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Chapter 429 Because They Shameless!

Chapter 429 Because They Shameless!
Thinking of the punishment he would receive when he went back and the humiliation from the Sumiyoshi Society, Yusuke Ishikawa's anger burned uncontrollably.

A blue light flashed in his eyes, and water gradually condensed from his hands.The water flow drives the wind, blowing his clothes and hair, looking like a master with his own blower.

"It's unforgivable that you dare to destroy Hongye Shou!"

When Liao Wenxing saw that Hongye Shou was destroyed, he couldn't help feeling distressed, and looked at Fang Han with sharp eyes.If it wasn't for his lack of strength, he wished he could kill Fang Han himself now.

What's more, he finally found a way to obtain extraordinary abilities, only to be destroyed by Fang Han in the blink of an eye.

Apart from being angry, he also had some worries.Fang Han's display of strength is very strong, will it be okay for Ishikawa Yusuke to go up like this?

He doesn't care about Ishikawa Youyou's personal safety, and he doesn't care about his business, but just now Ishikawa Youyou promised to help him find the demon sword. If something happens to him, his demon sword will be hopeless!

"Bai Daochang, please take action and get rid of that person!"

Taoist priest Bai shook his head and said: "Mr. Liao, don't worry, this Japanese man is not as weak as you think. If Pindao is not mistaken, he should be an onmyoji."

"Oh?" Liao Wenxing looked at Ishikawa Yusuke, who was surrounded by water, in surprise. Could he be an Onmyoji?

The policemen saw the water flow that Ishikawa helped to condense, and they couldn't help worrying, "Captain Lin, that Japanese man can control the water, can your friend beat him?"

Lin Yan didn't know either, so she didn't answer, but looked at Fang Han worriedly: You must hold on!

Fang Han saw that Shi Chuanyou could control the water flow, and immediately thought that he was the same as himself, with special magic power.But when he watched Shi Chuanyouyou warily, he found that these water currents were not used for attacking, but for constructing things!

The water flows around Ishikawa's body, gradually forming a water figure over three meters high.This water man is wearing a kimono, a black hat, and a folding fan, and there are several water fish swimming around him.

It's just that he can't see the threat at all?If it wasn't for the pupil of insight warning him all the time, he would have suspected that Yusuke Ishikawa was a magician!
"What is this?" The policemen looked at the water man in surprise, not thinking it was anything special.

Lin Yan was also a little puzzled. The Japanese man was so angry that he came up with such a thing?

Liao Wenxing was also puzzled, "What is Shi Chuan doing?"

Daoist Bai was a little surprised, stroked his beard and said, "I never thought that this Japanese man would have such a powerful shikigami!"

"Shikigami?" Liao Wenxing still has some understanding of the Wa country, and has heard a lot about Shikigami, "Is this thing a shikigami?"

"That's right!" Taoist Master Bai nodded, "And this is a very powerful shikigami, even worse than that demon sword."

"So powerful?" Liao Wenxing was stunned.

Seeing the formation of the water man, Shi Chuanyou immediately said to Fang Han with contempt: "How dare you allow me to summon the Lord of Arakawa? You really overestimated yourself!"

"My Lord Arakawa is the best group of shikigami, and now he is at the seaside, the power of the Lord Arakawa will reach the strongest. And you dare to destroy the property of the Inagawa Association, now I represent the Inagawa Chuan will punish you!"

"What is this Japanese man talking so nonchalantly? Master, kill him, and give us Huaxia prestige!" Several policemen shouted loudly outside the warehouse.

"Don't bother Fang Han!" Lin Yan quickly stopped them.Based on what she knew about Fang Han, the Wa countryman on the opposite side might not be easy to deal with!
"Lord of Arakawa?" Liao Wenxing asked Daoist Bai in surprise, "Is this shikigami really as powerful as Ishikawa said?"

Taoist priest Bai nodded lightly, "Although I am very reluctant to admit it, the shikigami created by these Japanese people are still very good. Especially the most elite group now, each one has its own characteristics, which is no better than the Chinese Taoism." Not by much. If they hadn't learned it completely when they stole it, they could have crushed us with these shikigami."

Liao Wenxing looked at that shikigami playfully, he didn't care about the country or anything, he only cared about himself.If he also has a shikigami, wouldn't he also have extraordinary power?kindness!When the fight is over, I must ask Ishikawa how to get a shikigami.

Fang Han looked at the Lord of Arakawa vigilantly. This water man seemed to be weak and would break if he poked it.But under the observation of the pupil of insight, there is no weakness.

This made Fang Han very surprised. Even an existence like Thunder Beast has weaknesses. Why doesn't the Lord of Arakawa have one?

The Lord of Arakawa was also looking at Fang Han, but instead of seriousness, there was some playfulness on his face.With a light wave, two water fish swimming beside him suddenly swung their tails and rushed towards Fang Han.

"Damn it! How despicable!" A policeman couldn't help but shouted when he saw Lord Arakawa's sneak attack.

"Be careful!" Lin Yan also reminded Fang Han loudly, her heart tightened.

Fang Han has been on guard for a long time!As soon as he dodged, he dodged.But these two water fishes were extremely nimble, they turned around as soon as they rushed over, and rushed towards Fang Han's back.

Fang Han slipped and hid beside a shelf.With a wave of his hand, the Lord of Arakawa controlled two more fishes to rush towards Fang Han, and the four fish attacked from both sides. When they saw Fang Han, four water arrows suddenly shot out from the innermost part.

Liao Wenxing said amusedly: "This Shi Chuan is really a swindler, playing so many tricks in sneak attacks!"

Although he said it, he didn't mean to look down on Ishikawa's help, but rather appreciated it.

"This is the reason why the Japanese people can be strong, because they are shameless!" Bai Daochang sneered at the behavior, thinking it was not the right way.But he has to admit that this kind of crooked way is often very useful sometimes.

Ishikawa Yusuke was also very happy with his masterpiece, "I see where are you going to escape?"

Behind Fang Han is a shelf containing cultural relics. If he hides, those cultural relics will definitely suffer.So he quickly weaved a grid in front of him, but the water arrows hit the grid, but the power did not decrease at all, and they continued to hit Fang Han!
Fang Han had no choice but to dodge to the corner.

"Boom!" "Clatter..."

The water arrow and the water fish hit the shelf one after another, directly smashing the shelf and the antique vase on it.

"Damn Japanese people, those are all cultural relics!" Several policemen jumped their feet angrily. At least three of the family that was just broken were blue and white porcelain, and they were worth 80 million.

Lin Yan was also very annoyed when she saw it, but she was more worried about Fang Han, because the water man was still constantly coming out of the water fish.Facing four water fish now, Fang Han was in a bit of a panic. If all those water fish joined in the attack, wouldn't he be in danger?
"Shi Chuan, you have to pay me for breaking anything!" Liao Wenxing said dissatisfiedly, the value of the items in this warehouse is several hundred million, if they are all broken, he will have to pay a lot of money!
(End of this chapter)

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