Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 46 Fang Han is Injured

Chapter 46 Fang Han is Injured

In the flash of lightning, Fang Han's eyes changed continuously. He tried his best to turn sideways and hit the bodyguard's arm at the same time.

Accompanied by the sound of "click", the bodyguard who sneaked up on Fang Han's life suddenly let out a miserable scream that was not human. The arm attacked by Fang Han was directly fractured from the shoulder, and the whole arm seemed to be shattered at random. Like a ribbon fluttering in the wind, it was thrown directly on the back... This blow was directly crippled.

It also prevented the dagger he originally held in this hand from receiving the greatest results.

With a sound of Zila, Fang Han's t-shirt was directly pierced, and the dagger penetrated half an inch into the flesh..., blood splashed everywhere, and Fang Han, who was in pain, quickly urged the energy in his body to pounce on the wound, and at the same time drew out the dagger, took off his coat and tightened his grip. Tightly tied around the waist.

The moment the dagger was pulled out, the blood instantly dyed the bundled t-shirt reddish purple, directly penetrating through the clothes, exuding a purple blood color.But at this moment, Fang Han felt much more at ease.Because he could clearly feel that the hemostasis was completed in an instant after the qi force rushed to the wound. Although he would not recover immediately, he did not have to worry about losing too much blood, and under the qi force movement, Fang Han was quite sure. Make sure that your internal organs have not been harmed.Although the injury is a bit scary now, the best thing is to go back and drink more brown sugar water to replenish blood.

But Fang Han will never forget that the bodyguard just wanted to kill him...

Thinking about it, if Fang Han had the intention to kill, all these guys in the room would have burped.At this moment, after Fang Han successfully escaped from the dangerous situation, the desire to kill has already risen in his heart, but he told himself that he must restrain himself... Even if he wants to kill, he can't do it here.

Murderous intent was churning in the heart, and the coldness in Fang Han's eyes was also reflected in the surprised young man. Chen Jinsheng and others were so frightened that they fell to the ground.

Although Fang Han didn't make a move, telling himself time and time again to restrain himself, the burning murderous intent radiated out through his eyes.

In the hearts of young people, Chen Jinsheng, Huang San and others, Fang Han has already equated with the devil!Facing such gazes at this time, they had no doubt that if Fang Han couldn't restrain himself for a while, he might kill them directly.

Perhaps it was the longing for life, or finally being able to say some complete words after Fang Han stopped, only to hear the young man crying loudly begging for mercy: "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive! Everything is negotiable...negotiable! Brother! We Wrong...we were wrong!"

At this time, Fang Han was completely unmoved by the begging for mercy of the young man, Chen Jinsheng, Huang San and the bodyguards.Looking at the bodyguard who had passed out again due to the pain, he tried his best to suppress the killing intent in his heart.

That guy wants his own life. Although the guy's entire arm is thrown on the back now, and he is declared disabled from now on, Fang Han is not reconciled...

But he wanted to force himself to let go of his killing intent...

"Calm down, calm down, even if you kill people, you can't be here! You are alone, if you really go in and you are sentenced to death, no one will care about you! So you must calm down...Calm down."

Hinting to himself one sentence at a time, Fang Han took a few deep breaths!After barely suppressing the rising murderous intention, at this moment, the originally locked door of the control room was suddenly opened, and a panic-stricken Tian Yu suddenly appeared at the door accompanied by security guards.

The appearance of Tian Yu made Fang Han's originally cold and murderous eyes restrained a lot.

But I didn't expect Tian Yu to use the spare key to open the door. After seeing the scene in the room, he didn't take care of it immediately. After seeing her, the young man surnamed Guan showed surprise and pride.

He actually replied to the phone: "Fang Han is injured."

It was only at this time that Tian Yu realized that Tian Yu was still holding the phone in his hand, and from the bright screen of the phone, it could be clearly judged that he was still talking to the other party.Because of the angle, I don't know who Tian Yu is talking to.But one thing is certain, the person Tian Yu notified at this critical juncture must be a big shot in the bar.

"Manager Tian, ​​please inform Brother Mo immediately that the captain of the security guard intends to commit murder!"

The young man had already stood up at this time, his whole body was in unbearable pain, his appearance was even more miserable, his whole face was smeared, blood flowed horizontally, it was disfigured by Fang Han's punches and kicks.

As soon as the young man's words came out, Chen Jinsheng and Huang San all stood up subconsciously. They were severely beaten by Fang Han. Of course, they hated Fang Han extremely in their hearts. Listening to the young man's words, they all looked at the young man with complacent eyes. Fang Han seemed to feel that this time he could finally take revenge.It seems that in their minds, with their identities, Tian Yujie won't ignore them, right?In this case, Fang Han, a small security captain, can clean up as he wants?
But what they didn't expect was that right after the young man's words came out, Fang Han, who had suppressed his killing intent, turned the dagger unceremoniously, and stabbed the young man's thigh.

Pfft... The young man was horrified and stupefied, his thigh had already been hit, the blood was shot, and he fell directly to the ground.

Everyone was frightened by the scene in front of them, and almost lost their ability to think. No one thought that Fang Han would dare to attack the young man surnamed Guan, the general manager of the bar, after Tian Yu's arrival.

Tian Yu's beautiful big eyes also jumped wildly... But she didn't dare to step forward to stop Fang Han, but whispered a few words to the phone while holding the phone.After hearing some orders, Tian Yu boldly ran to Fang Han's side, stretched out his hand to hold Fang Han's arm, and said softly: "The boss will come right away, don't be impulsive, sit down first... I used to After learning nursing, your wound must be bandaged immediately!"

Tian Yu's soft voice calmed down Fang Han's violent killing intent, his eyes still gleamed ferociously and stared at the few people who didn't dare to speak anymore, nodded and sat on the chair, then Tian Yu quickly ordered The security guard entered the room to control everyone present, and at the same time told others to go to her office to get the medicine box.

It didn't take long...the medicine box was brought over, Tian Yu reached out and pressed the acupuncture point on Fang Han's abdomen and waist, and at the same time quickly applied a yellow medicinal powder on the blood hole.

At this time, the blood hole is not bleeding much, but the external wound is still there!It looked scary, but the wound inside had been blocked by energy.

After all, only a short time had passed, so Tian Yu still used his own hand to get fresh and hot blood when treating the wound. The scene looked really delicious, but Fang Han had never made a sound from the middle knife until now.They are much tougher than those who were beaten but were not seriously injured. Those guys are still moaning until now!Especially the young man who was stabbed in the thigh by Fang Han in the end.He was the one who cried the loudest.

Hearing Tian Yu's words, the young man surnamed Guan was obviously happy, but in front of Fang Han who was holding a dagger, several of them learned to be smart, because the current facts are here, as long as they are still by Fang Han's side, Just stop talking!Otherwise, the words would cause Fang Han to explode, and no one could stop Fang Han from committing the crime. At this time, they could only put their hopes on the upcoming boss, because it was obvious that the boss would not come alone after such a big incident. Brother Mo must come over to deal with it.

I know these young people very well.Because he knows who the boss is...

(End of this chapter)

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