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Chapter 490 The Chase of Tianmu Mountain

Chapter 490 The Chase of Tianmu Mountain
The senior brother is also helpless now, and he has not figured out what is going on with Fang Han.This is the first time he has encountered this situation, and he has never even heard of it before. What can he do?

I can only keep trying, "Let's attack from one point together, I want to see how many flying swords he can block at once!"

When the juniors heard this, their eyes lit up immediately.I looked at my senior brother in admiration. He was my senior brother and he could come up with such a good idea in no time.

The six flying swords gathered together in mid-air and arranged them in a certain order.Qu Zong also forced the little carpenter to tune the flying swords, and the seven flying swords rushed towards Fang Han.

The little carpenter thumped in his heart, the secret passage was broken!Brother Fang can knock away a flying sword at one time. Now that there are so many flying swords attacking together, even if one or two can be knocked away, the remaining few are enough to injure Brother Fang.

Fang Han saw the seven flying swords arranged almost in a straight line, and a smile appeared on his face.He raised the purple gold sword and input mana into it.

In an instant, the Zijin sword turned into a giant sword, and then slammed down on the seven flying swords!


The seven flying swords were hit on the ground by the giant sword, but the ground did not block the giant sword, and a deep ravine was cut out.The dust was so thick that it was impossible to see anything except the ravines.

The seven people in Tianmu Mountain felt that their connection with Feijian was cut off, and their faces changed involuntarily.Quickly changing the sword formula, trying to reconnect the flying sword, but can't feel the existence of the flying sword.

At this time, the dust dissipated, revealing a large amount of gravel and soil.Among the gravel and clods of earth, seven flying swords were looming, with no smooth surface at all.After getting clearer, I found that the sword blade was broken into pieces and scattered on the ground.

The faces of the seven people kept changing. The material for casting the flying sword was not ordinary metal. How could it be easily chopped into pieces?
Flying swords must not be made of ordinary metal to withstand the infusion of mana.

Forging flying swords in the Celestial Realm, corundum is generally used, and corundum is a very magical metal.It has a high mana tolerance and is extremely tough, making it an excellent choice for weapons.

And there are many steel jade stones in the world of heaven and man, so when making flying swords, steel jade stones are the first choice.

Of course, steel jade can only be regarded as a mid-range ore, and it cannot create a flying sword of the Zijin Sword level.But because it is very hard and difficult to break, a flying sword is made, and it can be used for tens of thousands of years without any problems.

Even if you encounter a flying sword of the level of Zijinjian, Gangyushi can easily deal with it with the blessing of mana.

But now the seven flying swords made of steel jade were cut off together, which has overturned the cognition of all the disciples in Tianmu Mountain.They have been infused with mana, and their strength is two realms higher than Fang Han's. How could Fang Han cut off their flying swords?

When the little carpenter saw that Fang Han had destroyed all the flying swords on the opposite side in one fell swoop, he happily ran to Fang Han and said, "Brother Fang, I really have yours!"

Fang Han smiled lightly, "I told you that I once killed people who were distracted."

"Hehe!" The little carpenter laughed awkwardly, he didn't remember Fang Han saying that at all.

Fang Han really didn't say that at the time. He said the sentence just now to the seven people on the opposite side.

Sure enough, the faces of the seven people on the opposite side were uncertain after hearing this.They didn't know whether Fang Han was telling the truth or a lie, but they felt insulted.Although their flying swords were destroyed, their mana was still there, and there were still many ways to deal with Fang Han.

"You can brag, don't think that you ruined our flying sword by a trick, and think that we have nothing to do with you!"

"Our mana is still there, do you really think it's safe now?"

When the little carpenter heard this, the smile on his face froze. He turned his head to look at Fang Han, and asked him what to do with his eyes.

Fang Han smiled disdainfully, and with a wave of his hand, the giant sword flew up.He pointed at the sword formula in his hand, and the giant sword plunged into the city wall not far away!

There was a loud noise, and the tall and dilapidated city wall was cut in half by the giant sword.Half of them toppled outward, and the rubble was thrown at the feet of several people.

Fang Han waved his hand, pointed the huge sword at the seven people, and then asked playfully, "Who else is not convinced?"

The seven people's skins jumped, they had never been so despised by a weak person in the alchemy stage.But looking at the floating giant sword, everyone couldn't help swallowing.

Although the ruins of the deserted city are not rich in resources, the city of Liangtian was very powerful back then.These city walls that have not collapsed after ten thousand years have a lot of mana left on them.

Under the maintenance of mana, these walls are extremely strong.The white ape attacked several times just now, and these standing walls did not suffer any damage, which can be seen in their hardness.

Although they are very conceited, they know that they are far behind compared to that section of the city wall.That giant sword could cut through that section of the city wall before, and then it could easily cut through their mana barrier, and then split them in half.

"Senior brother, what should we do?" A junior brother asked with his mouth twitching, his teeth chattering a little.

The others looked over quickly, and the senior brother had the most ideas.

The senior brother was very angry, what's going on now?He could have a fart idea!
"We are from Tianmu Mountain. If you dare to touch us, just wait for Tianmu Mountain to chase you!"

Upon hearing this, the junior brothers immediately burst into joy on their faces.Sure enough, it was the senior brother who came up with an idea so quickly.

They immediately said proudly to Fang Han: "Did you hear that? We are from Tianmu Mountain!"

"Our Tianmu Mountain is a first-class sect in the heaven and human world. If you dare to offend Tianmu Mountain, Tianmu Mountain will make it impossible for you to gain a foothold in the heaven and human world!"

Fang Han laughed disdainfully, he doesn't need to gain a foothold in the world of heaven and man, and he is not from the world of heaven and man.However, Fang Han didn't want to kill them. After all, the little carpenter still had to live in the world of heaven and man, so he had to think about the little carpenter.

Moreover, people like this who only know how to use the sect to oppress others have no great ability at all. Even if they were killed, Fang Han would feel his hands were dirty.

But punishment is inevitable.

The sword technique in his hand changed, and the giant sword immediately thrust forward.


The people in Tianmu Mountain didn't expect that Fang Han would really dare to attack them, and they screamed in fright.

"You are really looking for death!" Someone roared.

"Forgive me! I was wrong!" Someone begged for mercy.

In an instant, their true colors were all revealed.In fact, they were so afraid of death that they didn't even dare to fight back when they closed their eyes.


After a while, they didn't feel any pain.Only then did Fang Han open his eyes strangely. Could it be that Fang Han really let them go because he was afraid of Tianmu Mountain's strength?

But when they opened their eyes, they were all stunned.

The giant sword over there picked up some familiar clothes and flew towards Fang Han slowly.They glanced at each other, and immediately found that the coats on their companions were gone, and when they looked at themselves, the coats on their bodies also disappeared!
More importantly, the treasure bags on them were gone too!

The treasure bag of the monk is all the property of the monk. The treasure bag on their body contains a lot of wealth, such as spirit stones, medicine pills, treasures, supplies, and many other gadgets that they usually collect.

These are easy to say, but the Tianmu Mountain exercises they practiced are also included!If these exercises are lost, the Zongmen will definitely punish them severely!
(End of this chapter)

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