Chapter 532
The soft one hits the hard one, and the hard one is afraid of losing your life!Guo Wenbo is the one who doesn't want to die. He equips everyone in the Supervision Department with a treasure bag, and the only official device in the treasure bag is a big mushroom.

Due to Guo Wenbo's toughness, all sects in the monastic world had to sign the agreement at that time!

What's even more exaggerated is that every few years Guo Wenbo, the Ministry of Supervision will invite people from various sects to visit the test shooting site that year.Those places that have been attacked by big mushrooms will not have aura gathering for decades, and after they enter, they will feel uncomfortable.

Guo Wenbo used this method to tell all sects to be honest with me!

According to the agreement signed at that time, if the Ministry of Supervision is not allowed to enter the territory of each sect easily, and protect the territory of each sect from being disturbed by mortals.Of course, there are also special provisions. Once the special provisions are activated, the Ministry of Supervision can enter the territory of each sect.

The reason why Guo Wenbo activated the special clauses this time was because when the head master Bai displayed his aura in the main hall, it caused vibrations around Xianglu Mountain.

Xianglu Mountain is very close to the capital, and the Supervision Department noticed it immediately, so they rushed over immediately.They detected that there was no earthquake here, so something happened to Xianglu Mountain.

Xianglu Mountain is the seat of the first sect in the monastic world, if something happens, it will definitely affect the entire monastic world.

So Guo Wenbo activated the special terms and led people into the maze of Feiliumen.As a result, the bodies of two Feiliumen disciples were found outside the labyrinth, which made him even more convinced that something happened to Feiliumen.

Although he doesn't know who has the ability to hit the Xianglu Mountain, but he still has a rigorous personality and wants to investigate this matter clearly.

After arriving at the Dajiao field, they found that more than half of the main hall of Feiliumen had collapsed, and the outside of the main hall was surrounded by heads of other small sects.

What are the heads of these small sects doing here?Could it be that they did it together and killed Xianglu Mountain?
Out of curiosity, he quickly led someone up to him, only to find that Fan Yu was about to strike with his sword.So he took a shot to stop it, and that's how today's incident happened.

He looked at this cursing little monk curiously. He looked more like a mortal in his clothes, and even his tone of voice was thoughtful.He saved him by himself, but he didn't even say thank you, and didn't know his identity, so he started to accuse Fan Yu of kidnapping.

He still knows a little about the unspoken rules of the monastic world. Kidnapping is actually not a big deal. Although it breaks the law, it will only ruin his reputation in the monastic world.Because most monks have no relatives and do not have a deep understanding of kidnapping.

But when he looked again, the kidnappers turned out to be two mortals, which made him frown.He looked at Fan Yu, "You actually kidnapped two mortals?"

Fan Yu opened his mouth to explain, but was blocked by Fang Han, "Yes, my father and my sister are not members of the cultivating world. They are breaking the law, and the crime of kidnapping should at least punish him for decades! Moreover, they They even blackmailed me, wanting to take away from me the Zijin Sword that I had finally found, insisting that it is a treasure of their sect."

"Damn! I swaggered up the mountain with the Zijin sword on my back to this hall, and then I ate a meal and stood on the hall for a long time. None of them recognized that it was the Zijin sword, and dared to say that it was Zijinjian, are all cultivators so thick-skinned?"

Everyone was stunned again, they looked at Fang Han in surprise, he was not like this just now, he was very cold, how could he be the same as the student whose teacher gave a small report now.

"Shut up!" Fan Yu was annoyed by Fang Han, "The Zijin Sword is a treasure of our sect, and the whole monastic community knows about it!"

"Then you took your purple gold sword? Why did I find it?" Fang Han immediately pushed back.

"The Purple Gold Sword is indeed from Feiliumen!" Guo Wenbo looked at Fang Han curiously, he wanted to see what this kid was up to, "It's just that he disappeared hundreds of years ago!"

"Missing? Then it's lost! Who has lost something for hundreds of years, and still has the face to say that it belongs to his own family after hundreds of years?" Fang Han continued to point at Fan Yu and sprayed: "Now it is considered We want to get back an antique that was robbed during the war, and we have to spend money to buy it, but you still want to take it back for nothing, why don’t you become robbers?"

Fan Yu opened his mouth, he couldn't understand why Fang Han's teeth suddenly became sharper?

Guo Wenbo laughed, it was the first time he saw someone who could make Fan Yu speechless.There was an expression of admiration in his eyes, and he nodded, "That's the truth!"

"Now I finally have someone who understands!" Fang Han said exaggeratedly: "Just now, not only did they not release my father and sister, but they even slandered me as a thief and punished me! They just want to snatch my purple gold sword!"

While talking, he approached Fan Yu and said with a sneer, "I'm right! Master Fan!"

"Shut up!" Fan Yu wished he could do it now and tear Fang Han apart.

"Shut up?" Fang Han snorted, grabbed his hand, and snatched the Qianji Sword from his hand, "Let me go! This sword is mine too!"

As he said that, he snatched back the Zijin sword again, "Now this is called returning to Zhao with complete jade!"

Fan Yu was so angry that he took both swords away without paying attention for a moment.He was suddenly stunned. He was in the ascension stage. How could his weapon be snatched away by a monk in the infant stage?
Turning around, Fang Han's eyes changed from blood red to normal, and he said to Guo Wenbo, "Look, he's guilty!"

Guo Wenbo couldn't help laughing when he saw Fang Han acting like a good boy after getting cheap.This kid must not be very old, otherwise he wouldn't be so naughty.And he quickly saw his identity, otherwise he would definitely use himself to suppress Fan Yu.

Fang Han did see the identities of Guo Wenbo and others. Although he didn't know what their positions were, he knew that they were the country's official personnel dealing with the monastic circle.

Originally, he didn't know that the country still had people in this field, but when Yan Liang accused him of stealing, he mentioned that he went to East China to assist the superiors in handling the case. This made Fang Han know that there must be official personnel in the country who were in contact with the monastic community.

And when these people came, they walked like the army one by one, so they knew they were official people.

Seeing Fan Yu's stern voice against Guo Wenbo, he knew that this old man was something Fan Yu couldn't afford.

He didn't know the story of the Ministry of Supervision and the big mushroom, but he pretended to be a rebellious and righteous boy in front of him through his observation, which immediately attracted Guo Wenbo's attention, and then stimulated Fan Yu with words to distract him. Only then did he quickly enter the killing state and snatch the two swords back.

How could his things be taken away by others?If you want to take advantage of him, go ahead and dream!

(End of this chapter)

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