Chapter 496
Thinking of this, Gao Hui turned his hand, and the flying sword that had been stabbing Fang Han's heart immediately turned to his shoulder.

Senior brother and others were very reluctant when they saw Gao Hui doing it himself.The credit they had earned was gone. They glanced at the corpse on the ground and blamed this useless guy.

When Fang Han saw Gao Hui rushing up, his heart tightened immediately.The only one in the audience who can suppress his level is this master of the tribulation period.He didn't dare to go head-to-head, he made a wrong step, and an electric spark exploded, dodging Gao Hui's attack.

As soon as he turned around, a thunderball appeared in his hand, and he threw it at the little carpenter.

The thunderball flew over the little carpenter, exploded suddenly, and formed a grid that enveloped the little carpenter and protected him.

"Brother Fang!" The little carpenter looked at Fang Han who kept dodging through the power grid, and was very moved.When Fang Han couldn't take care of himself, he was still worried about his own safety, so even if he died, he would make friends.

A smile flashed in Gao Hui's eyes, "You really value love and righteousness, but no matter how much you value love and righteousness, so what? You are still just a piece of garbage in the alchemy stage! As long as I kill you, you will be released. The spell will be broken. Moreover, the six of them are all in the distraction stage, although they are a little bit, if they can't deal with a spell, they really should die!"

When the six senior brothers heard Gao Hui's words, they immediately turned their eyes to the little carpenter.They surrounded the grid, raised the flying swords in their hands, and smiled at Fang Leng.

"Asshole, now is the time for you to watch him die with your own eyes!"

"Now the retribution is coming!"

"Aren't you very arrogant? Come and save him!"

The little carpenter looked at the six flying swords above which were constantly being injected with mana, with an unusually calm expression on his face.He didn't expect the power grid to stop the six flying swords, but he was already able to face life and death calmly.

It is enough to have a confidant in life!
Fang Han quickly moved away from Gao Hui, and stared at Gao Hui through gritted teeth.This guy is indeed very powerful, and he has no chance to breathe.Now even if there is a slight gap, he can save the little carpenter.

At this moment, Gao Hui stopped suddenly, and proudly said to Fang Han: "Look at this little carpenter one more time! Remember his appearance, this will be your last chance to remember him."

Senior brother and the others laughed ferociously, "How about it? Do you hate us so much? But you can't do anything about it!"

The little carpenter turned his head to look at Fang Han, "Brother Fang, run away quickly, I know you can escape."

"Escape?" Gao Hui looked at the little carpenter playfully, "You are really naive! Do you think the flying sword in my hand is just a decoration?"

But the little carpenter didn't take his words to heart, he just looked at Fang Han solemnly.At this time, he had nothing to ask Fang Han, because any unnecessary requests would end in Fang Han's death.

Fang Han felt weird, he just had no chance to breathe!Gao Hui stopped!Isn't this a chance for him to attack the other six people?
In an instant, Fang Han figured it out. It turned out that he wanted to borrow a knife to kill people. Although he didn't know what grievances he had with these six people, he just wanted these six people to die.

Knowing that this is Gao Hui's plan, Fang Han is still willing to jump into it.These six people had threatened the little carpenter's life and had to be eradicated.

Since Gao Hui wants to borrow a knife to kill people, so what if he acts as a knife?
Thinking of this, he turned the sword technique he had been holding on his left hand, and the giant flying sword floating in the sky immediately formed an arc and flew towards the power grid.

The senior brother and the others held up the flying sword and slammed it towards the grid.


A large number of electric arcs erupted on the power grid, trying to hinder the penetration of the six flying swords.But under the protection of mana, the six flying swords penetrated into the grid bit by bit.

Finally, the power grid couldn't hold on anymore, and suddenly turned into dozens of hundreds of currents that scattered around and finally disappeared into the air.

Seeing that the power grid was solved, the senior brother and others immediately became proud, raised their flying swords, and stabbed the little carpenter.

"go to hell!"

"Little carpenter, this is the fate of offending me!"

The little carpenter closed his eyes, as long as he died, Fang Han didn't need to work hard anymore.


There was a soft sound, and the senior brother and the others felt a warning sign, they turned their heads to look at it, and were horrified!
The giant flying sword accelerated suddenly and passed through them!

Blood flew up, and all six fell to the ground.

The senior brother quickly turned his head, and was shocked to find that except for Qu Zong, the other four junior brothers were all dead.Moreover, one of Qu Zong's arms was cut off, and he himself was only scratched because he hid a little faster.

Gao Hui secretly screamed in his heart, it's a pity that Fang Han didn't kill all six of them.It seems that garbage is garbage. Although it has some effect, it is impossible to expect him to do great things!

He quickly turned around, slashed at Fang Han's left hand with a sword, and shouted at the same time: "You trash, how dare you sneak attack?"

Fang Han dodged again, the sword formula on his left hand was rushed by the sword energy, and he had to let go.

Losing the stability of the sword formula, the giant flying sword fell from the sky and penetrated deeply into the ground.

The senior brother wiped the blood from his face and stood up slowly.Looking at Fang Han who kept dodging, his eyes were full of hatred.

But now he had nothing to do with Fang Han, so he had to turn his attention to the little carpenter.

The little carpenter closed his eyes to welcome death, but instead of feeling the pain, he was splashed with blood all over his face. He also opened his eyes, full of doubts.

At this time, when I saw the appearance of my senior brother, I couldn't help laughing in my heart. These distracted guys are still useless, and they can't even kill themselves.

Seeing the smile on the little carpenter's face, why didn't the senior know that he was laughing at himself?You can only lie on the ground and dare to laugh at me?
The anger in the senior brother's heart became even more intense, and he poured all his mana into the flying sword.The flying sword was shining brightly, and the sword energy was radiating out. If the sword were inserted, the little carpenter's body might be torn into pieces.

"Make you laugh at me so fucking hard!"

"Senior brother, be careful!" Qu Zong suddenly stared at his senior's back at this moment, reminding him loudly.

"What?" The senior brother turned his head in astonishment, and saw a figure approaching constantly.The person's face instantly grew bigger, and he could see clearly that it was Fang Han's face.

But the next moment, he felt a pain in his chest, and all the strength in his body was exhausted.

"That's impossible! How did you appear in—"

He was only halfway through the last question, and he didn't have the strength to ask any more.But with his last glance, he saw Gao Hui following from Fang Han's shoulder, with a smug smile on his face.

Qu Zong didn't understand either, isn't Fang Han fighting with Senior Brother Gao Hui?Why can you still rush over and kill the brother!
"You are looking for death!" Gao Hui's voice sounded at this moment.

Fang Han was very sure that Gao Hui wanted to use his own hands to kill the other six people.Otherwise, he wouldn't be in the middle of the fight again, deliberately releasing water so that he could get rid of him.

In this way, he was relieved a lot. Now that there is still one Qu Zong who is not dead, he is still safe for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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