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Chapter 424 The Flash?

Chapter 424 The Flash?

"Come out quickly!"


"Hehe!" Liao Wenxing's men showed a sneer, "These Japanese people are really stunned! They just walked over in such a swagger and were knocked down by those notes?"

"These are all elite thugs of the Inagawa Society, known for their bravery and fearlessness." The companion also said contemptuously.

"It's quick to die like this!"

"Crack!" There was a gunshot in front, and a member of the Inagawa Society fell to the ground.

"Baga!" The members of the Inagawa Association yelled, and immediately took a shotgun to the corner and fired a shot.Several other people ran forward quickly, aiming the shotgun at the corner.


Lin Yan quickly withdrew her hands and turned her head to avoid the splashing masonry chips.

The little policeman at the back looked up from behind the stone, and quickly shouted to Lin Yan: "Captain Lin, come up quickly, they are rushing over!"

Lin Yan didn't hesitate and quickly rushed behind a stone.

The members of the Inagawa Club ran to the corner, turned around and fired several times, but all of them hit the ground.

Lin Yan saw that several of them were exposed within her range, and immediately shouted: "Hit!"

Then several people poked their heads out of their hiding places, raised their pistols and shot at the Daochuan Club people!


Several members of the Inagawa Society fell to the ground, but this group of people still wanted to struggle to get up and fight back.

At this time, a person suddenly turned around from the corner, holding an assault rifle in his hand, and swept towards Lin Yan and the others.

"Clap clap clap..."

"Ah!" A policeman was shot in the chest twice, and the others quickly bowed their heads and retreated.

"Xiao Lin, how are you?" Lin Yan asked loudly.

The policeman who was shot leaned on the stone, some blood came out of his chest, but he just felt pain, "It's okay, Team Lin, I just penetrated the bulletproof vest."

Lin Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to the side to shoot back.

"Clap clap clap..."

The sound of several assault rifles rang out, forcing Lin Yan back.Then the sound of assault rifles continued, getting closer and closer.

Lin Yan was very anxious and could only listen to the sound of gunshots getting closer and closer.But for some reason, she seemed to hear several electric sparks among the gunshots.

"Clap clap clap..."

Liao Wenxing's men moved forward while suppressing them with firepower.There was a look of disdain on their faces. This group of policemen was nothing more than that. They only knew how to hide and didn't dare to stand out.

One of Liao Wenxing's men signaled to his companion, "You guys watch here, I'll go over and catch them."

After saying that, he spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth on the ground and walked towards the stone where Lin Yan was hiding.

Lin Yan raised her head, looking for an opportunity to fight back.

But as soon as she moved, bullets from the assault rifle flew over her head, pinning her back.

"Hehe? There is actually a woman?" Liao Wenxing's men showed a playful smile, "It seems that there is a lot of fun today!"

He leaned the assault rifle against the stone, then quickly turned sideways, and the muzzle of the gun hit Lin Yan's forehead.

Lin Yan had no choice but to put down the pistol in her hand.

"Captain Lin!" The other policemen quickly raised their pistols and pointed them at Liao Wenxing's men, even standing up regardless of the danger.

Liao Wenxing's subordinates smiled disdainfully, "Look around you!"

When several policemen took a look, several other Liao Wenxing's men had already walked over and pointed their assault rifles at them.

"Tell them to put down their guns, or I'll kill them!" Liao Wenxing's men poked Lin Yan's forehead with the barrel of a gun.

Seeing the current situation, Lin Yan had no choice but to say to several policemen: "Put down the gun!"

A few policemen threw their guns on the ground helplessly, but their faces were full of humiliation, obviously very unwilling!

"Bang!" One of Liao Wenxing's subordinates kicked a policeman down, "What the hell, if you get caught, just be honest and show your face to whom?"

"What do they do?" Another of Liao Wenxing's subordinates jokingly said, "Let's study how to deal with this policewoman!"

"Did you hear that, our brother asked you to do a strip dance!" Liao Wenxing's subordinate who was looking at Lin Yan said wretchedly.

Lin Yan's face was livid, and she stared at them fiercely.Stripping?Even if you kill her, she won't jump!
"Hey? What are you staring at?" Liao Wenxing's subordinate was annoyed, "Don't dance, right? If you don't dance, I will help you!"

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed Lin Yan's collar, trying to pull it down!

"Bastard!" Lin Yan couldn't help cursing, and the other policemen rushed over to fight Liao Wenxing's men.

At this moment, a sound of wind and thunder came from a distance, and it was approaching very quickly!

Everyone raised their heads in surprise and looked up the hillside, only to see a blue light rushing down quickly.As the blue light got closer and closer, they realized that the blue light was made of thunder and lightning, and there was a person running towards him in the midst of the thunder and lightning.

"Fang Han?" Lin Yan looked at that face in surprise, this way of appearing on the stage was too shocking!

"The Flash?" Several police officers were also dumbfounded.

"Who?" Several of Liao Wenxing's subordinates were even more surprised. They never expected such a Cheng Yaojin to come out.They quickly turned their guns, trying to attack the person coming.

But they haven't waited for half of the transfer!Fang Han, who ran over with the power of thunder and lightning, stretched out his foot and hand, stretched out a dozen bolts of lightning, and hit them.


A burst of electric current flashed, and Liao Wenxing's men fell to the ground trembling all over, foaming continuously from their mouths, and stared blankly at the sky.

After cleaning up these bad guys, Fang Han jumped up immediately, then somersaulted in the air, and stood firmly on the rock.

"Fang Han!" Lin Yan looked at him in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Fang Han smiled and said, "I just saw your message and rushed over here."

"Just saw my message?" Lin Yan looked at Fang Han suspiciously, but she sent so many messages.

"We'll talk about it later!" Fang Han stopped Lin Yan's thought of breaking the casserole to ask the bottom line, jumped off the rock, and asked her, "What's going on here?"

Several policemen from East China quickly surrounded him, "Are you the Flash?"

Fang Han immediately became embarrassed. His situation just now was indeed very similar to Flash.But that was also a move of no choice. He originally wanted to fly over, but he was not very familiar with the magic power of lightning in his body, so he could only run.

As a result, after accelerating with mana, he did not expect to release the power of lightning from his body, which caused such a result.

Fortunately, at this time, Lin Yan helped him out, "Okay, let's deal with the matter here first. Xiao Ma, you should immediately contact the armed police department and ask how long it will take for them to arrive. Xiao Wang, you are in charge of monitoring the warehouse What’s going on inside. The people below see how Xiao Lin’s injuries are? If it’s dangerous, send him to the hospital first.”

After receiving the order, several policemen immediately started to move.

Lin Yan then said to Fang Han: "We didn't know that Liao Wenxing would make deals with people here today, but we were ambushed and suffered heavy losses. The only good news is that Liao Wenxing and the Japanese people who followed the deal are now in the warehouse , and did not leave."

"Japanese?" Fang Han couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Inside the warehouse, one of Liao Wenxing's subordinates walked in quickly, "Boss, a guy who can use electricity came outside and rescued those policemen!"

(End of this chapter)

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