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Chapter 438 Counter Attack

Chapter 438 Counter Attack
After the thunder and lightning entered his body, Fang Han's mana increased again.He rolled his eyes, deliberately blunted for a moment, as if he had been paralyzed by lightning, and then dodged the attack of the water dragon in a short time!

Bai Daochang saw that the thunder and lightning had an effect, and immediately began to use the thunder and lightning to help the water dragon attack.

Fang Han slowly approached Daoist Bai while bearing the damage from lightning.After accumulating some mana, he suddenly sent the power of thunder and lightning to his legs, and quickly rushed towards Daoist Bai!

"Why did you recover your mana again?" After asking, Daoist Bai suddenly thought that Fang Han can use the power of flames and lightning, and just now he used flames to restore Fang Han's mana, so if he used lightning to strike him, he should also be able to use it Restore mana!

"Damn it!" Bai Daochang cursed secretly, but he kept complaining in his heart that he was a pig who gave Fang Han two chances to recover his mana!
However, even so, he didn't think Fang Han could keep him, at most he was wasting some more time.So when he took a step forward, he was about to disappear again.


There was a thunder, and a flash of lightning suddenly appeared on Fang Han's body, and it quickly struck at Daoist Bai.Bai Daochang's steps are not sold out yet, lightning strikes!
He felt numb all over his body, and froze all of a sudden. Although the lightning didn't cause him much damage because of his strong strength, he froze for just a short while, and he became terrified.

Raising his head, looking at the falling giant sword, he quickly directed the water dragon to block his head.

Fang Leng laughed. It was really a sudden illness. Just now the water dragon has proved that it can't block the attack of the giant sword. What's the use of using it to block the head?


The giant sword chopped off from the water dragon, and smashed on Bai Daochang's body unabated.


Bai Daochang was hit on the head by the huge sword, and he was split in half without even a chance to speak.Blood splattered and scattered on the hill and nearby stones.

The giant sword smashed into the hill below him, the hill cracked completely, and stones mixed with blood flew around.


The water dragon lost its mana support all day long, and fell on the gravel, washing away the blood on it.The water mixed with blood flowed downhill, and a lot of it flowed into the sea!
Fang Han withdrew his mana, and the giant sword disappeared.Holding the purple gold sword, he walked to the place where Taoist Bai died, picked up the Dionysus pot, raised his head and took a sip.


The wine in the Dionysus Pot is sweet and spicy, full of fragrance, and very delicious.

He glanced at Taoist Master Bai's body with an indifferent expression. He had done too much evil and would have to pay for it sooner or later!


Fang Han took out a treasure bag from under Bai Daochang's clothes, and said jokingly, "You can still explode the equipment?"

After opening the treasure bag, I saw a lot of yellow talismans inside, and these yellow talismans were stacked one after another.After reading the use of Daoist Bai just now, this pile of yellow talismans is a formation. Fang Han doesn't know the formation very well. If he studies these yellow talismans thoroughly, he might use many formations.

In addition to the yellow talisman, there are two other books, one is "Thousand Epees", and the other is "Earth Shrinking Technique".

"Thousand Heavy Swords": Intermediate flying swordsmanship. After learning, you can use flying swords, and you can turn one flying sword into a thousand flying swords to attack the enemy together.

"Shutchi Technique": An advanced spell that can reach anywhere within a thousand meters with one step. When practiced to the extreme, one can cross a thousand miles with one step.

Good stuff!Very happy, these two books are what he wanted very much. "Thousand Heavy Swords" solved his problem of using Zijin Sword. He always used Zijin Sword as a precious sword because he didn't have flying sword skills. Now with "Thousand Heavy Swords", Zijin Sword finally showed its power!
And "Earth Shrinking Technique" is what he has always wanted. Looking at those legends, the gods are always going somersaulting for thousands of miles, and looking at himself, he still has to run to get on the road, which is too cheap!

Excited to open "Thousand Epees", he can't wait to learn flying swordsmanship!Look at those sword fairies on TV, killing people with swords, and taking people's heads thousands of miles away is like picking something out of a bag.And you can fly with the sword, don't have too many functions!


An alarm bell sounded not far away, waking Fang Han up.

Police reinforcements are coming!
He quickly packed the book, and then quickly ran to Lin Yan and the others.The internal force of luck awakened them from the stupor, and then circulated the power of lightning throughout the body, and quickly ran to the distance!

Lin Yan woke up, only to hear the sound of electric sparks gradually disappearing.She quickly turned her head and looked over, just in time to see Fang Han flipping over the top of the mountain and disappearing behind the mountain!

Subconsciously, she was about to catch up, but she heard a car stop nearby.

"Hurry up, surround this place, don't let anyone go!" A clearly angry voice came.

Lin Yan recognized that this was Wu Shaofeng, the East China Police Chief who had just evacuated temporarily.

No wonder Fang Han is leaving!It turned out that the armed police had arrived.

She looked around the warehouse and saw that several hills had been smashed or flattened, which showed how fierce the battle was just now.On a broken hill, she saw a pool of light red blood and a Taoist uniform, which should belong to that Taoist priest.

I didn't expect Fang Han to kill this Taoist priest!That Taoist priest is so powerful!How on earth did he do it?
The policemen who followed Lin Yan before also woke up at this time.

"Damn it, my head hurts!"

"Captain Lin, are you okay?"

Lin Yan shook her head, stretched out her hand and pulled them up one by one from the ground, "I'm fine, reinforcements from the armed police are here, let's go and have a look!"

"Okay!" Several policemen nodded, covering their heads while walking down the mountain.

As a result, when I looked up, I saw that several hills around the warehouse had disappeared, and they were all eaten up.

"What's the situation, isn't there a few hills here?"

"It should have been blown up. Look at these big rocks, they were all blown down from the hills!"

"It doesn't seem to be fried, right? Look at the part in the middle of the hill, it's completely cut out!"

"How is it possible? That would require a lot of swords!"

Several people couldn't believe their eyes, but they couldn't find an explanation why several hills became like this!

While they were arguing, Wu Shaofeng came over with a large group of armed police. Seeing them, he quickly asked, "What's going on? Why are the roads blocked? That bastard Liao Wenxing blew up the road?"

"No!" Several policemen shook their heads quickly, and then looked at Lin Yan.

Wu Shaofeng felt strange, so he asked Lin Yan: "Lin Yan, tell me!"

Lin Yan was also in a bit of a dilemma, she didn't want to tell Wu Shaofeng about Fang Han.But it’s not enough not to say, so I can only find a way to delay, “Ju Wu, let’s clean up the scene first!”

Wu Shaofeng felt even more baffled. Just as he was about to get angry, he heard an armed policeman next to him say: "There is a dead body here!"

What the armed police found was Daoist Bai's body, and a group of armed police surrounded him with very strange expressions on their faces.They didn't dare to look at each one of them, and turned their backs quickly, suppressing the discomfort.

(End of this chapter)

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