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Chapter 547 Means to save lives

Chapter 547 Means to save lives

Deng Jiaqi's face froze, seeing his beloved kiss another man, his heart seemed to be pinched.That powerful big hand squeezed his heart hard, squeezing all the blood to his head, making him dizzy!

But he can't say anything, the two of them are real boyfriend and girlfriend, he can only eat all of this poisonous dog food!

However, since you agreed to go to the opera, it's good to see this country bumpkin, what is life in the upper class.At that time, he'd better leave ashamed, otherwise, don't blame me for humiliating him!

Thinking of this, he put down the knife and fork, now he has no desire to eat at all, he just wants to hurry to the opera house.

"Have you finished eating? If you have finished eating, we will start now." He squeezed out a smile and said.

"Eat!" Guan Xuanxuan nodded, the two of them stopped eating just now, and were waiting to go back to eat delicious food!
Fang Han wiped the little fox's mouth with a napkin, put her on his shoulder, and walked to Guan Xuanxuan's side.Guan Xuanxuan reached out and took his arm, "Let's go!"

"Let's go!" Deng Jiaqi strode forward, deciding to stay out of sight and out of mind, otherwise he was afraid he couldn't help it.

Before the three of them reached the door, Andrew rushed to the edge of the table, reached out and picked up the bone on the table, put it in front of his nose and took a sharp breath.


A moan-like exhalation sound reached the ears of the three of them, and the three of them couldn't help but look back, just in time to see Andrew almost collapsed on the table as if he had smoked a big cigarette.

So exaggerated?

Exaggerated?It was no exaggeration for Andrew. He felt like he really smelled a smell that did not belong to the human world. That smell made him feel peaceful and comfortable, and he even wanted to lie down and sleep without wanting to do anything else.

Fang Han scratched his head a little bit, logically speaking, the aura on the chicken bones would not be too much, and there is no way to compare with what he took out at Qianye Mountain!Even if the father and sister drank the spirit wine, they didn't behave like this!
How did you come to him and become like this?Could it be because he is sensitive to aura?

Who knew that the little fox murmured softly: "Is this guy a dog? He wants to eat bones? He deserves it for being caught in my fox scent!"

Only then did Fang Han realize that it was the little fox who did the tricks.

According to animal habits, they will mark their own territory.However, this kind of marking has advantages and disadvantages. If you are a powerful animal, other creatures will naturally avoid your territory.

But if you are a weak animal, I am afraid there will be carnivores guarding you there!

In the demon world, goblins also have such instincts, or abilities.The fox's ability is to use fox fragrance. As long as other creatures smell the fox fragrance, they will fall into a hallucination and lose their initiative.

Weak animals will be easily taken away or eaten by fox demons.As for powerful animals, fox demons will take the opportunity to escape, which is a means of saving their lives.

Guan Xuanxuan and Deng Jiaqi don't know what's going on, they all have black lines all over their heads, there's nothing wrong with this guy, right?

Deng Jiaqi's face became even more ugly, he snorted coldly, turned around and left, he really didn't want to stay here for even a second longer.

Fang Han pulled Guan Xuanxuan, "Let's go too!"

Guan Xuanxuan nodded and quickened her pace.

Deng Jiaqi's bodyguards and Heizi followed immediately, sent the three of them to the car, and headed straight for the Sydney Opera House.

The Sydney Opera House is located in northern Sydney and is a landmark building in Sydney.It extends into the sea and is surrounded by sea water on three sides. Coupled with its Mayan-style architectural features, it can be said to be very famous all over the world.

After many tourists from all over the world come to Sydney, they will basically visit the Sydney Opera House.As a result, it is hard to get one ticket here, but for people like Deng Jiaqi, it is not a problem to get three tickets.

After arriving at the parking lot, Fang Han looked up at the huge building curiously, feeling a little different from what he saw in movies and TV.

The lens can beautify many things, just like places of interest, but they are actually some stones and wood that have been hammered for a long time. After looking at it in the past, it is not much different from many places, but under the lens, the effect shown is completely different. of.

The same is true for the Sydney Opera House, which looks very beautiful in the camera.But now in Fang Han's eyes, it is not so perfect.

Occasionally there will be some dust on the walls, and even some bird droppings on them.

The beach!It is normal for seabirds to fly by.And the opera house is so big that it certainly cannot be cleaned every day.It can only be said that Fang Han's eyes are so good that he can see the bird droppings on the wall at night.

Deng Jiaqi came over and saw Fang Han looking up at the Opera House, thinking he was looking up, he couldn't help laughing: "How is it? Shocking? I was also shocked when I first came here. Such a magnificent and beautiful place is absolutely amazing. It is rare in the world."

Guan Xuanxuan raised her eyebrows at the side, she regretted agreeing to watch the opera, Deng Jiaqi still wanted to trouble Fang Han!

She opened her mouth to say something, but was pushed down by Fang Han.

"It does look quite spectacular," he said with a smile.

In fact, he didn't care about it at all. Such a small building can be destroyed with a single sword strike. Compared with the ruins of the deserted city, a random city wall over there is more magnificent than this opera house.

He said that because he didn't want to make things difficult for Guan Xuanxuan.

Guan Xuanxuan felt sweet in her heart when she saw Fang Han holding back her temper for him.However, she was still angry at Deng Jiaqi's behavior, so she said expressionlessly: "Let's go in!"

Deng Jiaqi could also see Guan Xuanxuan's attitude, but still nodded, "Okay!"

He said as he walked, "It has been nearly half a century since the opening of the Sydney Opera House in 73. The operas that can be performed here are world-renowned. Today we are going to listen to "Carmen", the famous opera house Victoria plays Carmen and Brandon plays Don Jose, both of whom are the most famous opera singers in Australia and are very respected."

"Victoria is a mezzo-soprano, simple and natural, not pretentious, very contagious, and she plays Carmen very gypsy style, we will feast our eyes tonight!"

"Brandon is a tenor, with a high-pitched voice, very powerful, and the aria "Dragoons of Alcala" in the second act is his best part."

Fang Han and Guan Xuanxuan finally came to the gate of the Opera House amidst his chattering introduction.

His bodyguard had already obtained three tickets for consecutive seats. He checked in and sat down until he was seated.

The light and shadow effect inside the opera house is very good. Under the light, the orange seats also look very good.The stands surround the stage, wrapping the stage layer by layer.

The seats for the three of them are not far away, only six or seven rows away from the stage, so the viewing effect should be very good!
Guan Xuanxuan sat in the middle, Fang Han and Deng Jiaqi sat on both sides.

(End of this chapter)

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