Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 556 Surveillance Protocol

Chapter 556 Surveillance Protocol
Deng Jiaqi only had bright eyes, hurriedly took out his mobile phone, and took a few photos of Fang Han and Britney.

"Ahem!" Brandon reminded from the side: "Deng, this is a private club, please don't take pictures here, if you wear it out, it will have a bad influence on everyone!"

"Oh, I know!" Deng Jiaqi quickly put away his phone.

Brandon added: "So, when you want to take a picture, don't let people see it!"

When Deng Jiaqi heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows. It turns out you didn't advise me not to take the photo!Depend on!You white people are really pretty and you want to build a memorial arch.But he thought about it and said, "I know Brandon, I won't take any more pictures."

Brandon laughed immediately, it seemed that Deng Jiaqi understood what he said.Now he has completely put aside Fang Han's respectful attitude before, and is completely on Deng Jiaqi's side.

Fang Han saw Deng Jiaqi taking a picture of himself, and didn't care at all.It doesn't matter even if he shows it to Guan Xuanxuan, whether he has anything to do with this foreign girl.

Seeing that Fang Han was absent-minded, Britney's heart moved, and she led him to jump, thinking about the stairs beside him.After approaching the stairs, she immediately dragged Fang Han up to the second floor.

Fang Han followed behind without saying a word, he wanted to see what this foreign girl wanted to do.

Deng Jiaqi saw it from a distance, stood up immediately, and said to Brandon, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Then, without waiting for Brandon to react, he immediately followed the second floor.As soon as he came up the stairs, he saw Fang Han being pulled into a room. After leaning over, he immediately turned on the video and taped it on the crack of the door to record.

Fang Han saw Britney locked the door and leaned against the dresser, wanting to see what she was doing.

Britney gave him a charming look, and stretched out her hand to unzip the skirt, revealing another tight dress underneath, but this one was white, shorter and more form-fitting than the previous one.

This is not the point, the point is that Britney took out a piece of A4 paper in the red dress outside before, with dense words written on it.

She walked to Fang Han in a few steps, put the paper on the dressing table, and then pressed her body against Fang Han's body, "Mr. Fang, sign this."

Fang Han didn't even look at the paper, but jokingly said, "Are you seducing me?"

Britney laughed and said, "If you think it is, then it is!"

Fang Han chuckled, "If you can take away the two guns above, I would think so."

Britney was stunned, "How did you find out?"

Fang Han grinned, "Unless you can grow four heads!"

four heads?Britney didn't understand it at first, but soon she understood it. Embarrassed, she took a step back and said to Fang Lenghan, "Stop talking nonsense, sign the thing!"

Fang Han saw that she was in a state of being busy with business, so he didn't bother to talk to him.Picking up the piece of paper and taking a look, he found that it was all in English, and there were some vocabulary on it that he hadn't learned yet.He held it up and asked, "What is this?"

"This is a monitoring agreement for foreign superhumans in Australia!" Britney said, "Only by signing this can you legally operate in Australia."

Fang Han chuckled, "I've already applied for a visa, why do I need to sign this?"

"The visa is for ordinary people, extraordinary people must sign this!"

Shaking his head lightly, Fang Han said, "My English is not good, so I don't know what is written on it."

"This is your code of conduct in Australia. In Australia, you are not allowed to use mana, you are not allowed to leave the city for too long, and you are not allowed to—"

Before she finished speaking, Fang Han tore off the piece of paper.

"You—" Britney stared at Fang Han, "You dare to kill the agreement!"

"Don't allow this, don't allow that, why are there so many messes, just let others not mess with me!" Fang Han said: "No one messes with me, so I'm too lazy to find fault everywhere!"

"No!" Britney stared at Fang Han and said, "Who knows you are a good guy or a bad guy, you have to sign for me, and then wear our supervision bracelet."

As she said that, she took out another agreement from the red skirt, then took off the bracelet on her hand, and reached out to pull Fang Han's hand.

Fang Han flipped her hands and pressed her hands, "Do you still want to use force?"

"Yongqiang will make you sign it!" A burst of white light suddenly appeared on Britney's body, and her strength suddenly increased. She grabbed Fang Han's hand and raised the bracelet to put it on Fang Han's wrist. Buckle it.

Fang Han raised the corner of his mouth, looking at the energy on Britney with great interest.This kind of energy is absolutely different from the mana he uses, and it is also different from the energy used by ninjas. Instead, it is close to an element. This element is very tyrannical. When it is added to the human body, it can be strengthened. Human strength.

His eyes were watching, but his hand didn't stop for the answer.With a movement of his hand, he slapped Britney's chest with his palm and knocked her out.

"Bang!" Britney flew directly onto the bed. There was a sudden movement inside the white skirt, and two springs flew out from inside. Inside the tube, there is a golden pointed tip, which is a special bullet.

The two simple pistols that hit her chest were easily broken by Fang Han. Britney was annoyed, but she didn't care too much.This thing was originally intended to be used by surprise, and it can be used again if it is broken.

What she loved was Fang Han's strength again. Judging from his palm just now, it surpassed her by too much.

However, she was still unconvinced, rearranged her skirt, quickly jumped down, and said to Fang Han: "If you don't sign this agreement, I will let all the extraordinary supervisors arrest you!"

Fang Han frowned slightly, "Extraordinary supervisor? What exactly do you do?"

Britney smiled proudly: "I am a host on the surface, but I am also the public opinion controller of the Super Supervision Department, so my strength is indeed not very good, but other people are different. They are I have dealt with you people all the year round, and I am very experienced in dealing with you."

She took out a siren and shook it at Fang Han, "Sign the agreement now and put on the bracelet, or I'll call for backup!"

Fang Han nodded, it turned out that was the case, he finally knew why Britney was looking for him.

But he wouldn't give her a chance to call out to her companions, so he took a step forward and stepped directly in front of her.

Britney looked at Fang Han who was stuck in front of her in astonishment, and the hand holding the siren subconsciously pressed it, only to find that it was empty!

Fang Han smugly shook the siren in his hand, and when he closed his hand, the siren disappeared.

Britney looked at Fang Han angrily, "Give me back my siren!"

Fang Han smiled softly, "You are really naive."

(End of this chapter)

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