Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 390 Sealed

Chapter 390 Sealed
"If you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

King Shura saw that Fang Han hadn't stopped yet, the mana surged in his hand, and a mana vortex was thrown there!

Fang Han looked at the mana vortex, his face couldn't help but change!He even forgot that King Shura would use this trick, Ma Dan, why didn't you throw a stone?

With no other choice, Fang Han channeled all his mana to his legs to make himself run faster.

The mana vortex fell behind him, like a storm, sweeping across a wider and wider area, and quickly chased him.

"Go to hell!" King Shura sneered and controlled the mana vortex.

Cold sweat dripped down Fang Han's head, how could it be like this?Am I going to die here?
Seeing the mana vortex getting closer and closer, he was a little at a loss.

At this moment, the mana vortex suddenly stopped for a moment, as if it was restrained by something, and it stopped expanding outwards and just circled in place.

Fang Han looked at the mana vortex in surprise, not understanding what was going on.

Seeing such a situation, King Shura couldn't help being stunned for a while, but he immediately knew why.He suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of Asura City, and shouted loudly: "King Asura, even you are here to make trouble for me!"

King Asura's voice came from a distance, "King Asura, I said, I want to be with you forever!"

"Undead?" King Shura looked at Fang Han who had escaped, and his face became grim. "When I kill this human being, I will find you to settle the score!"

"Haha!" King Asura laughed and said: "You used this human to steal my killing stone, and now you want to kill him. Isn't it too ungrateful? Or, this human has already discovered your secret, so Want to destroy your formation?"

"Where did you get all this nonsense?" King Shura said angrily, and then he gathered another mana vortex with his other hand and threw it towards Fang Han.

But this time, the mana vortex only flew halfway, and was dispersed by a mana impact flying from the direction of Asura City.

"Mana Vortex is my move, you haven't learned it yet!" King Asura said teasingly.

"Damn it!" King Shura stomped his feet angrily. He was better at defensive spells and had relatively few offensive methods.And this mana vortex is what he stole from Asura King. Although the lethality is very strong, the principle is not as thorough as Asura King.

After all, when he learned it at the beginning, it was just to counter King Ashura, and don't let King Ashura take action himself.

In desperation, he immediately made a move, and a huge boulder flew up and smashed towards Fang Han!
"Boom!" King Asura had a mana impact and shattered the stone.

"I'll go!" Fang Han couldn't help being dumbfounded, what he needed was King Shura's flying stone attack, so that he could use his strength to jump up the mountain.Now King Asura blasts the stone away, and his plan is ruined!

But he couldn't help but tell Ashura Wang Ming!If he shouted it out, King Shura would definitely be on guard.

Fortunately, King Shura didn't stop attacking. He waved again, and countless stones flew up, hitting Fang Han from various directions.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

King Asura continued to send out magic attacks, shattering boulders one after another!
But he was too far away from here, and it was impossible to stop all the boulders.


A boulder flew towards Fang Han with the sound of breaking through the air.

Seeing such a situation, Fang Han immediately burst into joy on his face.Facing the boulder, he jumped up suddenly, gathering all his mana under his feet.


There was a violent shock under his feet, and Fang Han was almost knocked out.

"Asshole, are you provoking me?" King Shura saw Fang Han's abnormal behavior, his face became livid, and he wanted to kill Fang Han with just one look.

The moment the boulder was about to hit the ground, Fang Hantiao stretched his body, jumped up suddenly, and jumped directly into the middle of the cliff on the top of the mountain where the banner was located.


Fang Han resisted the sharp shock under his feet, and then jumped up quickly with the help of inertia.

After a few ups and downs, Fang Han landed on the top of the mountain, outside the formation composed of killing stones.

"It's impossible!" King Shura stared at Fang Han, he never thought that Fang Han would use his attack to find a shortcut to climb the mountain.You must know that in order to prevent the Asuras from climbing the mountain, he cut the surroundings of the mountain into cliffs, as long as he guards against the arrival of the Asura King!
"Don't move my formation!" King Shura rushed over with big strides, the magic power surged on his body, and all of them were pushed towards Fang Han's feet.

"You forgot about me!" King Ashura said coldly, and then sent all the mana on his body to block in front of King Shura.

Fang Han watched King Shura's attack and dared not delay.I quickly took out my phone and opened the APP. The countdown showed 5 seconds!

Fang Han pointed his phone at the formation and activated the app's space storage function!

The killing stone on the ground suddenly disappeared, and all of them were collected into the APP space.


The formation disappeared, and the banner was exposed from the killing intent.


Fang Han raised his head and saw King Shura's mana storm getting closer, so he couldn't help laughing.

The next second, his entire body completely disappeared!

The mana storm blasted the entire mountain, and the banner representing him was blown into the sky!
"Asshole, don't let me see you again, or I will definitely cut you into pieces!" King Shura looked up to the sky and roared angrily.

The sound shook the whole field, and the Shuras in the whole city felt a strong coercion, pressing them to the ground, unable to move!
"You should worry about yourself!" King Asura's cold voice came again, followed by his strong murderous intention towards the flying flag.

After the banner was infused with killing intent, it immediately bloomed with a large amount of glory.A brilliant light rose into the sky, echoing another brilliant light rising in the direction of Asura City, covering the entire sky.

Once again, great changes took place between the heaven and the earth. In the glory, the two cities disappeared, replaced by the military camp that disappeared two days ago.

All the asuras and asuras rushed out of the barracks with their weapons, rushed towards the open space in the middle, and then started fighting each other.

The Shura battlefield has opened again!

King Shura looked viciously in the direction where King Ashura was, and also stepped onto the battlefield. If the anger in his heart was not vented, he would be mad at himself to death.

At the center of the battlefield, King Asura is already ready for battle!

"I said, I want to be with you forever!" Asura King said, he punched King Asura with his fist.

"Come on! It's like I'm afraid of you!" King Shura was not afraid, and hit him head-on.

The two were entangled together, you punched me and punched each other, which aroused Shura and Asura.


Fang Han turned over, jumped up from the bed, and looked around warily.When he saw that he was back in his house, he relaxed.

"Huh?" The little fox was awakened, rubbed his eyes with his hands, and looked under the bed.

Finding out that it was Fang Han, he couldn't help but ask, "Where have you been these few days?"

"Asura Realm!" Fang Han said afterward.

"Asura world?"

The little fox sat up in surprise, and looked at Fang Han in amazement, "How can you go to the Asura Realm? Isn't the Asura Realm sealed?"

"Sealed?" Fang Han was also surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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