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Chapter 457 The Way to Defeat Xiao Zhan

Chapter 457 The Way to Defeat Xiao Zhan

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Xiao Zhan's face.Even a formidable close-combat master is vulnerable to the feeling of being close to the Tao.As long as he was familiar with that feeling, he decided to kill Fang Han easily.

Thinking of this, he immediately stepped up his attack, trying to grasp that feeling faster.

Fang Han was covered in cold sweat behind him. If it wasn't for his quick reaction, Xiao Zhan might have really succeeded just now.I really didn't expect that the blessing of the white tiger would actually make people enter the state of killing. Isn't this state exclusive to the killing stone?

No, the first time he came into contact with the killing state was in the earth magic stone, that is to say, there are many ways to enter the killing state, and the killing stone is not necessarily required.

Just as he was thinking, Xiao Zhan's attack came again, and Fang Han quickly resisted it.Because he was distracted just now, he was always at a disadvantage, and could only resist Xiao Zhan's attack passively.

Tao Yong saw that Xiao Zhan was able to beat Fang Han, his face immediately became weird.He knew Fang Han's strength. Before, he was a level stronger than Fang Han and couldn't defeat Fang Han, but Xiao Zhan was not famous for close combat. How could he beat Fang Han?

Seeing his doubts, the head of the law enforcement hall explained to him: "This is the effect of the white tiger's blessing to fight. The white tiger is the main killer. After being blessed by the white tiger, the melee ability will be rapidly improved, and people will enter a mysterious state. , as long as you maintain this state, you can find the enemy's flaws at any time, and kill them with one blow!"

"Hiss—" Tao Yong couldn't help but gasped, he really didn't know about this, and looked at the law enforcement hall master with some worry, "Isn't Fang Han in danger? I'll go around now and destroy the eyes of the formation." .”

"Can't go!" The head of the law enforcement hall stopped him, "Xiao Zhan will not let anyone enter the hall. In his current state, he can kill us at any time, but your friend still can't beat him."

"Then what should we do? Just wait here like this?" Tao Yong asked a little angrily. Fang Han saved him several times, and he would not watch Fang Han die here.

The Hall Master of Law Enforcement sighed, "We have no choice now. If we want to break this realm, we need to destroy the big formation. We can't destroy the eyes of the formation, so we can only think of a way in the sky. Without the power of the four images The big formation can be destroyed only by the strength of the distraction stage, after destroying the big formation, the star power of Xiao Zhan can be weakened, and your friend will have a chance to kill Xiao Zhan!"

"What's the difference between what you said and what you didn't say?" Tao Yong scolded, "Who among us has the ability to destroy a large formation?"

"It might be possible to gather the strength of all of us!" said the law enforcement hall master.

Tao Yong looked at the disciples behind him and nodded, "Then give it a try!"

Everyone went down the steps again, came to the flat ground, and lost all their mana to the law enforcement hall master.The head of the Law Enforcement Hall took out his sword and poured all the mana into the sword, and the sword glistened with mana.

After all the mana was input, the law enforcement hall master suddenly threw the sword upwards, and the sword immediately shot into the sky like an arrow from the string.

Everyone fell to the ground due to the exhaustion of mana, but their heads were all looking towards the sky, staring hopefully at the sword hitting the formation!

The big formation shook for a while, but the sword was overwhelmed, it broke inch by inch, and fell from the sky.

Watching the formation regain its original shape, their hopes were completely resolved.

"Damn it!" Tao Yong hit the ground with his last strength, tears streaming from his eyes.He turned his head to look up the steps, hoping to take another look at Fang Han, but he couldn't turn his head.

Hahaha——" Xiao Zhan laughed maniacally while suppressing Fang Han's attack, "Aren't you very powerful?Why is it not working now?What about your ability?Why didn't I see it?I just saw you running around like a mouse.Don't you want to help Tao Yong take back Qianye Mountain?I'm here, just kill me and you'll be successful!What are you hiding from? "

More and more words came out of Xiao Zhan's mouth, as if a chatterbox had been opened, and he couldn't keep it at all.

Fang Han was a little surprised, Xiao Zhan was not like this just now, why did he suddenly change?While resisting the attack, he looked at Xiao Zhan.

Suddenly, I found that Xiao Zhan's eyes were gradually turning red, and the madness inside them was getting stronger and stronger.

Could it be that Xiao Zhan is trying to become obsessed?
He guessed right, Xiao Zhan did have some signs of being possessed.He had never borrowed the blessing of the white tiger before, so his performance was normal.The reason why he was able to bless with the white tiger was because he had this authority.

Because the blessing of the green dragon could not defeat Fang Han at all, he had to switch to the blessing of the white tiger as a last resort.Otherwise, if the eyes of the formation were destroyed, he would not be able to beat Fang Han at all.

It's not that he doesn't know that he will go crazy, but going crazy is better than dying, right?

There was a loud noise from the sky, and Xiao Zhan's attention was diverted away.Fang Han quickly seized this opportunity, forced Xiao Zhan away with a sword, and got a chance to breathe.

Xiao Zhan's killing realm improved rapidly because of his obsession, and Fang Han almost couldn't hold on anymore.

After retreating more than ten meters, Fang Han went to see what happened.Tao Yong wants to break through the big formation, break Xiao Zhan's star power, and make his eyes shine. Maybe this is the way to defeat Xiao Zhan!

Xiao Zhan stood with his hands behind his back, and looked at the people who were limp on the ground with a playful look, "You are really overthinking your own strength, even if you don't have star power, this big formation will need a distraction attack to be broken. You trash A hundred more will not be able to break the formation."

The head of the Law Enforcing Hall regained some strength, sat up slowly, and said to Xiao Zhan: "Xiao Zhan, you are bringing your own doom, and using two kinds of star power to cultivate at the same time, you will go crazy and die in the end !"

"So what?" Xiao Zhan said disdainfully, "You definitely won't live to that time!"

The Hall Master of Law Enforcement has given up hope of survival, "Traitor, I will work with my ancestors to see what happens to you!"

"Then I'll send you to meet your ancestors right now!" Xiao Zhan snorted coldly, then rushed towards the Hall Master of Law Enforcement, swung his long sword, and stabbed at him.

Fang Han's eyes flashed, a large ball of flame condensed on his hand, and he shouted: "Xiao Zhan!"

Xiao Zhan stopped immediately when he heard the voice, and looked back at Fang Han.Then he saw a mass of raging fire rushing towards his face, wrapping him in it, burning him continuously!

"You want to burn me to death? You're dreaming!" Xiao Zhan mobilized all his mana to form a shield that blocked all the flames, then took a step forward and rushed out of the flames !
(End of this chapter)

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