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Chapter 55 The Resentful Little Fox

Chapter 55 The Resentful Little Fox

"Okay! You haven't come to the class for the past few days. These are the notes I took! Some key points have been drawn, and you want to review it yourself by combining your notes and textbooks! If you have any difficulties in the future, remember to tell me. "

Hearing Fang Han's answer, Hua Xiaoran smiled and said helplessly when he took out a note from his bag and handed it to Fang Han.

Why helpless?Because she didn't know how many times she said the same thing, but she never saw Fang Han really looking for her!It can be seen that Fang Han is also a person with a very strong heart, right?
This time Fang Han did not refuse, he reached out to take the note and thanked him.Fang Han doesn't want to bother others with difficulties in life.He will not let down Hua Xiaoran's enthusiasm for learning help.

Seeing Fang Han took the note, Hua Xiaoran's heroic and delicate face showed a little bit of happiness, then he glanced at Fang Han complicatedly, nodded and walked to his seat in front.

Of course, Fang Han didn't know what that complicated meaning meant. Anyway, he didn't think too much, and neither did his classmates, because Hua Xiaoran was such a person, and he always had such an enthusiastic attitude towards everyone, unless Huang Mingze Only those students who are really hopeless will be given up by Hua Xiaoran... and treated at a distance!
Huang Mingze didn't come to class again today, but this is normal, and everyone didn't find it strange!
"By the way! Fang Han, do you have time tonight?"

While Fang Han was reviewing his homework, a classmate at the front desk suddenly turned around and asked.

This person is no stranger to Fang Han, his name is Ma Yu, and he wears small glasses...but his studies are not very good!In his words, his nearsightedness was completely caused by playing online games.The relationship between the two is very good...Ma Yu often seeks Fang Han's help during the monthly and quarterly exams...he writes cheat sheets, sends text messages, etc., but Ma Yu will give Fang Han some rewards after each time.

At first Fang Han refused to accept...but later he was moved by Ma Yu's words.

I can't study well, you can't do economically... Our kind is mutual benefit, learning from each other's strengths to make up for our weaknesses.Legitimate trading without deceit...

At that time, Fang Han burst into laughter after hearing this sentence, but after thinking about it, it was indeed the case... In the end, the two established a very pure friendship of interests.It's pretty good too...

Of course, Fang Han didn't know why, Ma Yu actually helped him in a way he could accept.After all, most of the students in the class knew his situation well, but in order to take care of Fang Han's face, no one mentioned it in person.

"Night? What are you doing?" Looking at Ma Yu's embarrassed and confused look, Fang Han asked in confusion.

Ma Yu smiled stiffly, and replied very helplessly: "That's right, I recently made a new girlfriend! She is the head of the school's newly established traditional martial arts club. You also know that the new club is opened, and the staff is not There are many! Can you come with me to make up a quota? I will pay the membership fee for you, and you can just go and make a fuss during the meeting. If it delays your business, I will compensate you for the loss."

Hearing Ma Yu's words, Fang Han was taken aback for a moment, but after pondering for a moment, he agreed.

As for the membership fee, it is not important to Fang Han at present, and now he has a lot of money on hand, and sometimes Fang Han has already started to think about buying a house that his parents and sister will take over.

It's just that the current situation cannot convince parents of their financial ability.So Fang Han is still thinking about it, and he has to wait for Chu Fei and those younger brothers to develop and gain a certain amount of power, so that he can find an excuse to explain the source of his money!Otherwise, it would be difficult for parents to understand that money is earned seriously.

Fang Han promised Ma Yu another very important factor, and that is the current problem of his own internal energy. Now he has enough physical fitness, but when fighting with people, he still relies on his experience in street fighting. Even if you can't find the way to use Qi Jin, you can still learn some boxing skills, right?This is a good thing... After all, one cannot always rely on physical strength and speed to deal with conflicts.

And there will definitely be that kind of plane mission in the future, and learning some boxing skills will be a little bit reliable when dealing with powerful monsters and ghosts in the future.

Seeing Fang Han nodding his head happily, Ma Yu seemed very happy, and quickly responded, "That's good! I'll take you there in the evening, and I'll invite you to barbecue later, let's have some drinks!"

Regarding Ma Yu's warm hospitality proposal, Fang Han nodded without refusing.

During the conversation, the students also sat down and quieted down, and the class officially started after the teacher arrived.

At the end of the morning class, Fang Han and Ma Yu said hello and agreed to go to the traditional martial arts club in the evening to report to the club. Then they left the school and rushed to their residence!There are no professional classes in the afternoon, they are all self-study classes. It is true that it is very leisurely, but Fang Han has to rush home. There is a little girl at home who is hungry. Fang Han is also afraid that the little girl will run out when she is hungry and do something else. What's the matter.

Going home in a hurry, Fang Han found a restaurant with good taste on the way, ordered to pack a fish and some delicious food, and paid the owner of the restaurant together with the delivery fee, and left his address. rushed home.

After entering the house, I found that the little guy was lying on the bed weakly and looking at him with resentment... He has turned into a fox!

It can be seen that the aura emanating from Fang Han's body can only maintain the little guy's human form for a while!I don't know what kind of cultivation method the little guy is.

Because Fang Han was in school, he didn't know when the little fox would recover his body this time, so he couldn't judge whether the time the little guy maintained his body this time was longer or shorter than last time.There is also no way to explore how the aura emitted by myself after sleep is used and absorbed by the little guy.

One thing is certain... the little guy's resentful face is definitely not because she can't maintain her body after being away from her for a while, because she is looking at Fang Han's empty hands while resentful.

That's right...she was hungry and blamed Fang Han for not bringing her something delicious when she went home.Delicious food is always the first priority in the little guy's heart. If he didn't have such a foodie mentality, he wouldn't be so reckless as to steal food from the world without authorization and get injured in the end.

Seeing the little guy's greedy look, Fang Han felt angry and funny, and walked into the bedroom, ignoring the little guy's resentful eyes.He put his head in his hands and leaned against the bedside table, pretending to sleep.

Unexpectedly, the little guy jumped directly onto his chest, opened his closed eyes with a pair of small paws, and stared at Fang Han with big eyes, which means...

Where's my meal?What about delicious food?i want to eat...

(End of this chapter)

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