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Chapter 551 Isolating Fang Han

Chapter 551 Isolating Fang Han
"No wonder you know so much about opera!" Frank said with a smile: "Your surname is Deng, do you know what it has to do with Bruce Deng from Adelaide?"

"Bruce Deng is my grandfather, my father is my grandfather's eldest son, and I am my father's eldest son!" Deng Jiaqi said with a smile.

"Oh!" Frank suddenly realized, "I see!"

There are seven provinces in Australia, and the capital Melbourne is located in Victoria Province in the southeast corner of the Australian mainland.In the south of the province of Victoria is the province of Tasmania, to the north is the province of New South Wales where Sydney is located, and to the north is the province of Queensland.

To the west is the province of South Australia, and the provincial capital is Adelaide.In the north of South Australia is the Northern Territory, and to the west is Western Australia.

Most of the overseas Chinese in Australia gather in the provincial capitals of various provinces.Guan Xuanxuan's mother's family is in Melbourne, while Deng's is in Adelaide.

These large overseas Chinese families are also local overseas Chinese leaders with a lot of money.

The reason why Guan Xuanxuan's father married Guan Xuanxuan's mother was because of foreign investment.After the two marriages, the Guan family rose rapidly, and the Xu family where Guan Xuanxuan's mother lived also quickly caught the fast train of domestic development and became the leader of overseas Chinese in Australia in one fell swoop.

The Deng family has been developing in Australia since the late Qing Dynasty and has always been in Adelaide.However, the reason why they came out was to avoid the war. Because they were loyal to the Qing Dynasty, they always had a bad impression in the country.

Although they were the first to come to Australia, their family developed the slowest because of their stubbornness.Back then, when the Xu family married the Guan family, some domestic families wanted to marry the Deng family, but they all refused, and they didn't want to go back to China at all.

Deng Jiaqi grew up in such a family, so it is not surprising that he has such a concept.In fact, they are not the only ones. Many overseas Chinese have more or less such thoughts. In the past, the country was weak and they were bullied outside, so they would definitely complain.

Even now, these people outside are still not going well.But this is a matter of politics and national conditions, and discrimination is everywhere.

In order to integrate into the Australian society, the Deng family began to think about studying in the West. They educated their children in the West. When they grew up, they went to famous Western schools to learn the etiquette of Western aristocrats, and tried their best to join the upper class in the West.

Just like the Japanese country back then, it was necessary to enter the mainstream Western society after breaking its head. In the end, the United Kingdom recognized the Japanese country for its own benefit, allowing the Japanese country to break away from Asia and enter Europe.

But the Deng family is different. They neither have the status of the Wa country nor the thoroughness of the Wa country.While learning the West, they did not give up the Chinese language, which is the foundation of their foothold in Adelaide.

If they don't speak Chinese, they can't become the leaders of overseas Chinese in Adelaide, and they don't have so much convenience.

It doesn't matter if you say it's bad, but you have to say it!

As for language, it means that if you talk too much, you can talk it out.

Therefore, the Deng family has always been excluded by the mainstream society in Australia. Although they are less excluded than other overseas Chinese leaders, they have never been able to integrate into the mainstream society.

Now, an opportunity for Deng Jiaqi to integrate into the mainstream society appeared in front of him, and he immediately seized the opportunity to get to know Frank.

This Frank is the minister of New South Wales Television, and he can be regarded as a powerful faction.

"Mr. Frank, what you said just now is so right. Many times I just want to make a proposal. But you also know that my family is very embarrassed now, and no one will listen even if I say it!" Deng Jiaqi told some After expressing his opinion on policy reform, Deng Jiaqi immediately agreed.

Frank nodded, "That's true. Although Australia is not the United States, there are still individual phenomena. But it is very difficult to eliminate this phenomenon. I still need us insightful people to work hard."

"That's right!"

Fang Han listened beside him, but there was no wave in his heart.Although Fang Han understood everything they said, he still recognized that Deng Jiaqi wanted to use Frank to enter mainstream Australian society.

This matter has nothing to do with him. He came to Australia for only one purpose, and that was to please his mother-in-law.As long as Deng Jiaqi doesn't interfere with his affairs, then he will be in charge of his death!
In the midst of boredom, Brandon finally walked out from the backstage.He was wearing Victoria, who was wearing an evening gown, and seemed to be going to the dinner too.

Frank and Deng Jiaqi stood up and greeted them.Frank said: "Brandon, this is Deng. His family is very powerful in Adelaide. Didn't you always want to go to Adelaide to find Wendy? Deng can help you!"

Brandon's eyes lit up and he stretched out his hand to Deng Jiaqi, "Really? Thank you then, Mr. Deng!"

"It is my honor to serve you!" Deng Jiaqi said with a smile.

Seeing that Deng Jiaqi was very familiar with Western etiquette, Victoria couldn't help but brighten up, "Has Mr. Deng received etiquette training?"

"Yes! I have received training in this area since I was a child, and I have never stopped!" Deng Jiaqi said with a smile.

"Really? Then you must be very good at ballroom dancing? When it's time for the dinner party, you must invite me to dance!"

"It's my pleasure!"

Fang Han also came over, and Brandon quickly said, "Victoria, this is the Mr. Fang I just told you about!"

Victoria frowned slightly, obviously not very interested in the casual Fang Han, and simply said: "Hello, Mr. Fang!"

"Hello!" Fang Han nodded, and he didn't want to have anything to do with a middle-aged foreign woman.

"Then let's go!" Brandon said immediately when he saw that several people seemed to be isolated from Fang Han.

"it is good!"

Everyone arrived at the parking lot. Although Heizi sent Guan Xuanxuan back, he still left the driver with him.As for the bodyguards, they all followed Guan Xuanxuan back. If those people followed Fang Han, it's hard to say who would protect whom!
Seeing that Fang Han had his own car, Brandon didn't say much. He took Victoria into the car and led the way.

Deng Jiaqi invited Frank to get into his car, and Frank readily agreed when he saw Deng Jiaqi's luxury car.

Seeing this situation, the driver driving Fang Han couldn't help saying to Fang Han, "Master, do you want to inform Miss?"

"No, you just need to drive and follow. I'll just follow and have fun. There's no need to make a fuss!" Fang Han said softly.

"Okay!" The driver is Heizi's younger brother, so he naturally knew Fang Han's ability, so he didn't say much.

The location of the banquet was not very far from the opera house, and it arrived at the place about 10 minutes later.This is also a club, and it should be the kind that only members can enter.

(End of this chapter)

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