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Chapter 394 Captured Sister Murong

Chapter 394 Captured Sister Murong
Fang Han stood there motionless, not even blinking his eyelids.An opponent like Wei Ning is no longer enough for him to spend too much time, he just wants to teach Wei Ning a huge lesson so that he will not bother himself again in the future.

Wei Ning didn't know what Fang Han was thinking, he looked at Fang Han standing there still, but he felt complacent.What the hell, I thought you knew a little bit of kung fu!In the end, I didn't understand anything, and when I saw me rushing over, I didn't even hide.

Now that I have prepared my starting gesture, let me see where you are going to hide?No matter where you hide, you can't avoid my attack.Now let you see how powerful karate is, and see my extreme flow Leihuang boxing!

He cupped his fists with both hands and raised them high above his head. His whole body was in a reverse arch shape. He flew to Fang Han's head and hit him on the head!

"go to hell!"

At this time, Fang Han gently raised his eyelids and revealed a sneer.

When Wei Ning saw this sneer, his heart tightened, before he had any other unnecessary thoughts!I saw Fang Han quickly lift his leg.


Wei Ning only felt a pain in his chest, and then he was temporarily blinded by dizziness.After his eyes could see again, he was shocked to find that he had already reached Fang Han's feet.

In the end what happened?how so?Weining was stunned. This was completely different from the script he had expected.

In his expectation, it was he who stepped on Fang Han's body and asked him whether he would accept it, not Fang Han who stepped on him.

Fang Han looked down at him indifferently, "Don't trouble me again in the future, otherwise, it won't be the same fate as today!"

Looking at Fang Han's expressionless face, Wei Ning felt scared for some reason.He swallowed and nodded subconsciously.

Fang Han took his feet back, turned around and left, just like when he came, never looking at Wei Ning again.

After Fang Han walked out the door, Wei Ning came to his senses.Ma Dan!What are you afraid of?Isn't it just Fang Han?Wasn't it just defeated by him?I must have been careless just now!If I didn't jump up and only used ground skills, I would definitely be able to defeat him!

After hinting to himself, Wei Ning regained his confidence.He sat up, looked out of the door, and said with a sneer, "This time you are lucky, wait for the next time, and see how I deal with you!"

He put his hands on the ground and prepared to get up, but in the corner of his vision, he found that there seemed to be soil falling from his body.

"Why is there so much dirt on that bastard's shoes?" He stood up and asked doubtfully, "Did he step on it in a flowerpot before he came here?"

He brushed off the dirt on his body with his hand raised, picked up his coat and was about to leave.But at this moment, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. Why did his hands seem to touch his chest muscles?What about the vest?

Lowering his head, Wei Ning was completely stuck there, and the coat in his hand fell to the ground.

On his chest, the vest was still there, but there was a hollow like a shoe print in the center of the vest.The fabric that was originally in this hole disappeared at some point. He glanced at the ground, and the dirt he just dusted off was actually these invisible powders.

"Is this—so possible?"

Wei Ning couldn't imagine how much strength it would take to crush his clothes!And under such a great force, he can still be intact, it is simply unbelievable!

In an instant, cold sweat broke out on Weining's body. He was walking before the gate of hell, and he was immediately terrified!
After calming down a bit, he immediately remembered that the hollow was exactly where Fang Han stepped on.Could it be?
"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Wei Ning thumped his forehead with his hand, he couldn't believe it was true.

However, only Fang Han had touched his vest just now!
After fighting in his heart, Wei Ning sat on the ground defeatedly. No wonder he just warned himself not to cause trouble for him again in the future!
It turned out that the gap between himself and him was so big!

Fang Han returned to his room and continued to pack his things.In the end, he no longer cared about Weining. Such an opponent was not worthy of his attention at all.

After tidying up, Fang Han took out the "Huang Ting Jing" to study.

Among the five books he obtained in the world of Asura, except for the "Shan Hai Jing", the other three books need to be based on the "Huang Ting Jing".

Before, he practiced blindly according to the guidance of Dragon's Breath Technique, Jade Pendant and Little Fox, and he was very lucky to be able to practice to the present level.Now that he has the most orthodox Taoist scriptures, he naturally wants to study hard!
"The old gentleman wrote seven words in his spare time, explaining the body shape and the gods. There is Huang Ting Xia Guanyuan on the top, and the gate of life in front of Youque..."

"Huang Ting Jing" tells the way of longevity, divided into "Inner Diameter", "Outer Diameter" and "Cunsi Method", which describes the method of developing the three dantians.

The lower Dantian is the foundation, and the middle Dantian is built to seek longevity.Then use the middle Dantian as the foundation to build the upper Dantian to achieve transcendence.

As long as the upper dantian is cultivated, then you will enter the period of crossing the catastrophe, and after going through the catastrophe, you can become a god in the flesh.

When Fang Han was studying hard, a phone call interrupted his train of thought.

He put down the book, picked up the phone, and found that it was Murong Wan calling, so he put the call to his ear.

In the end, a man's voice came from inside, "Fang Han, now bring the Earth Demon Stone to No. 39, Xiaoliangshan Villa Area, or we will kill them both!"


Before Fang Han could speak, the phone was hung up.

But Fang Han did not take this matter as a joke!He took out the Bagua Mirror and began to deduce.

The mirror in the gossip mirror reflected a picture, in which were the Murong sisters, the two of them were tied up with ropes, and their mouths were stuffed with towels.

This is inside a hut, and the picture changes to the outside of the hut, with two men in black watching from outside the door.The screen advances, and there are many people in other rooms on the same floor.

Fang Han switched the screen again, and this time he finally found the location of Murong Wan's phone.

This is a hall, and there are many people sitting in the hall.These people are also wearing suits, but their temperament is completely different, so they should not be ordinary people.

As the scene progressed, Fang Han unexpectedly discovered that the acquaintance was actually from Qianye Mountain!
What he saw was the executive hall master, but he didn't know his position.

"No wonder you want the earth magic stone!" Fang Leng laughed and continued to advance the screen, then he was stunned again, he saw Zhang Tieshan, "How did these two groups get together?"

Fang Han pondered for a moment, no matter why they got together, since they captured the Murong sisters, he would never let them go!

Thinking of this, he zoomed up the screen, directly to the outside of the villa, and checked the defenses outside the villa.

The Murong sisters were placed in the center of the villa, and there were people guarding every entryway, so if you wanted to go in, you would have to pass by these people.

Although Fang Han has confidence in his speed, he also knows that he is no match for walkie-talkies and bullets.If a mistake made those people attack Sister Murong, then he would be a sinner!
And the Red Luo Ecstasy Umbrella can't be used yet, so he has to be more cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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