Chapter 329
"Jingle Bell!"

The bell rang, and the head of the Qianye Mountain Execution Hall quickly looked over, and then said to a disciple: "A beetle has been killed, let's see what's going on!"

"Don't look at it!" The Qianye Mountain disciple who was testing Fang Han came in, "I killed it!"

"Tao Yong, you'd better give me an explanation!" The head of the executive hall said with a gloomy face.

Tao Yong glanced at a disciple beside him and said, "I was out in the tea garden, and it flew over suddenly, how could I not kill it?"

When the master of the execution hall heard this, he glanced at the disciple in disgust, "You don't want to refine beetles anymore!"

The surveillance beetle refined by Qianye Mountain needs to be attached with the spirit of the refiner, so that the beetle can execute simple commands.But there is one thing, that is, these beetles have some refiner's subconscious, and the disciples who are reprimanded don't like women.

"The food will have to wait for a while. You should try the tea leaves I have collected first. These tea leaves were picked by the King of Tea Trees." Chen Xu poured tea to Fang Han and the others graciously.

Fang Han didn't know much about drinking tea, so he drank it in one gulp.A little sweet, and very strong aroma.

"You have to take small sips of tea!" Murong Qing said to Fang Han, "You gulp like a cow chewing peonies."

Fang Han was not angry either, "I'm an ordinary person, I don't understand these things."

Hearing what he said, Murong Qing snorted unhappily and gave him a supercilious look

After Murong Wan saw it from the side, she became even happier, her smiling eyes narrowed into slits.

In a good mood, she pursed her lips and took a sip of tea, feeling the fragrance of the tea, opened her eyes in surprise, and said to Chen Xu: "Uncle, this tea is better than the top-quality Longjing and Biluochun on the market. If you take it out and sell it, it will cost at least a thousand, right?"

One thousand doesn't seem like much, but if it's calculated in grams, it's a big deal.Five hundred grams per catty, that is 50.

Murong Qing said in surprise: "If you do the math, Zhang Tieshan's compensation of 5000 million is not much! That's just the output of the Tea Tree King for several years."

"That's not how the account is settled!" Chen Xu waved his hand and said, "I have never sold the Tea Tree King's tea, so it has no commercial value. So even if there is a lawsuit, Zhang Tieshan still needs to compensate the tree."

"It's really cheap for him!" Murong Qing said indignantly.

"Haha!" Chen Xu laughed, "Now that the tea tree king has been cured by Xiao Fang, the 5000 million is equivalent to the money for tree treatment, which is not cheap at all."

"Oh, that's right! Xiao Fang, I'll transfer the rest of the money to you right now!"

Fang Han waved his hand and said, "Uncle Chen, the money you transferred to me earlier is enough, and the rest of the money will be used for everyone's care!"

"That's right, everyone suffered a lot of injuries today." Murong Wan said.

When Chen Xu heard what they said, he didn't care about it, "That's okay, I thank you on behalf of the big guys!"

Fang Han waved his hand, "Uncle Chen, I'm more interested in the legend you mentioned earlier, can you explain it to me carefully?"

"Of course!" Chen Xu didn't know Fang Han's intention, he just thought he liked to listen to stories.

For more than 1000 years, Cuiming Mountain has been luxuriant in vegetation and in good weather, supporting many people nearby.People say that this is a treasure land of geomantic omen, and when dynasties change, troops will be sent to compete for Cuiming Mountain.

With more wars, there will naturally be more bloodshed. There was a time when there were bones everywhere.So it was said to be an ominous place again, and many people fled here.

Until 300 years ago, a Taoist priest came to Cuiming Mountain. Chen Xu's ancestors said that there were treasures on Cuiming Mountain.It is this treasure that protects Cuiming Mountain's good weather, and it is also this treasure that causes blood to flow here.

Five Jiazi, that is, 300 years later, there will be a catastrophe on Cuiming Mountain.After crossing it, it will be safe and sound here, and there will not be too many ups and downs.If you can't get through, there will be chaos in the world.

"According to our genealogy records, this year is 3 years." Chen Xu said: "Our family has never believed in this. In this society, it is impossible to have war. Where is the world in chaos?"

Sister Murong didn't take it seriously, and Murong Qing murmured even more: "If Zhang Tieshan rebelled, wouldn't the world be in chaos?"

"Xiao Qing!" Murong Wan gave her a hand.

"I'm just saying, if Zhang Tieshan rebels, someone will deal with him!" Murong Qing still has a grudge against Zhang Tieshan.

Fang Han thought about it in his mind, the calamity should be about the earth magic stone.If the excavation of the earth magic stone is not controlled, it will definitely cause a group of demons to dance wildly. Compared with this, Zhang Tieshan is not worth mentioning at all.

"Uncle Chen, did that Taoist priest say where is that treasure?" Fang Han asked.

Murong Qing's eyes lit up when she heard this question, "That's right! Uncle Chen, haven't your family visited him for so many years?"

"Why haven't you looked for it?" Chen Xu said with a smile, "I looked for it when I was young. My father and grandfather also looked for it, but they couldn't find it."

"The Taoist said that the treasure is hidden in the place where the dragon and the tiger are. But what does the dragon and the tiger refer to? Then I don't know. There are Youlong Peak and Huwang Peak on Cuiming Mountain, but they are separated from each other by the south and the north. These two places are the places we have been to the most.”

As soon as she heard that there were no clues, Murong Qing became less interested.

Fang Han thought for a while, dragons and tigers generally refer to dangerous terrain.The most famous place in China where dragons and tigers occupy is Jinling, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties!

But on Cuiming Mountain, there seems to be no place that can be called a place where dragons and tigers occupy!
"Uncle Chen, is there any particularly steep place on Cuiming Mountain?"

"Yes! There are cliffs around the main peak, which can be called steep." Chen Xu said: "But there is almost nothing there, bare, basically stones. And the geology on it is unstable, even road construction is difficult." No. A few years ago, I wanted to build a viewing platform on it, but it collapsed when the foundation was first built!"

Fang Han nodded. He guessed that the Earth Demon Stone should be above the main peak, but he still needs to see it to know.

After eating, Fang Han and the three bid farewell to Chen Xu and returned to the resort.

Until he returned to the room, Fang Han didn't see Zhang Tieshan's people wandering in the villa, which made him feel strange.

However, he already knew Zhang Tieshan's strength, and he was not a threat at all, so he didn't care too much.

After sending Sister Murong back to the house, Fang Han will go to the main peak to have a look.

The main peak is not too far from the resort. If Fang Han wants to run there with all his strength, it will take less than ten minutes.After finding a place, he threw off the beetle that was watching him, and then ran all the way up to the main peak.

The main peak is at least 300 meters higher than the other peaks. Standing on the highest point, Fang Han looked around.

Although it was already dark, Fang Han could still see seven or eight mountains extending from the main peak to the surroundings, connecting to other peaks. Isn't this the momentum of a dragon pan?

And the upper part of the main peak is surrounded by cliffs on three sides, almost like a high platform. Isn't this just like a tiger?

The place where dragons and tigers occupy must refer to this place!

But where is the earth magic stone?
(End of this chapter)

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