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Chapter 520 Defending the Flying Sword

Chapter 520 Defending the Flying Sword
Feiliumen wanted to enter that world not only to develop their sect, but more importantly, to find a way to break through the ascension stage, becoming immortals and attaining the Tao was their real pursuit.

Fang Han's clothes and hair were blown up by that momentum, and he could only stand firm with the power of thunder.

He looked at Sect Master Bai in surprise, he didn't expect that Sect Master Bai turned out to be a soaring master.Judging from his reality alone, he is not much different from the master of the tribulation stage he killed in the celestial world, but the ascension stage is higher than the tribulation stage in terms of realm.

Even if the flying sword in his hand is not as good as that master of the tribulation period, but in terms of mana and understanding of spells, Sect Leader Bai is definitely better.

But Fang Han wasn't worried. He could kill the Transcendence Tribulation Stage during the Alchemy Formation Stage, and he could also kill the Ascension Stage during the Babybirth Stage!

Fang Han was very confident. If it didn't work, he still had the Vajra Talisman, and he could completely replicate the previous battle and kill Master Bai with the Longjin Crossbow.

Master Bai was very satisfied when he saw everyone's reaction, now you know how good I am?

He looked up at the dozens of purple gold swords surrounding Fang Han's body and said coldly: "Today I want to take back what belongs to my Tianfu Sect!"

As soon as he raised his hand, a flying sword floated in front of him, and he didn't see any unnecessary movements, those flying swords kept replicating, forming hundreds of flying swords in front of him in less than a second .

Sect Master Bai's move stunned everyone in the hall.

They have never seen hundreds of flying swords conjured up so easily.With Sect Master Bai's strength, these hundreds of flying swords should have no problem dealing with several Tribulation Transcendence Stages, and they shouldn't have any problem dealing with hundreds of distraction Stages at the same time.

The heads present looked at each other. If head Bai attacked them at the same time, it seemed that none of them would survive.

This caused fear in their hearts. They had just ridiculed Sect Leader Bai. If he held grudges——

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but shiver.

Seeing this scene, Fan Yu couldn't help but have some slight changes on his face.He hadn't paid much attention to Tianfumen's "Thousand Epees" before, thinking that it was just a juggling spell.But I didn't expect that after the ascension period, using the "Thousand Epees Sword" would have such an aura.

The densely packed flying swords made the scalps of those who watched it explode, and they couldn't even think about it.

Fang Han raised his brows slightly, he knew that Master Bai would be stronger than that Bai Yulang, but he didn't expect to be so much stronger!He easily made a sword wall in front of him, and he obviously hasn't used his full strength. If he used his full strength, wouldn't it be able to pile up all the way to the roof?

"Thousand Heavy Swords" can't really conjure up thousands of flying swords, can it?
However, he would not sit still and wait for death. When he put his hands together, all the purple gold swords behind him were gathered in front of him.With his hands open, a ball of flame touched the purple gold swords, igniting them and turning them into fire swords.

Quantity is not enough, then quality to make up!
Sect Leader Bai smiled disdainfully, "No matter how many tricks you have, you are not my opponent. Even with flying swords, I can still fight you to death!"

While speaking, a tile on the roof couldn't hold on anymore, fell from between the two of them, and hit the ground.


The tiles shattered, as if it had sent a signal to the two of them.

Sect Leader Bai waved his hand lightly, and the flying swords on the sword wall shot out from inside continuously.A steady stream of shots were fired at Fang Han, and new flying swords quickly appeared in the vacated positions of those flying swords, filling the positions where they flew out before.

The expressions of the onlookers changed drastically. Such an attack was something they had never heard of before.They asked themselves, facing such an attack like flowing clouds and flowing water, they would definitely be unable to defend themselves.

There are only a few ways for them to defend against flying swords, either by mana barriers, or by using other treasures to block them.But how many flying swords can be blocked by the mana barrier, it is estimated that three or five will be punctured.

As for the treasure, it can resist flying swords in one direction. To resist so many flying swords, at least one treasure with a large table is needed.How could they have such a treasure? The entire monastic community has never heard of a treasure that can be changed in size. If it can't be changed in size, it will be very laborious for them to manipulate. If it is too bulky, it will definitely be exploited by the flying sword.

"How should we defend against this? If we encounter such an attack, wouldn't we just have to wait for death?" A leader said with a pale face.

"Just don't provoke Tianfu Sect!" The other head didn't look very good either.

"You're right!"

The hearts of Feiliumen's disciples were also beating wildly, and they also found that they couldn't deal with such an attack.There was some cold sweat on their heads, they had bullied the disciples of Tianfumen a lot in the past, if those disciples would do this trick, they would have died countless times.

It seems that I will be more polite to the people of Tianfumen in the future.

Fan Yu's eyes lit up. The "Thousand Epee Sword" spell is indeed a move that uses less to fight more. If Fei Liumen can get this spell, it will be much easier to conquer that world.

His eyes rolled over the two of them. It might not be easy to get the "Thousand Epees" from Master Bai, but it would be much easier if he got it from Fang Han!
Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a smile.

Fang Han saw that Sect Master Bai made the first move, and hurriedly waved his hands, and the five purple gold swords flew out, only flying two meters away before stopping.

Then the five flying swords came across directly, and under the puzzled eyes of everyone, the four flying swords spun quickly in a square shape.A little later, the fifth one also spun among the four flying swords.

Sect Master Bai's flying swords collided with these spinning flying swords, making clanging noises, but none of the swords could break through the rotation of the five purple gold swords, on the contrary, there were quite a few purple gold swords that were caught on fire by the five purple gold swords. The sword was severed.

The leaders around them opened their eyes wide and looked at the barrier formed by five swords in disbelief. They were all stunned.

"It turns out that you can still defend like this, what a genius idea!" A head said in surprise.

"Couldn't this be the physical theory of the secular world?" The other leader seemed to remember something.

"What theory? Tell me!" the leader next to him asked immediately.

"It's a very simple theory. It's a straight line that turns into a circle after it's rotated! You can see that a flying sword looks like a straight line, but after it rotates, it can defend a large area. As long as it rotates at a speed It is faster than Feijian's flying speed, so it can prevent Feijian from passing through its spinning tricks!"

"It seems to be true. How did this little monk come up with such a genius idea?"

All the heads admired one after another. For thousands of years, no one in the monastic circle thought of defending Feijian like this.

The disciples of Feiliu Sect were also very surprised. Fang Han should be just a monk in the infant stage. How could he defend himself against Master Bai's attack?Compared with him, people like me are simply useless!

They were naturally proud, but now suddenly there was someone who was more talented than them, which made their jealousy burst out, and they all looked at Fang Han in an even worse way.

(End of this chapter)

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