering a strange state.

Modern people have many occupational diseases. Waiters who stand for long periods of time, wear high heels and professional attire, and do a lot of work are most likely to suffer from varicose veins, lumbar spondylosis, cervical spondylosis, skin allergies, lumbar muscle strain, and depression.

Although she didn't suffer from any serious illness, she still often felt uncomfortable and in a bad mood.

As a result, after drinking this sip of wine, she felt a surge of heat in her body, and she felt very comfortable, and her mood improved, as if the whole world was full of sunshine.

Just as she was intoxicated, a voice suddenly came from outside: "What smells so fragrant? Waiter, is this your family's wine? Bring me a bottle too!"

The waiter woke up immediately, but his heart was shocked.What kind of wine is this that tastes so good and makes her so comfortable?This wine should be some kind of treasure, so will the jug used to hold the wine be ordinary?What about the replaced plates?
She quickly drank all the wine in the glass, then hid the jug, and cleared away the dishes on the table.

The tableware in the box needs to be cleaned by herself, so she just cleaned up the plates, put them away, and reported to the superior, saying that she had beaten up the other plates and lost more than 1000 yuan. Pots and plates were brought home in batches.

It wasn't until two months later that she took out a plate to confirm. It turned out that the plate had a history of more than 500 years.Although it had no age attributes and was just an ordinary porcelain plate, it was still bought by a wealthy man for tens of thousands of yuan.

After that, she sold the plates one after another, and finally bought more than ten plates for about 100 million, which successfully allowed her to buy a garage in Binjiang.

As for herself, she became stronger day by day from then on, never got sick, and lived until she was over 150 years old, still conscious and in good health.

Ximen Jing asked Fang Ya and Cui Xiaowen to come out, and the three met in a coffee shop.

"Fang Han and I are together!" Ximen Jing said straight to the point.

"Then congratulations!" Fang Ya was a little envious, and she also liked a man like Fang Han.But she never thought of competing with her good sister for a man.

Cui Xiaowen's eyes wandered for a moment, she also had good senses for Fang Han.Of course, it was definitely not possible at first, but as Fang Han became more capable and masculine, she fully met her criteria for choosing a mate.

Ximen Jing didn't know what the two of them were thinking, even if she knew, she wouldn't mind.

She went on to say: "We are going to a very far place, and it is also a very good place. I want to take you there."

As she spoke, she looked at the two of them sincerely.

The two suddenly felt a little ridiculous, you want to leave, why did you take us with you?Fang Ya and Ximen Jing were more acquainted, and asked directly: "Jing Jing, are you not going to school? Or are you planning to elope?"

"No!" Ximen said with a smile, "We are going to practice Taoism!"

"Cultivation?" The two girls were surprised, cultivation?what is that?
"Yes! Cultivation!" Ximen Jing stretched out his hand and lifted it up slightly. The coffee cup in front of the three of them left the table and floated up.

The two girls were dumbfounded, staring blankly at the teacup floating in front of them.

Ximen Jing put her hand down, and the coffee cup fell on the table. She smiled and looked at the two of them, "This is just some small skills of Taoism. If we practice to a certain level, we can live forever and stay young forever!"

When the two girls heard this, they immediately grabbed Ximen Jing's hand and said softly, "Jing Jing, please take care of me!"

The eyes of the people nearby were immediately attracted by the voices of the two girls, and they looked at them in surprise.

But they turn a blind eye to these things. Now that they have the opportunity to stay young and live forever, how can they care about these things!They only had Ximen Jing in their eyes, "We will mess with you from now on. If you tell us to go east, we will never go west. If you tell us to beat dogs, we will never scold chickens!"

The corners of Ximen Jing's mouth curled up, the side effects of cultivating Taoism were what the girls were concerned about.She had expected that the two girls would agree, and as expected, she just showed her hands and got it done.

However, this is only the first step!Ximen Jing said softly: "You will all stay with me from now on and help me manage other people."

"Management? Others?" Fang Ya asked strangely: "Anyone else?"

"Of course!" Ximen Jing said to the two girls about what she and Fang Han had discussed.

The two women became more and more shocked when they heard it. At the end, they couldn't help swallowing, "You mean, Fang Han has other women, and you formed this sect to fight against Fang Han's decent girlfriend Guan Xuanxuan?"

"Yes!" Ximen Jing asked, "Can you help me?"

The two girls immediately became entangled, but the temptation of eternal youth is not something they can easily give up. They looked at each other and said in unison: "Help!"

Seeing the two agreeing, Ximen Jing laughed immediately, "Well, you will be my deputy sect masters from now on, and go to Qianye Mountain with me in a few days. After we learn how to practice Taoism, we will be good sisters. Bring them all, let’s cultivate together!”

"Okay!" The two girls were also infected by Ximen Jing, and they were very excited.Youth forever!Immortal!This is every girl's dream!
After Murong Wan explained her work for the day, she and her sister returned from the factory and drove home.

After getting in the car, the younger sister kept complaining: "Sister, do you think Fang Han has forgotten us?"

"He's just busy!" Murong Wan said.

"Don't defend him!" Murong Qing said dissatisfied: "It has been how many days since we came back from East China, and he has not visited us once. What's the matter? He has eaten us up and wiped us clean. He doesn't look down on us anymore. ?”

"Don't talk nonsense!" Murong Wan lost her confidence.

It stands to reason that their sisters are much more attractive than many women.And judging from Fang Han's performance that night, he liked the three of them very much.

But why has Fang Han not come to see them once since that night?

She knew that Fang Han had a girlfriend, and maybe even other women, so she never took the initiative to find him.But Fang Han didn't look for them for so long, they must have other thoughts in their hearts!

(End of this chapter)

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