Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 413 Mental Damage Fee

Chapter 413 Mental Damage Fee

When Fang Han heard this, how could he be like this? Immediately, he was envious, and quickly asked: "Then how old are they when they die?"

"Don't die!"

"Undead?" Fang Han's eyes widened, "Isn't the God Realm overcrowded?"

"It's good to have a few children in the God Realm in 1 years. How can it be overcrowded? And the land is getting bigger and bigger, and the children born are not enough for them to expand!" Ling Diao said.

"Why is the territory of the God Realm getting bigger and bigger?" Fang Han didn't understand. "Does the God Realm compete for territory every day?"

"Pangu created the heaven and the earth, and the clear air rose to become the sky. The higher the sky rises, the bigger the territory will naturally be-no, are you endless?" Ling Diao refused.

"I won't ask anymore, you can continue talking about your master." Fang Han said quickly.

Ling Diao glanced at him, and continued: "My master is not like this. After all, he is the Little True Monarch of the God Realm. Many people watched him. But since the old master disappeared suddenly more than 1000 years ago, the master Because the mother is sad, she often retreats, and the little master's temper becomes wild..."

Fang Han listened to Ling Diao's words, and a story about a child without parental education appeared in his mind!This bear child can only see his mother once in hundreds of years, and for the rest of the time, the entire Tiangong is his toy alone.

He has a high status, and those retainers and guards are very respectful to him. They are usually afraid of bumping into each other, and they don't ask him what tables and chairs he has made or what animals he has killed.

In fact, where can I take care of them?This Little True Lord has extraordinary strength. In the words of Ling Diao, his claws, which have been cultivated for thousands of years, can cut off a tree with a diameter of one meter and can destroy a steel plate three inches behind. However, it can't even scratch the Little True Lord's skin. Not broken.

How powerful Xiaozhenjun is, Ling Diao has no idea, because no one has seen Xiaozhenjun use all his strength.

After Fang Han heard it, he asked Ling Diao: "Since your master has so many birds and beasts in his house, why did he take you back?"

Hearing this question, Ling Diao cried again, "It's my life!"

It turns out that the mink was a fairy in the human world more than 1000 years ago, living carefree on the mountains.But for some reason, many ascetics suddenly appeared on the mountain where it was located, killing the goblins on the mountain.

Many goblins died, and the mink was lucky enough to escape with its tail chopped off.

On the way to escape, he met his old master, was brought back to the God Realm, and gave it to the young master as a gift.

There are countless spiritual birds and beasts in the God Realm, but this is the first time I have seen Zhenjun Diao Xiaozhen without a tail, and I immediately fell in love with him.Not only did he make a cage specially for it, but also people specially made mink food according to its physique.

At the beginning, Xiao Zhenjun was very kind to him, but after Xiao Zhenjun became wild, his attacks began to be indifferent, and he was injured many times.

That's why it escaped from the God Realm and returned to the Human Realm.After wandering around in the human world for a long time, it suddenly asked about the smell of its own tail, and then the incident in Dongbao County appeared.

"So, your master is curious about you because you don't have a tail? So after you came back with a tail, he was very upset, so he tore off your tail?" Fang Han asked with a strange face.

"That's right!" The mink had a bit of embarrassment on its face, and it also knew that such a thing was embarrassing.

An idea suddenly popped up in Fang Han's mind, he looked at Ling Diao and asked: "If we find a fairy who also has no tail to replace you, will your master let you go?"

Ling Diao thought for a while, and his eyes lit up, "Maybe it is possible!"

But it immediately became frowning again, "But if this continues, won't I let other goblins suffer for me? I won't be able to bear it!"

When Fang Han heard this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, "I do know a goblin who is doing evil. If you let him replace you, you will feel better, right?"

Ling Diao immediately poked his head forward and looked at Fang Han eagerly: "Really? Great, where is that goblin?"

Fang Han reached out and took out the weasel in the app, and said to the mink, "This is it!"

Although the body of the weasel is more marked than that of the mink, it is similar, and the appearance is similar, but the color of the fur is slightly different, so it is a good substitute.

The mink immediately became happy when he saw the weasel. Given his little master's IQ, he probably couldn't find it. "Great, I'm finally free this time! Come on, give him to me!"

Seeing that the mink had taken the bait, Fang Han immediately sighed and said, "Let's forget it! I'm going to die anyway, so why keep this weasel, let's take him to die together!"

"What? What do you mean?" Ling Diao looked at him angrily.

"What do I mean?" Fang Han said with a smile: "You issued a mission to kill me, why should I help you?"

After Ling Diao heard this, he felt very embarrassed, and said cautiously: "I revoked the mission, can you give it to me?"

"It's a beautiful idea!" Fang Han stepped on the table, and said disdainfully, "If you want to kill me, kill me, and if you don't want to kill me, don't kill me? How can there be such a beautiful thing?"

"Then what do you want?" Ling Diao was anxious, "Let me tell you, I have nothing, you don't want to get anything from me!"

"Really?" Fang Han said with a chuckle: "Anyway, I'm not in a hurry, at worst I'll never get to the mission! But what about you! Be careful when walking, don't be seen by other mercenaries! "

"You!" Ling Diao still wanted to say some tough words, but he couldn't get tough, "You won!"

The mink has given up!It has no way not to admit it, it is well taken care of in the God Realm, and there is special spiritual food to increase its cultivation, but it has also been abused unclearly!Those who have increased their cultivation bases are not enough to heal their wounds, let their cultivation bases go backwards!

With its current strength, it has been caught in the human world, so it must be caught in other worlds!

So, what if he doesn't admit it?
"What do you want?" Ling Diao asked helplessly.

"You want to kill me and make me feel very bad. You have to pay me some mental damages, right?" Fang Han said proudly: "For example, get tens of millions of spiritual stones to spend."

"Are you crazy?" Ling Diao jumped up suddenly, the hair all over his body exploded, "Do you know what tens of millions of spirit stones are? Tens of millions of spirit stones can buy more than a dozen human worlds!"

so much?Astonishment flashed across Fang Han's face, but he quickly put his face down, "Who are you fooling! There are still dozens of human worlds, and this is the only one in the human world. You can buy one for me to try?"

"Let me tell you, if my spirit is not soothed, you just wait to be caught by mercenaries!"

Ling Diao glared at Fang Han angrily, then spun around on the ground, stopped a few times before stopping, and said helplessly: "I do know the location of a treasure, if you really make my master give up looking for me, I will Tell you!"

treasure?Fang Han's face showed joy, he just wanted to make a fool of himself, but he didn't expect to make such a big thing.

He quickly asked, "Where is the treasure?"

(End of this chapter)

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