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Chapter 565 Lost the face of the Guan family

Chapter 565 Lost the face of the Guan family

"Are your wings stiff?" Ai Wushuang was so angry that he was almost incoherent.

Guan Xuanxuan sneered and said, "Don't say you can't beat me, just use your identity to suppress me!"

Ai Wushuang pointed at Guan Xuanxuan and said, "Good! Good! Don't you want a reason? I'll give you a reason!"

She pointed at Fang Han again and said, "Let me see how long you can pretend?"

As she said that, she took out her mobile phone, typed in it, pulled out a video, threw it on the table, and said to Guan Xuanxuan: "Don't you want to know why I don't like him?"

Guan Xuanxuan reached for the phone and looked at the video on it with doubts on her face.She turned her head to look at Fang Han, "Didn't you go to the reception with Brandon last night?"

"Yes!" Fang Han nodded, is there any problem?
As soon as he turned around, he was about to look at the phone in Guan Xuanxuan's hand, only to find a woman standing not far away, waving at him.

This woman really lingers!Fang Han felt impatient for a while, but he didn't take it to heart.

He continued to look down at the video on his phone, and then his face became weird.He looked up at Deng Jiaqi, then looked at the blond woman in the distance from the corner of his eye, and thought: What a coincidence!All parties are here!
He could already see that the video was recorded by Deng Jiaqi, because when he came out of the room, only Deng Jiaqi had a face-to-face meeting with him, and the conversation between the two was correct.

And the blonde woman in the distance is the heroine in the video - Britney!
After Britney left last night, she immediately asked for leave from the TV station.She needs to follow Fang Han around the clock and has no time to go to work.But the position she vacated needs to be replaced by someone, otherwise, the TV station will be in chaos.

Originally, when she saw Fang Han, she wanted to come directly, but when she saw the people around him, she seemed to have something to say.So she didn't go over, just waved to Fang Han, and sat down behind a rich tree not far away, waiting for them to finish talking before going over.

However, her ears are always listening to everything here.

The other three didn't see Britney and knew nothing about it.

"Who is that woman?" Guan Xuanxuan asked teasingly, she didn't seem very angry.

"I don't know either!" Fang Han shrugged, "That's a problem, but you should ask Brother Deng, he even struck up a conversation with this woman yesterday!"

"Really?" Guan Xuanxuan looked up and looked at Deng Jiaqi with a half-smile, "Didn't you go with Fang Han yesterday?"

"That's right, but we didn't stay together the whole time!" Deng Jiaqi said with some guilt.

"What reception?" Ai Wushuang asked puzzled.

Guan Xuanxuan put her phone back on the coffee table, "Yesterday Deng Jiaqi invited us to the opera house to listen to an opera, where I met opera singer Brandon. Brandon was very enthusiastic about Fang Han, so he insisted on inviting Fang Han to the reception. It was me Instigated him to go, said you liked Australian high-class people."

"You went too?" Ai Wushuang asked.

"No, I was too tired yesterday, so I went back early. The two of them went together." Guan Xuanxuan looked at Deng Jiaqi.

"I just said, we were not together the whole time!" Deng Jiaqi said innocently.

"Indeed!" Fang Han nodded.

Ai Wushuang said with a cold face: "So, you slept with someone else?"

"Pfft!" Britney spit out the coffee in her mouth, she could understand what these four people were talking about, it turned out that they were talking about the scandal yesterday!

"I didn't!" Fang Han said indifferently.

"Judging from the video, it's not true!" Deng Jiaqi said from the side.

Ai Wushuang snorted coldly, "You still want to quibble, but now that the evidence is solid, you still want to quibble!"

Fang Han looked at Guan Xuanxuan speechlessly, "Don't blame me! She won't believe anything I say."

"I know!" Guan Xuanxuan nodded with a smile. She was in a particularly good mood to see her boyfriend deflate for her.

Seeing that her daughter was still smiling, Ai Wushuang's face became more gloomy, and she tapped on the table with her fingers, "You're still laughing, this bastard has done such a thing, can you still laugh?"

"Then do I still have to cry?" Guan Xuanxuan could see that her mother had entered the unreasonable stage, and it was useless to say anything to her now.

Ai Wushuang was very angry, and said in a cold tone: "I don't care, you break up with him quickly. I just agreed with Jiaqi, and I will let you get married in a few days!"

"Huh?" Britney was surprised. Is this an arranged marriage?Is it too casual?
Are arranged marriages in China so casual?No wonder Huaxia wants to resolutely ban it, it is too devoid of human rights.Can't be with the person you like, Huaxia women are so sad!
She didn't know much about Huaxia, and she kept making up her own mind.

"What?" Guan Xuanxuan looked at her mother incredulously, "What do you think I am? Cargo?"

"Of course I treat you as my daughter!" Ai Wushuang said.

"Mom is also for your own good. He is incapable and doesn't know how to behave. How can you live with such a man for the rest of your life? Jiaqi is different. If you have a family, you don't dislike you. What else are you not satisfied with?" of?"

"Dislike?" Guan Xuanxuan looked at her mother inexplicably, "What do you dislike about me?"

"I hate that you are not a big girl with yellow flowers!" Ai Wushuang said angrily: "You are like this now, who can look up to you?"

"Pfft!" Britney spit out the coffee again, oh my god!Are all Chinese people so conservative?Can't have sex without getting married?After going to bed, you can only be designated for marriage. It's terrible!

Guan Xuanxuan was very annoyed, she stared at Ai Wushuang, "Are you my real mother?"

"Why am I not your real mother?" Ai Wushuang hiccupped, feeling drunk again, and his mind was a little unclear, "If it's not your real mother, I care about you? Look at what he is doing? The Guan family Missy's boyfriend is looking for a woman outside, you have really disgraced the Guan family and the Ai family."

Guan Xuanxuan couldn't stop laughing, "I figured it out, so you did it for your family's face, didn't you?"

Ai Wushuang raised his eyebrows when he heard this, "What? Are you Guan family shameless?"

Guan Xuanxuan said decisively: "Our Guan family does not rely on this to compete for face!"

"You!" Ai Wushuang was furious.

Deng Jiaqi hastily poured another cup of tea for Ai Wushuang, and said to Guan Xuanxuan, "Xuanxuan, can't you talk nicely? Look, Auntie is so angry!"

"You—" Guan Xuanxuan wanted to shut him up, but Fang Han stopped him.

She looked at her boyfriend and didn't know what he wanted to do, but Fang Han waved her to sit down, and then said: "Looking for women outside is to embarrass Guan and Ai? Brother Deng didn't seem to be idle last night, did he? The star, the one named Carly, disappeared with Brother Deng for 10 minutes!"

"Oh?" Guan Xuanxuan couldn't help laughing when she heard Fang Han's words, "Don't say that you went to the bathroom with that Carly."

"Huh?" Ai Wushuang frowned and turned to look at Deng Jiaqi.

(End of this chapter)

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