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Chapter 619 The Wrong Way

Chapter 619 The Wrong Way

Fang Han didn't know what Hu Wushuang was thinking, anyway, he slept very peacefully all night.After he woke up, he saw Hu Wushuang staring at the clear water, and looked around on the ground, but found no trace of sleeping. Could it be that he didn't sleep all night?
If you don't sleep, you don't sleep!Anyway, when it's time to cross the catastrophe, it's fine even if you don't sleep for a month.

Fang Han opened the treasure bag, searched inside for a long time, took out a fishing net from it, and handed it to Hu Wushuang, "Let's go! Let's go fishing!"

"Fishing?" Hu Wushuang looked at Fang Han blankly, "Aren't we going to look for Bishui Suanni?"

"This is how I find Bishui Suanni!"

Fang Han held a paper bag and shook it in his hand, "Bi Shui Suanni likes to eat gemstone fish the most. Let's hunt some gemstone fish and make them into grilled fish. I think Bishui Suanni will definitely eat them after smelling the smell." Can't bear it?"

Hu Wushuang stared at him blankly, "Shouldn't Bishui Suanni eat raw fish?"

"How do you know that Bishui Suanni eats raw fish? Have you ever seen it?" Fang Han asked.

Hu Wushuang was stunned, he had never seen it before.

"No matter how much Bishui Suanni likes water, he is still a Suanni, and his constitution is fire." Fang Han explained, "So, there is a half chance that he will eat cooked food."

No matter how he heard it, Hu Wushuang felt that Fang Han was trying to argue, but he couldn't convince Fang Han, so he had to listen to him.

The two flew over the clear water, Fang Han opened the paper bag, revealing the bait inside.This is a kind of earthworm in the world of heaven and man, and it is the favorite of all fish.At the beginning, Fang Han bought it casually, so that he could keep it for pretending to be X. If this thing is brought to the human world, let alone fishing, it will be no problem to catch sharks.

As a result, after returning to the human world, Fang Han began to gradually move away from the secular world, and this bag of bait was completely useless.

Today, it finally came in handy.Based on the principle of not wasting, Fang Han poured the whole bag into the clear water.

Once the bait is put into the water, the surrounding water surface becomes active, countless fish rush towards this side, and the entire water surface is like a fish pond filled with rice, with continuous splashes.

"Whoa whoa-"

Hu Wushuang looked at the water in surprise, he didn't expect that the bait Fang Han took out would work.In such a short while, I am afraid that all the fish in a radius of two or three miles will swim over?


The sound of splashes became louder, and Fang Han saw that the fish below started biting each other, competing for the few baits.He hurriedly dodged, dodged to the side, and said to Hu Wushuang: "Don't look, get off the net quickly!"

"Oh!" Hu Wushuang finally came to his senses, and threw the fishing net in his hand into the water!

He has never fished before, but such a simple thing as casting a net is not difficult for him.The mana is input into the fishing net, and the whole fishing net becomes larger, covering all the gathered fish.

The fish sensed that it was too late for the net to escape, and as the net got tighter and tighter, they finally couldn't move.

There are a lot of fish in the net, and if they are placed on the earth, the fish in the net can only be salvaged by ocean-going fishing vessels.But Hu Wushuang easily raised the shore with one hand, "What should we do with these fish?"

"It's all baked!" Fang Han said to Hu Wushuang: "You use your power to protect the fishing net, and leave the rest to me!"

Hu Wushuang didn't know what he was going to do, so he had to input mana to protect every line of the fishing net.Then he saw Fang Han stretch out his hands, and two flames burned in his hands, rushing towards the fishing net.

"Hey!" Hu Wushuang was startled, and reminded loudly: "Don't burn me!"

If it were ordinary flames, of course he wouldn't be afraid, but this is Dragon Breath Technique.Dragon Breath Technique is a popular spell in the demon world, but it is for the nobles. The Little Fox got the Dragon Breath Technique from the Hu family, but he lied to Fang Han and said he got it from the auction house.

Although the auction house in the Demon Imperial City also has the dragon's breath technique, each book has to buy thousands of spirit stones. The Fox family has this money, but the little fox ran away from home, and she doesn't have it. The "Dragon's Breath" "Skills" is what she used to learn by herself.

Fang Han didn't know anything about it, so he smiled and said to Hu Wushuang, "Don't worry! You won't be burned!"

Two streams of flames burned upward from the bottom of the fishing net, and after passing through the fishing net, they flowed between the gaps in the fish school, quickly turning the fishing net into a fireball.

Soon the fish was cooked, and a faint scent came out from the fishy smell.Hu Wushuang couldn't help but sniffled. He hadn't fully transformed into a human form yet, and it was hard to resist the smell mixed with fishy smell.

The fishy smell is in line with the taste of monsters, and the fragrance is in line with human tastes. The mixture of the two smells just suits his current taste.

He swallowed and spit, inexplicably wanting to eat.

Seeing his appearance, Fang Han laughed, "We have to wait for a while to eat, let's move on to the next step!"

"What's the next step?" Hu Wushuang asked.

"You don't think you can lure out the clear water lions, do you? Are these fish spiced? The aroma won't disperse too far. You fly over the clear water with a fishing net, and I'll follow behind you!" Fang Han Said.

Hu Wushuang was speechless for a while, why am I carrying it?But he didn't ask this, because he knew that once Bishui Suanni took the lead, Fang Han would still need to attack, and his strength was not comparable to that of Bishui Suanni.

Thinking of this, he was a little discouraged.I am a master of the tribulation stage, but I think that I am not as good as a monk in the birth stage, how can I justify this?

Don't say anything, let's work!
Fang Han followed Hu Wushuang, holding the Qianji Sword in his hand, and his spiritual consciousness continued to spread outward, trying to find the trace of Bishui Suanni.As long as he finds it, Fang Han will have a chance to attack. He doesn't think Bishui Suanni can escape Qianji Sword, nor does he think Bishui Suanni can block Qianji Sword's attack.

Even if Bishui Suanni is powerful, it is only a period of ascension.The demon world, like the celestial and human world, gave the creatures of the two worlds more aura, but also restricted their development. As long as they were in these two worlds, their upper limit was the peak of the ascension period.

As for becoming a god, Fang Han believes that there will be, but it will not be so easy.Because he has seen a real god, above the Heavenly Palace, even a guard is a god.Their strength may not be very strong, but his characteristics are not something that this world can develop.

Fang Han even suspected that if he wanted to become a god, he should first reach the God Realm!Only by absorbing the aura of the gods can one become a god.

Time passed little by little, and Hu Wushuang had already flown around the clear water with the fishing net.The fish in the net were also burnt due to the fire, and more than half of them fell into the clear water.

"It doesn't seem to work!" After returning to the shore, Hu Wushuang said worriedly.

"Don't worry! We have tried a wrong method!" Fang Han looked optimistic, "Let's eat first! We are trying another method in the afternoon."

"Is there another way?" Hu Wushuang looked at Fang Han suspiciously.

"Of course!" Fang Han found a place to sit down, took out the roast chicken and handed it to Hu Wushuang.

Hu Wushuang took it, even if Fang Han's method didn't work, he would have to eat first before talking.He flew around with the fish just now, and he was so greedy.

(End of this chapter)

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