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Chapter 403 We have been together for a long time

Chapter 403 We Are Already Together
Tao Yong saw Fang Han's expression unchanged and immediately knew that he was confident.Although he was curious about why Fang Han was so confident, he had no intention of asking.

Everyone has their own secrets, and peeping into other people's secrets will arouse others' suspicion.

He continued: "The biggest problem is actually the mountain-protecting formation of Qianye Mountain. As long as the mountain-protecting formation is in operation, it will take at least a tribulation period to break it outside the formation, and it will also require a distraction period to break it inside the formation."

"Oh?" Fang Han became curious, "What formation is so powerful?"

"Four Elephants Array!"

"Four Elephant Formation?" Fang Han asked mockingly, "Is that the Four Elephant Formation just now?"

Tao Yong didn't care about Fang Han's attitude, and there was conscious sarcasm on his face, "The one just now was just an incomplete four-element formation. How could the real four-elephant formation only have this power?"

"Oh?" Fang Han became interested, "Tell me in detail, I want to hear how powerful the Four Elephant Formation is."

"The real four-elephant formation remotely controls the 28 mansions, which can arouse the power of the stars, and realize the green dragon, white tiger, and vermilion bird basalt. Because it is composed of star power, their strength is not enough to cause them to be harmed by the power of the distraction stage." Tao Yong proudly said. Said.

"So powerful?" Fang Han opened his mouth. This was the first time he had heard of such a magical thing.

If what Tao Yong said is true, then he has seen that the only ones who can break the four elephant formations are King Shura and King Asura.

However, in this way, how should he break the formation?
Tao Yong said: "I will go back to Qianye Mountain first, destroy the formation, and then come to you!"

Fang Han thought about it, this is fine!So they agreed, and the two said goodbye.

After seeing off Tao Yong, Fang Han turned around and looked at Sister Murong.

The two sisters had been staring at each other just now, as if they were secretly competing.Now seeing Fang Han looking over, they all showed a smile, and rushed over again.

Fang Han didn't think much about it, he thought the two of them were still scared!After comforting the two of them, Fang Han took them on the road, and then found a nearby hotel to stay.

He booked two rooms, and after sending the two sisters back to the room, he wanted to go back to his own room.

He still has a lot of things to do, such as reading books and improving his strength. There are too many things that have happened recently, which makes him inexplicably feel a sense of urgency.

"Don't go!" The two sisters stretched out their hands to hold him at the same time.

"What's wrong?" Fang Han asked puzzled, "Are you still afraid?"

"En!" The two women nodded at the same time, then looked at each other again, and lowered their heads.

"Then I'll sit down for a while!" Fang Han carefully observed the expressions of the two women. After experiencing so many things in a day, their expressions were a little haggard. "You guys wash up, and then go to bed and rest! I'll wait for you Come back after falling asleep!"

The two women breathed a sigh of relief and nodded in agreement.Then the two said to each other at the same time: "You go first!"

The two were stunned for a moment, and Murong Qing said first: "Sister, you go first!"

Murong Wan opened her mouth, didn't say anything, got up and went into the bathroom.The sound of the shower sounded, and she should be taking a bath in it.

There were only two people left in the room, Murong Qing leaned against Fang Han again, and murmured, "If it weren't for you today, we sisters don't know what kind of torture we would have encountered."

When Fang Han heard this, he immediately blamed himself and said, "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been kidnapped."

"I don't blame you!" Murong Qing raised her head, looked into Fang Han's eyes, and said to him, "I don't blame you at all, it's all caused by those bad guys. If it wasn't for them, how could we have been arrested?"

She put her face on Fang Han's shoulder, "I only hate myself for being incompetent now, and always holding you back."

Fang Han was a little embarrassed, Murong Wan was in the bathroom, if he came out at this time, how would he explain it?But now that Murong Qing needed comfort, he couldn't push her away, so he could only comfort her: "Don't think so, I will protect you well in the future."

"I knew you were the best!" Murong Qing raised her head and kissed him on the cheek.

Fang Han's face was a little unnatural, and his eyes subconsciously glanced at the bathroom.His actions were discovered by Murong Qing, and Murong Qing was overjoyed. Fang Han didn't object, so he probably liked her, right?It's just that he was afraid of being seen by his sister.

But she wasn't afraid, and just let her sister see that Fang Han already belonged to me, so that she could dispel Fang Han's attempt.There is no right or wrong in love, even if she is her own sister, she will not compromise!
Thinking of this, she immediately moved her legs and sat astride Fang Han's lap. She held Fang Han's face in her hands and kissed him.

"Wow!" The bathroom door opened, Murong Wan came out wrapped in a towel, and seeing the two of them, she stood still.

When Murong Qing heard the sound, she couldn't help but look sideways, and then pretended nothing happened, "Sister, you're done washing."

With no expression on her face, Murong Wan nodded lightly, "En!"

"Then I'll go wash it!" Murong Qing got up from Fang Han, took off her coat, and with a triumphant smile on her face, she walked into the bathroom from Murong Wan's side.

Fang Han quickly got up and said nervously to Murong Wan, "I didn't do anything."

Murong Wan stared at Fang Han for more than ten seconds before bursting out laughing, "I know you didn't do it!"

"Aren't you angry?" Fang Han asked strangely.

Murong Wan rolled her eyes at him, "Why should I be angry? I'm not a big woman."

Hearing what she said, Fang Han had some embarrassment on his face.It is true that it is not Murong Wan's turn to be angry, it should be Guan Xuanxuan who is angry.

"Okay!" Murong Wan stretched out her hand to pull him over, and helped him take off his coat, "You can stay here tonight!"

"Live here?" Fang Han froze for a moment, looked at her in surprise, with a smile on his face, "Isn't it good to drive Murong Qing into that room?"

"It's up to her? If she wants to live here, she doesn't need to go to that room!" Murong Wan said lightly.

"Wait!" Fang Han didn't understand, "What do you mean by that?"

Murong Wan said: "I don't want to hide it anymore. If she sees us like this and still has thoughts about you, I won't object!"

"Stop!" Fang Han pressed her hand, "Don't play tricks on me, I never dared to think about Murong Qing."

"Don't dare?" Murong Wan raised her eyebrows, "So you have an idea?"

Fang Han immediately felt a slip of the tongue.

But Murong Wan didn't lose her temper, but took Fang Han's hand away.

She is not angry?Fang Han was stunned!
Murong Qing rubbed the shower gel on her body with her hands flattered in her heart, she was very kind to her performance just now.A good man like Fang Han should be held firmly in his hands.

Suddenly there were some noises outside, which made Murong Qing stunned, and she hurriedly opened the door of the bathroom.

When she poked her head out and saw the current situation, she was completely dumbfounded!
As soon as Murong Wan turned her head, she saw her sister staring at them.

Without the slightest bit of shame, she pulled her younger sister and said, "Actually, we've been together a long time ago."

When Murong Wan heard this, she was as if struck by lightning!

Already together?She thought that her sister wanted to compete with her for a man, but she never thought that she was fighting with her sister.

(End of this chapter)

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