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Chapter 621 Overlord on the Clear Water

Chapter 621 Overlord on the Clear Water
Fang Han didn't say much, but stretched out his hands and spread them out in front of him. After waiting for a while, he said, "What's on my hands?"

"Nothing!" Hu Wushuang said helplessly.Although the night made his vision shorter, Fang Han's outstretched hand was right in front of him, so he could still see clearly.

"Look carefully!" Fang Han said.

Hu Wushuang became confused. There was nothing on his hands except some water drops. What should I see?Wait, "You're not talking about the water, are you?"

Fang Han nodded, "Not bad."

"Mr. Fang!" Hu Wushuang's face changed color. After coming out of Yaohuang City, he called Fang Han Mr. Fang for the first time. "This is on the edge of the clear water, isn't it normal to have some water vapor?"

Fang Han didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: "If the water vapor drifts down from the mountain, is it normal?"

Floating down from the mountain?Hu Wushuang raised his head and looked at the high mountain in front of him again. The crescent moon covered with silver light hung just above the mountain peak. There was a faint circle of light around the silver moon. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't notice it at all. .

It was water vapor, Hu Wushuang quickly judged it based on his own experience.

"Why is there fog on the mountain?"

"Because the Bishui 狻猊 is on that mountain!" Fang Han said with a chuckle: "We have been focusing on the clear water before, but it was actually wrong. The Bishui Suanni is a 狻猊 no matter what, even if He is good at water magic, but he is still fire and cannot live in water, otherwise he may boil the river water."

Hu Wushuang thought about it, it seems that this is really the case.Although Suan Ni is no different from other monsters, he is a dragon species, and his attributes have been fixed since he was born.The attribute of fire is something he can't get rid of for the rest of his life, no matter how good he is at using the water technique, he still has the attribute of fire.

If a fire attribute monster at the peak of its ascension period was hiding at the bottom of the river, no matter how wide the clear water was, a large part of the water would be boiled to boiling water!

Then, the clear water suanni should be on the mountain.

Thinking of this, he sacrificed the gourd and was about to go up the mountain.

"What are you doing?" Fang Han hurriedly grabbed him.

"Go and find Bishui Suanni!" Hu Wushuang said.

"Don't worry!" Fang Han said: "It's night now. Although we have night vision, our field of vision is still not as good as during the day. Bishui Suanni is powerful and familiar with the environment than us. If you go to him at this time, you will easily be fooled. Ambush."

Hu Wushuang nodded and put the gourd away.In the past two days, he and Fang Han have made such a big commotion beside the clear water, it is impossible for the clear water Suanni to not know.

"Rest first, we will go up the mountain tomorrow morning."

"it is good!"

The two returned to the camp to rest, had some food, chatted for a while, and fell to the ground to sleep.

What they didn't know was that their every move was seen by a pair of eyes on the mountain.The owner of those eyes was a lion-like creature, with a red light flashing from its mouth.

Turning his head contemptuously, he strolled back to his resting place, which was a very flat big rock.Beside the big rock, there is a cold pool.The white air on the cold pool is the water vapor condensed due to the cold.

This is Suan Ni that Fang Han and Hu Wushuang are looking for, and his lair has always been on this mountain.It's just that people always thought that he was in the clear water, so those who came to look for him wandered around the edge of the clear water all the time.

He knows everyone who approaches here, because he can see clearly from above.

However, these two coming this time are a bit strange.These two guys actually killed tens of thousands of gem fish in order to find him, which was his favorite food.But he didn't show up, because if he did, others would catch the weakness and set a trap, which would be bad.

So he could only block his breath, and ignore the vague fragrance.

Then there was another loud roar, startling him again.Surprised, he ran to the edge of the cliff to see what had happened, only to see an extremely strange-looking monster.

what is that?Bishui Suanni didn't know, but he felt the crisis from this monster.

But then, he felt relieved.It turned out that this monster was summoned by a bell. Bishui Suanni didn't know what kind of bell it was, but he knew that as long as those two people were not allowed to use the bell, he would not need to face the monster!
The power of that roar was soon revealed, there were a large number of corpses floating on the clear water, which made the clear water Suanni very angry, because there were a lot of jewel fish in it.Even if you look at it roughly, there are 10,000+ or ​​even hundreds of thousands of them.

These two guys are simply too wasteful!These many jewel fishes were enough for him to eat for a long time, but they killed them all with a single throat by using monsters.

damn it!
Bishui Suanni really wanted to rush down, but held back abruptly.He turned his head and took a breath towards the cold pool, a trickle entered his mouth.The cold pool water chilled his whole body, and his anger subsided a lot.

The reason why he lives here is because the cold pool water can calm him down.Ever since he was almost killed 500 years ago, he has been hiding carefully.

He knew that he had offended the Demon Emperor. The Demon Emperor was very powerful. He was a Suanni who had betrayed the family. He didn't even have his own power. He was no match for the Demon Emperor if he fought alone.

But he still has a chance, as long as he can break through the ascension stage and become a god, he doesn't have to be afraid of the Demon Emperor.

However, it is not that easy to become a god. 500 years have passed and he still has not made any progress.

He held his breath in a slightly depressed mood, and a jet of water spurted out from the back of his neck with a "whoosh" sound.The water jet is not very high, only four or five meters.But as the mountain wind blew, it drifted down the mountain.

The reason why Bishui Suanni likes water is actually related to his mother, because her mother is a whale.Although he didn't know that his father, a fire-attributed Suan Ni, was about to get into a whale, he was born.

And maybe his father's dragon species was thin, which actually allowed Bishui Suanni to retain the characteristics of a whale, such as being close to water, such as the drainage outlet on its back.

From then on, he became an outlier among the Suanni. He was bullied by other Suanni all day long, which made him betray the group. He came to Bishui alone and became the overlord of Bishui.

Before dawn, the water vapor above the clear water permeated again, just like before, it was like a fairyland.

A large number of fish and shrimps also swam from upstream and downstream. They came to occupy the territory of the fish and shrimps that were killed yesterday.There are also some heavy rains, which come to eat those dead fish and shrimps. There are so many fish, even if there are tens of thousands of carnivorous fish, it is enough for them to eat and rot.

The two people on the bank didn't have any idea about this, they were still sleeping soundly.

(End of this chapter)

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