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Chapter 575 The Power of the Elm Demon

Chapter 575 The Power of the Elm Demon

Another vine rushed out, trapping a soldier at once, and then tied him in mid-air.

The minister took off the signal gun from the communications soldier's waist and fired at the vine.The signal bomb hit the vines, and the phosphorus inside spontaneously ignited, generating high temperatures and burning the vines.

The soldier fell down and quickly broke free from the vines, only then looked into the forest with lingering fear.

"Change incendiary bombs!" The minister said loudly, "These vines are afraid of flames! Don't worry about igniting the forest. Your safety comes first."

The minister didn't say it clearly, because he knew that if he wanted to burn this forest, it would not be possible for incendiary bombs to do it. It would take hundreds of aerial incendiary bombs, right?

The soldiers immediately ran back, opened the box, and replaced most of the bullets on their bodies with incendiary bombs.

The minister also picked up a gun, and then waved to the waiting people in the open space, "Let's go in, those vines are not mainly attacking us, we are looking in the direction where the vines went, it should be Britney them."

"Yes!" There was a large group of thirty or forty people, all of whom were elite soldiers or members of the Supervision Department.

The Minister said to the Signal Corps: "Notice to put on, let Jeffrey take over command."

After speaking, he followed those people into the forest.

After entering the forest, there were more vines. While avoiding the vines, a soldier hid behind a tree, and was almost turned into coke by electricity.

"Don't get close to those trees, use incendiary bombs when you see vines!" the minister said loudly.

"Head, we don't seem to have enough incendiary bombs!" A soldier said looking at the dense vines.

"That's enough! Trust me! These vines won't all attack us!" the minister said, "Follow me."

Everyone began to walk along the relatively spacious place in the woods, and after a while, they saw a mineral water bottle, which was thrown here by Britney just after drinking the water.

"It seems that we are on the right track!" The minister picked up the mineral water bottle and looked at it, then waved his hand, "Let's keep going, they should always follow this path."

Soon, they arrived at the creek and found Britney's lost communicator and satellite images.

"This is Britney's!" The minister looked around, and then pointed upstream of the creek. They should go upstream, let's go there! "

"Head, the terrain is too dangerous to go upstream, and it's impossible to get past people." A special warfare elite said.

"Don't treat them as normal human beings!" The minister waved at his subordinates, "Go up first!"

A few extraordinary people walked quickly and arrived in front of the big rocks. With a strong jump, they jumped onto the insurmountable big rocks.

"This—" The special warfare elite was dumbfounded. He was well-informed, but this was the first time he had seen such a thing.

"Don't look, these are very easy for a transcendent." His companion patted him on the shoulder and said.

"They are extraordinary?" The special warfare elite murmured, and when they looked up, they already showed envious eyes, "If only I could become an extraordinary!"

The transcendents of the Supervision Department had already let down the rope, and the special warfare elite climbed up by the rope, and the large force continued to move forward.

There are still vines attacking from time to time around, but these vines are not a big threat to extraordinary people, even these special warfare elites can easily kill these vines.

So these people advanced very fast, and soon saw the three people trapped in place by dense vines not far away.However, they could not see the silhouette of the three people, only dense vines.

The elm demon turned to look at these uninvited guests, "There are still a group of mortals? How dare you step into my territory? You are looking for death!"

When everyone saw the elm tree demon, they were all confused. Is this a human being?Why are there branches growing on his head?

The minister felt the strength of the elm demon, and said loudly: "Fire, don't let him move!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately pulled the trigger on the elm tree demon.

"Clap clap-"

There was an endless stream of gunfire, and countless incendiary bombs hit the elm demon.

"No mortal's weapon can harm me!" The elm demon didn't care about these fire sticks that could spray round cakes, he was a goblin.

"Puff puff--"

One by one red round bullets hit his body and exploded instantly, flames burst out and engulfed him inside.The robe on his body was set on fire, and a lot of branches on his head were also burned.

"Ah—" The elm demon was extremely annoyed, he didn't expect that his own carelessness would make him feel embarrassed.

He suddenly jumped into the stream, extinguished the flames, stared at these people, and said viciously: "You mortals, die to me!"

As he spoke, he controlled some of the surrounding vines to turn around and rushed towards those people.

"Defense! Defense!" the minister said loudly.

"Papa-papa--" Everyone immediately shot around, igniting the approaching vines.

Guan Xuanxuan leaned on Fang Han's back depressedly, she could no longer shoot flaming arrows, and she had already drank a bottle of spirit wine.The only thing she can be thankful for now is that she seems to have grasped some strange feelings and raised her mana ceiling a lot.

In fact, Fang Han knew that Guan Xuanxuan had officially entered the Qi refining period and could become a monk.After returning, he will immediately teach her the "Dragon's Breath Technique". Using the dragon's breath technique and the fire birch crossbow, Guan Xuanxuan will be able to fight against the monks in the alchemy stage.

"It's the minister!" Britney heard the voice, and immediately said to Fang Han: "They came to save us?"

Fang Han naturally also heard the sound of fighting outside, and couldn't help shaking his head: "They are not the opponents of the elm tree demon, you two lean together!"

Guan Xuanxuan felt a little reluctance in her heart, but she still walked to Britney's side.Britney hugged Guan Xuanxuan directly, and then looked at Fang Han.

Fang Han took out a set of talisman papers from the treasure bag, and threw it at the two of them.

This set of talismans spread out suddenly before it came into contact with the two people, and then surrounded them. A golden light shield emerged from these talismans.

"What is this?" Britney was so surprised that she reached out to touch the talisman paper.

"Don't touch!" Fang Han said hurriedly: "This formation can withstand the attacks of those vines, but it cannot be touched from the inside. The formation will be ineffective as soon as it is touched!"

The two girls nodded immediately, but they still looked at the talisman paper curiously. They couldn't figure out how the talisman paper emitted golden light.

Protecting the two women, Fang Han swung his hands, and the dozen or so purple gold swords immediately turned into dozens, and changed into seven or eight sword shields in mid-air.This sword shield was the sword shield he used as a flying sword in Feiliu Mountain not long ago, and the fast spinning flying sword cut off all the vines that approached, and quickly helped Fang Han clear a passage.

(End of this chapter)

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