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Chapter 540 Seeing the Parents

Chapter 540 Seeing the Parents

The next day, everyone in Qianba Mountain started working happily.

Fang Han arranged for the head of the Law Enforcement Hall to teach his father and younger sister to practice Taoism, and then he and Tao Yong took the disciples of Qianye Mountain to the back mountain of Qianye Mountain.

The back mountain of Chiba Mountain is also on the cliff, and it has always been the medicine garden of Chiba Mountain.The soil is the most aura in the entire Chiba Mountain, and it is more convenient to transform.

Fang Han took out a kind of herb, "Give this kind in the middle and around, don't destroy the medicinal materials for now."

This medicine garden is very large, at least more than 100 mu. In order to ensure that all the planted grass will come alive, all the plants are planted by hand without using magic.

Tao Yong watched his disciples getting busy, and said to Fang Han, "Grandfather, what kind of grass is this!"

"This is Yunling Grass, which is specially designed to release spirit energy. It can improve the soil quality here. I estimate that it will take about three days to see results," Fang Han said.

Tao Yong felt a little unreal. Even if he could release his spiritual energy again, it would not be as fast as three days!You know, it would probably take four or five days to plant all these fields!
Apparently Tao Yong underestimated the complete vitality and magical power of the spirit grass in the Heaven-Human Realm. After one night, the sky above the Yunling grass was filled with a lot of spirit energy. After the disciples entered, they didn't want to go out at all, just wanted to Practice in it.

"It's really so fast?" Feeling the strong aura, Tao Yong caught up with those meals.

"It's only been a day, you can look at it in a few days!" Fang Han said with a smile.

Yunling grass is considered a relatively high-level spirit grass in the world of heaven and man, and it is specially used by the sect to transform the resident.Fang Han didn't buy much either, only enough for the more than 100 acres, and it was still used with a lot of gaps.

You must know that the major sects in the world of gods and humans plant it in their training rooms, then put hammocks on it and practice on it.It's just that Fang Han only has these, so of course he will use them to transform the most important medicine garden!

After seeing the results, the disciples immediately became more interested, and planted at a very fast speed, even after dark, they did not leave.After going on and on, finally before the night of the third day, all the Yunling Grass was planted!
Since then, taking care of the medicine garden has become a job for the disciples to compete for. In the end, Fang Han had no choice but to exclude a rotation list according to his cultivation.The qi refining period can only be guarded for one day, the concentration period can be guarded for three days, and the alchemy period can be guarded for five days. Calculated, it takes more than two months to complete one round.

This situation was not relieved until Fang Han brought back more Yunling Grass from the Celestial Realm and built a practice room, and it became the territory of low-level disciples.

A few days later, when everyone came back to the medicine garden, they saw completely different clothes.The spiritual power condensed above the medicine garden has formed a mist, which can be said to have reached its peak. In the next stage, it will turn into spiritual water falling to the ground, and then seep into the soil, becoming a spiritual field!
After Fang Han followed for a few days, he handed everything over to Tao Yong.

Although he established a Heavenly Sword Sect and merged Qianye Mountain into the Heavenly Sword Sect's banner, he only wanted a leader in name.In fact, he didn't want to take care of too many things at all, many things were left to Tao Yong.

Seeing that Lingtian is about to take shape, he can't stay longer, there are a lot of things waiting for him on the other side of the riverside!

So he gave Tao Yong the plants, books, and flying swords he got back from the world of heaven and man, and asked him to improve the situation. The forest was enclosed, and those thousand-leaved trees that should be cut down were replaced with plants brought back from the world of heaven and man.

If the disciple behaves well, he will be rewarded with a flying sword.Only with rewards can they be motivated, and they can be urged to study hard. Even Fang Tingting didn't specialize. Without motivation, she might not be very motivated to study.

In January, it's winter in the northern hemisphere, but it's summer in the southern hemisphere.

A private plane departed from Binjiang, and after more than an hour, it flew out of the border and flew to Australia in the southern hemisphere.

The little fox watched the two paws on the window of the plane, looked out curiously, and slapped Fang Han's face with his tail.

Fang Han looked helpless, knowing that she was having a temper tantrum.Since turning into a human form, the little fox really dislikes changing back to its original form.

But this time he and Guan Xuanxuan went to Australia to visit her mother. It was an act of meeting parents. How could he bring a little human-shaped fox with him?Even if I say she is my sister, it won’t work!
But the little fox insisted on following. Fang Han thought about not taking her with him when he went out several times before, so he agreed softly, but he made an agreement with it. When he went to Australia, he could only meet people with his body.

Guan Xuanxuan naturally knew Little Fox. When she went to the wedding before, she even reported Little Fox.But she is not very close to the little fox, because the little fox has a bit of smell.

It's not that the little fox doesn't like hygiene, but it's just by nature.This is also the reason why the little fox is unwilling to change back to her body, and she can't stand the smell on her body either.

Seeing Fang Han being beaten, Guan Xuanxuan couldn't help laughing with a helpless expression on her face, "Who told you not to teach him well, you deserve the beating."

The little fox rolled his eyes where Guan Xuanxuan couldn't see, and slammed his tail on Fang Han's face again.

Hmph, if Fang Han didn't allow me to beat you before I came out, you would have died countless times now!He even took him back to see his mother. He still tried to deceive me with such a bad excuse, didn't he just want to live a two-person world with him?I just won't let you live!

Fang Han also rolled his eyes, is this little fox too used to her?But thinking about the previous agreement, it seems that there is no one that is not allowed to slap him in the face, so he can only stand up depressed.

A man keeps his word, who would have thought that she would vent her anger on him at the beginning.However, don't even think about eating your favorite food these days, don't you know that the cook can't offend you?If you offend, you will have nothing to eat!
The little fox obviously didn't realize this, and still wagged its tail!

Heizi came over at this time and said to Guan Xuanxuan: "Miss, madam said that she has reserved a room at Caesars Palace, and let us stay there after we get off the plane. She will return to Sydney tomorrow morning."

"Okay!" Guan Xuanxuan nodded, looking at Fang Han with some trepidation.Although she and Fang Han did everything they should and shouldn't do, she was still a little worried about taking him to see his mother, for fear that his mother would be prejudiced against him.

There is no way around this, Fang Han's background is too low, a family at the bottom of society.Although they are not the poorest group, they are definitely not rich. Compared with big families like the Guan family, they are even worse.

Fortunately, Fang Han already knew his grandfather and father before, otherwise, things would be even more difficult.In any case, her mother has been kind to her since she was a child, so I believe Fang Han won't be too embarrassing!
(End of this chapter)

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