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Chapter 53 You, what did you see?

Chapter 53 You, what did you see?

What if Fang Han was a lewd and lustful man!Now he must have gone to bed quietly and hugged the beauty to sleep, but he didn't... Although he couldn't help but glance at the beauty's fair skin from time to time.But after all, he was still upright. After seeing Fang Han, who had intended to wake up the little fox immediately, hesitated for a moment, he first opened the closet, found some loose sweatpants, and then found a large T-shirt, and then came to the bedside. He gently pushed the fair girl's shoulder and said, "Don't sleep, wake up! Wake up, put on your clothes first."

Who would be happy to be disturbed while sleeping?The same goes for the goblin girl... being pushed and pushed by Fang Han continuously, the goblin girl wrinkled her nose impatiently, and subconsciously complained: "What are you doing! I hate it... What kind of clothes should I wear? I can't do anything in this world Why do you wear clothes in human form?"

After complaining, the goblin girl curled up under the quilt, as if she was afraid of being disturbed again, she wrapped herself in the quilt and shrank to the innermost corner of the big bed. According to her judgment, this seemed to be able to avoid others from disturbing her dream?

For such complaints, Fang Han just smiled wryly... He didn't say too much, just waited aside with his arms around his shoulders.In fact, what the goblin girl said is correct. According to what the master said, no matter how great a goblin exists in the world, the first point is that it cannot be transformed at will and cannot be exposed.Otherwise, they will be condemned by heaven, especially after the founding of the country, because of the seal of the emperor's mouth, the monsters will be more severe.

The seal of Huangkou is the most difficult to break, because Huangkou represents the hearts of the people and the fate of the country.Gathering the feng shui luck of the whole earth for the emperor, such a seal is more serious than the punishment of heaven.

Goblins are very afraid...fear!As for the Taoist behavior of the little fox, it is not a question of whether he wants to transform into a human form at all. It is because he does not have the ability. According to the truth, it takes thousands of Taoist practices to have the ability to transform into a human form independently after entering the human world, right?

For these Fang Han is still a novice, and everything he knows now comes from the master's narration.

But what the little guy said just now has already proved that there is some basis for the master's statement. At least the little guy himself doesn't realize what his current form is, and he doesn't even know that he can change into a human form in the world.

This is a problem, a big problem, so after the fairy girl finished complaining, Fang Han walked out of the bedroom... He had to wait because he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it if he continued to read.Approaching the figure of a bewitching beauty is too good, and some unique features make people feel a little strange charm.

Fang Han, who went out, wanted to wash his face. He believed that the enchanting beauty would wake up when she realized that the subconscious complaint just now was uttering human words, and realize her state, right?

Sure enough, just after Fang Han washed his face, a suppressed scream suddenly came from the bedroom. Fang Han did not rush back to the bedroom immediately, but waited until the sound of people putting on clothes in the bedroom stopped before walking over. .When he walked to the door, he knocked on the door, paused for half a minute, and then entered the bedroom.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, he found that the little fox had put on his clothes and was huddled in the corner of the bed with his legs in his arms with a dull and shy look on his face.

From the confused expression, it is not difficult to judge that the little guy seems to be in a very confused state at this time.What's going on, I'm afraid she can't figure it out herself, how could she break through the seal of the world and transform into a human body?
The two of them were relatively speechless. After entering the bedroom, Fang Han didn't get too close. He just took the chair and leaned aside. Because of the transformation into a human form, the bandage on the fairy girl's left arm had already burst apart at some point. The medicine worked well, and no signs of bleeding occurred.And looking at the wound, it should have almost healed, and I don't know how it healed so quickly.

"You, what did you see?"

Looking at each other for a while, the goblin girl thought of something and asked Fang Han nervously. When she woke up, she was lying naked next to this guy. After all, the goblin girl still cultivated a human form. not nervous?Even if the mind is only equal to that of a teenage child, he still has the basic concept of men and women.How could my good yellow-flowered girl be able to remain calm after suffering such a loss.

Fang Han could also understand the concerns of the fairy girl. He waved his hands repeatedly and said with a helpless smile: "It would be a lie to say that I didn't see it, but don't worry, some important parts are still well covered. I have to convince you. The ability to grab the quilt while sleeping. When I woke up, you had snatched away all the quilts and wrapped me tightly! You don’t have to be nervous. If I really want to take advantage of you, I won’t immediately turn on the light to find clothes for you when I find something wrong. . Now these are not the point. The point is... How did you turn into a human form in the human world? How many years have you practiced? Speaking of which, I always thought that your form in the system was an illusion. There is no such thing as transforming into a human form in the human world. Is it that simple?"

Fang Han's doubts did not come out of thin air. It is not difficult to see from the little fox's expression now. She doesn't know how it happened. This kind of taboo matter must be clarified. Although Fang Han has no compassion for everything, he has no sympathy for everything. I have a great compassion, but I don’t want people from the demon world to be able to enter the human world without being restricted.If any kind of fairies can sneak into the human world, and if we encounter some very ferocious and evil ones among humans, what terrible things will happen if we don't keep them safe.

So figuring out what's going on right now is the top priority.

where is the problem?

After Fang Han said this, the little fox recalled the scene just now, and his shy and flustered expression slightly improved.

Because she knew what Fang Han said was right, if the other party really had some bad intentions for her, she probably wouldn't have specifically woken her up, and even found clothes to hide to give her time to get dressed.

But after all, it was the first time to sleep naked next to a man, and the little fox couldn't get rid of the complicated and inexplicable emotions in his heart.

But what Fang Han said was right, the most critical question right now is how did she transform into form for no reason?
You must know that even if you have a strong cultivation base, you need to pay a high price to transform into a human form. It is absolutely impossible to suddenly become a human while sleeping. Besides, you must at least have a control skill, right?This random transformation seems to directly ignore the control skills. The simplest example is the disease of hemiplegia and incontinence.

I can't even control whether I want to take shape or not, and when I choose to take shape, I just turn into a human form?How did the little fox accept this?How could Fang Han not pay attention to this issue.

Six realms of reincarnation, seven realms of space... If it's so casual, wouldn't it be a mess?

Looking at the enchanting beauty with confused eyes, Fang Han sighed inwardly, and asked persuasively, "If you hadn't become an automaton, then did you ever feel that something was wrong when you were sleeping? Or...is there any change in your body?" ? Think back..."

Fang Han, who was eager to find out what was going on, didn't give the little girl too much time for silence. After saying this, he stared at the latter with eager anticipation, as if waiting for the little girl to say some useful information .

After all, the little girl is not very sane, and she still maintains a child-like personality. This personality is a problem, but it also has an advantage. When someone gives her guidance, she will subconsciously follow Fang Han's words and carefully recall her feelings. , there is no conflict or messy ideas.

(End of this chapter)

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