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Chapter 596 It's too weird!

Chapter 596 It's too weird!
After hearing what he said, Britney understood what was going on.However, even if it is just the method of absorbing spiritual energy, it will be a great improvement for her. As long as she can absorb the spiritual energy in her body, her strength will be greatly improved, and she is likely to become the most powerful transcendent in Australia.

Fang Han handed the formula to Britney, and then put his hand on her shoulder, guiding her to control the aura with magic power and find the running route.

After a while, Britney learned this method and began to practice with concentration.

Fang Han, who was doing nothing, looked around, but there was still no living thing.He sat next to the fire and began to pack his things to ensure his long-term survival in the demon world.

When opening a treasure bag, he suddenly saw a glimmer of light inside.

"What is this?" Fang Han took out the glowing object and saw clearly that it was a piece of cloth.

Isn't this the treasure map I got from the Spirit Marten?How did the light come?
He opened the treasure map curiously and immediately saw two bright lights on it, a small dot in the valley of the map, which should be their location.Another big point is in a city not far away, almost occupying the entire city!
"Is there a city near here?"

Fang Han guessed, but he didn't verify it.It's dark now, it's very laborious to verify, it's better to wait until tomorrow morning to verify.

When he got this treasure map before, he didn't have any clues at all, so he just threw it into the treasure bag and gathered dust.I thought I had made a loss-making deal, but I didn't expect that the location recorded on the treasure map was actually in the demon world.

What treasures are there in that city?Fang Han started to look forward to it, wouldn't he give himself a city?
The night passed quickly, and after the sky was bright, the four of them finished their breakfast.

Fang Han said to the three women: "I have a treasure map here. The treasure location shown on it is near here. I want to go and see it."

"Really?" Guan Xuanxuan said happily, "What kind of treasure is it?"

"I don't know!" Fang Han handed her the treasure map.

Britney said with some worry: "Do we have time to find the treasure? Aren't there still pursuers behind us?"

"It should be thrown away!" The little fox said: "We are taking a very hidden route, and it is very difficult to find us! Not all goblins have the courage to enter the range of the mountain."

"Alright then!" Britney shrugged, "Then go and have a look!"

Guan Xuanxuan took the treasure map and looked up, down, left, and right for a long time, but she didn't see why. "What is this thing? If it weren't for the light on it, I wouldn't believe that this thing is a treasure map."

Fang Han took back the treasure map and said with a smile: "If there is any treasure, don't you know if you go over there and have a look?"

"That's right!" Guan Xuanxuan no longer struggled, "Then let's leave quickly!"

"it is good!"

The four of them got on the flying sword one after another, and then set off again, flying towards the location of the treasure!

After flying for a few ten minutes, the four of them saw the city recorded on the map. It was a very large city and looked very glorious.

"Such a big city?" Guan Xuanxuan pointed at the city wall in astonishment, "Is it 100 meters?"

"Almost!" said the little fox, "However, this kind of city is very common in the demon world, and the walls of the Demon Imperial City are much higher than this!"

"Really!" Guan Xuanxuan asked in confusion: "How did such a high city wall be built? This matter surpassed manpower, okay?"

"Of course it's a spell!" Fang Han said with a chuckle.

When Guan Xuanxuan heard this, she immediately patted her head and remained silent.Indeed, with magic, a city wall higher than this can be built.

Britney was also shocked, "If this is placed on the earth, it can be regarded as a miracle."

The three of them didn't speak, they all knew that Britney was just expressing emotion.

Fang Han pressed the tip of the sword, and the four of them fell to the ground, walked to the city gate, and walked in through the rotten city gate!

After the four of them passed through the city gate and saw the scene inside, they immediately made such a judgment.

The buildings in the city were dilapidated, almost all collapsed, and only a few buildings were still standing among the ruins.Around these buildings, there are a lot of weeds growing, almost as tall as a person.

Fang Han looked at the weeds and frowned.

The little fox asked on the side: "Is there anything wrong with these weeds?"

The other two women also looked over with concern.

Fang Han pondered for a while, "Is there a lot of this kind of grass in the demon world?"

"There are a lot of them!" the little fox said, "These are the most common weeds. There are a lot of them even near Demon Imperial City."

Fang Han shook his head and said, "Aren't the weeds on the side of the Demon Imperial City like this without any aura?"

"What?" The little fox was stunned, stared at the weeds carefully, and then said strangely: "How could this be? Could something have absorbed the spiritual energy in the weeds?"

"It should be!" Fang Han looked around with a solemn expression and said to the three women: "Be careful in a while, I'm afraid there may be danger here."

The three women nodded and began to look around, hoping to find the source of danger first.

But the surrounding area was quiet, not even a trace of wind.The weeds are only swaying regularly under the pressure of their own weight, and they look very safe.

Fang Han looked around for a week, but found no danger.However, he saw another strange sight, that is, a large amount of wall skin inside the city wall fell off.

But the city wall is made of stones, where does the wall skin come from?
He looked over carefully, only to find that, for unknown reasons, the stones inside the city wall were weathered, and the surface of the stones turned into sand, which kept falling down, forming a small hill opposite the city wall.

It's so weird!
The three women also discovered this. They looked at each other, their eyes even more wary, and they subconsciously moved closer to Fang Han!
Fang Han has nothing to do, he always has a bad feeling, but this feeling is not very strong.When he couldn't figure it out, he took out the treasure map to see what had changed.

The map displayed on the treasure map has become a map of the entire city. In the center of the city, there is a square.On the square, this high platform was erected, and the highlight was on this high platform. It seemed that it was where the treasures were located.

"Let's go forward!" Fang Han took out the Purple Gold Sword and walked along the avenue.

The avenue paved with stones has been covered with moss since no one has walked around for a long time.And in the gaps, a lot of weeds have grown, and it can be seen that these weeds have strong vitality.


Fang Han cut off a clump of weeds blocking the way, and led the three girls forward.


A strange voice sounded from a distance, and the four of them immediately stopped, looking around vigilantly.But after waiting for a long time, they didn't find anything weird, so they couldn't help but become suspicious.

"What's that sound?" Guan Xuanxuan asked, "It seems to be cicadas."

"It's really similar!" The little fox said uncertainly: "But the cicadas in the demon world can't become spirits, nor can they become extraordinary creatures, so they don't pose much threat to us."

(End of this chapter)

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