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Chapter 585 Find the Exit

Chapter 585 Find the Exit
But Guan Xuanxuan became vigilant, and immediately turned to look at Fang Han fiercely.It's fine if it's a general life-saving grace, but the life-saving grace of men and women is different, this is the rhythm of body-to-body promises!And my boyfriend is so promiscuous, what if he really has something to do with this vixen——

Thinking of this, Guan Xuanxuan felt uncomfortable all over, and the awkward feeling she had just suppressed emerged again.

Fang Han was looked at inexplicably, what was he doing?Shouldn't you be watching Little Fox?
Being made a little hairy by Guan Xuanxuan, Fang Han coughed lightly, "Okay, let's keep going!"

The four monsters did not resist this time, and they really wanted to know what other magical things were in this cave.

After a few steps to the middle of the stalactites, it was only then that I realized that the cave is actually not very big, but that the stalactites are layered on top of each other, creating an effect similar to a mirror house, which magnifies the space of the cave countless times.

"It's so amazing." Britney touched the stalactites on the edge of the cave, looked at its smooth mirror-like surface, and kept admiring.

The four goblins kept rolling their eyes in front of them, the women in the human world were really ignorant.Not to mention this naturally formed illusion, even if the space is folded, a house becomes a ten-house-sized cave, they have all seen it.

The little fox didn't take it seriously either, she was more concerned with sizing up the creatures in the cave.The best things in this cave are these creatures.

There is a saying in cultivating Taoism, which is called taking the aura of heaven and earth and gathering the essence of the sun and the moon.

The essence of the sun and the moon refers to the light with aura, the most perfect cultivation resource.The essence of the sun and the moon can not only help in cultivation, but also help in training treasures, with many functions.

The light emitted by these creatures is not particularly strong, and it is incomparable with the essence of the sun and the moon.To be honest, Fang Han has practiced Taoism for so long, and he has been in Ten Thousand Realms for five times, but he has never seen what the essence of the sun and moon is like.

"It's really a blessed place!" Harrier Spirit was the most sensitive, although he was restrained by the demon rope, he could still feel the aura contained in those lights.

Xiang Jing nodded and agreed, "That's true. If we had found this cave before, the current situation would not have happened."

After hearing this, Ji Jing's cockscomb drooped a little, "What's the use of talking about it now!"

Indeed, they are all already prisoners, and it is meaningless to say these hypotheses.

The little fox walked up to a creature, reached out and took a small flying octopus in his hand.Immediately, a strong aura penetrated into her body, increasing her strength.

This feeling is very magical. She experimented, and the closer she was to the flying octopus, the more aura it emitted.Moreover, she didn't need her exercise, the light entered his body automatically, just like sunlight being photosynthesized by plants.

Everyone in the group was very curious about the things in the cave, only Xiudao Mengxin Guan Xuanxuan didn't care much.Although she also caught a creature, while watching a novelty, she swung around Fang Han and the little fox from the corner of her eye.

Seeing that the two didn't have any strange expressions, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued to appreciate the creature in their hands.

Tsk tsk, so beautiful!

Fang Han also felt the speed of absorbing the light at close range, and shook his head slightly.It's still a bit slow, and it will take at least a year for him to advance if he carries a luminous creature with him.

This is not in line with Fang Han's expectations at all, it would be better to eat food and wine from the Heaven and Human Realm for three meals!According to Fang Han's estimation, it would only take eight months for him to upgrade to three meals a day.

In this way, this creature is a bit tasteless to Fang Han.

On the contrary, it had the greatest effect on Mengxin Guan Xuanxuan, and soon the spiritual power in her body continued to increase in price, and after a while, a surge of spiritual power surged all over her body, forming a storm of spiritual power around her, blowing around.

The blowing force of the third-level and fourth-level winds blows away all the surrounding creatures, causing others to stare sideways.

Britney's eyes widened. She had no idea that Guan Xuanxuan was promoted like this, and it caused quite a commotion.She looked at the glowing creature blown away from her hand. She could also feel her hand being warm as if something was drilling into it, but she couldn't use this power at all.

The little fox pouted at the side, "It's just the gasification period!"

Annoyance flashed across the faces of the four goblins. They were observing the luminous creatures well, but they were disturbed by Guan Xuanxuan.

But seeing Guan Xuanxuan's appearance, they did not dare to express dissatisfaction on their faces.They were taught a lesson by Fang Han just now, and now they have a long memory.

Guan Xuanxuan slowly opened her eyes, and looked at Fang Han with joy, "I've advanced again, and it's so easy to practice Taoism?"

Short answer?Several other people's faces became weird.If it were easy to practice Taoism, they wouldn't have to practice for years and years, and they would have to take shortcuts to find treasures from heaven and earth.

Even Fang Han, who has many treasures, has nothing to do with Xuanxuan's speed of advancing to the body training stage and the gas transformation stage.

Fang Han looked at Guan Xuanxuan helplessly. If other monks heard this, they would probably want to kill her.

The little fox and the four monsters also cast envious eyes, and the process of becoming a spirit was even more difficult.Especially crossing out the crossbone, it is impossible to complete without ten or eight years.

Human aptitude has always been the object of their envy, but now they are even more envious, because Guan Xuanxuan has a lot of resources around her that can be used, which is in stark contrast to them.

Britney was already fascinated, and she couldn't help but glance at Fang Han, thinking in her heart: If she can absorb Guangzhong's energy like the Huaxia cultivator, this time should be too late.

Fang Han is speechless, why are these three women not finished yet, what are they doing all the time looking at themselves?
He frowned slightly, walked up to Guan Xuanxuan, and grabbed Guan Xuanxuan who was dancing excitedly: "Don't touch these things for the time being, your foundation is not stable now, and you will touch these after you have consolidated."

Guan Xuanxuan looked at Fang Han puzzled, "Why? I feel like I have inexhaustible strength all over my body. I can lift a big rock just like those people on the beach."

"I'm talking about your realm!" Fang Han said.

Then he looked at the protruding hole, and not far away he saw a light spot that was different from the luminescent creature.

"I seem to have found an exit, let's go there!"

Everyone raised their heads and looked in the direction Fang Han was looking at, and they also found that different light.

The four monsters moved towards the light, driven by Fang Han.Britney quickly withdrew her envious eyes, and followed quickly. When she entered the cave, she found something that she would never forget in her life. So what is there outside the cave?

Guan Xuanxuan stomped her feet a little unhappy when she saw that these people had all left.But even though it was his boyfriend who gave the orders?She could only follow up helplessly.

The corner of the little fox's mouth curled into a smile, and he followed step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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