Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 30 Emperor Lapis Lazuli

Chapter 30 Emperor Lapis Lazuli

Of course, Fang Han understood the thoughts of Chu Fei and the others. If the information from the system item space had not told him that the stone was lapis lazuli, he would not have believed that the seemingly ordinary stone would be a whole piece of lapis lazuli. No need to explain much!When we get to the place and someone who knows the goods appears, it will be better than explaining it in a few sentences now.

In the car, Chu Fei didn't ask about the stone any more. From this attitude, it was not difficult to judge that Chu Fei didn't take the broken stone seriously either.After briefly reporting on the current situation of the brothers under his command, he didn't say anything more.

There were 18 younger brothers who directly stated that they recognized Fang Han's boss, and there were a few others who were hesitant, and the rest directly expressed their rejection and resistance.This was not beyond Fang Han's expectation.

Discussing the steps that should be taken in the future, Mad Dog parked the car on the side of the road, and on the opposite side of the road was a huge signboard, Rongsheng Jewelry.The four big characters are written very boldly, and the big gilt and gold lacquer characters are particularly imposing under the dark red backboard.

"Boss! This is the largest jewelry store in this city, should you bring your things in now?" Mad Dog was confused, and finally asked with a wry smile.

Of course, Fang Han knew the reason for the crazy dog's expression. After all, he came to the door to deliver stones so foolishly... It is also a bit embarrassing for these street hooligans. Of course, they may be more afraid of being regarded as crazy or something. ?
"No need, I'll go in first! Let's talk..." Seeing through the expressions of these guys, Fang Han got out of the car and replied as he closed the door.

"Do you think it's possible? What kind of lapis lazuli can this stone be? Why do I not believe it so much?"

"Okay. You can't guess what's going on in the old man's mind. Maybe he has other purposes." Chu Fei listened to the mad dog's words and glanced at him with a cold warning. , warned.

In Chu Fei's mind, it was certain that Fang Han couldn't do something stupid, but he didn't believe that the broken stone behind the car would be something valuable, so he could only make other judgments.

At this moment, Fang Han, who had already walked out of the car door, thought of something, turned around and went back to the car and knocked on the window.

"Boss! What's the matter?" Mad Dog Chu Fei hurriedly lowered the side window.asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing! Appreciation of cultural and antiques, general knowledge of jade, you should arrange people to learn these as soon as possible. If no one else is interested, let Mad Dog learn! This knowledge will be of great use to us in the future." Looking at the front decoration style, luxurious Fang Han in the jewelry store was in deep thought, and explained this sentence under the dull eyes of the three people, then looked at Mad Dog and said this, and then walked towards the gate of the jewelry store.

No way, Fang Han also suddenly remembered that with the increase of space missions in the future, this kind of thing will definitely happen next time. If that is the case, he doesn't want to go into other people's places with such a blind eye. The site is gone.

At least in other people's territory, even if there are people who know the goods, I will suffer from the price. There is no way...no one in my group understands these things.It is true that he has the identification of the item space, but the luxury items identified by the system are all classified as useless low-level items.But these things are very different in the world. There are fineness, texture and manual screening, and these are closely related to the buying and selling market.There are even too many talks about when to ship and when to hold goods.

No matter how knowledgeable outsiders are, it is better to let their own people learn from it.At least you won't be cheated out of your profits.Besides, Mad Dog is only about [-] years old, which is not as old as him... Such a person has experience in the world and has a good eye. As long as he studies hard in the future, he will be a good candidate to manage this area of ​​business. As for Chu Fei... ...Fang Han still has other plans lingering in his mind. As for Maoji, he has a quick-witted personality and is not suitable for such a sophisticated study.

Fang Han left, and the three of them were still in a daze for a long time. After a long time, Mao Ji slapped the mad dog with a smirk, and the mad dog who reacted instantly turned into a bitter face.

"Brother Fei, can you tell the boss... I am a person whose head hurts when I go to school, and I feel sleepy after reading. Let me learn this stuff... Isn't this killing me?"

Chu Fei also laughed at the mad dog's entreaty... But after the uncontrollable smile, he refused very seriously: "Boss values ​​you...you should prepare and wait for me to inquire. Man, I'll send you there. You don't have to look so sad. The boss said, unless you want to be a gangster who can't get on the stage forever, you can't do it if you want to develop but have no ability."

As soon as I entered the main entrance of the jewelry store.

Fang Han was overwhelmed by the luxurious interior decoration, among other things, it is one of the top jewelry stores in the city after all, the golden dragon and pillars are everywhere, and there are jeweled elephants everywhere, which dazzles the viewers .

There are some scattered jade pieces and gold and silver jewelry on the square counters, but the surrounding shelves are full of jade ornaments.Because Fang Han also had some knowledge about some jade before coming here. If his current rough knowledge of jade is reliable, the jade pieces displayed here are really dazzling, and there are even large pieces of fully carved ink green landscapes. It can be seen that this The foundation and strength of Rongsheng Jewelry Store.

However, no matter how big a place is, people will manage it. As long as people manage it, snobbery cannot be avoided...

At this time, Fang Han was facing such a situation, dressed in street clothes.How could anyone come to talk to him when he was in and out of such a top jewelry store?
Other well-dressed and neatly dressed upper-class figures in different jewelry industries, surrounded by account managers and salespersons.

Since Fang Han entered the jewelry store, he has never seen anyone come to greet him, not even a basic greeting, including those salesmen who guard the gold and silver counters and have no customers to entertain. They just raised their eyelids, and then lowered their eyes. He pretended not to see Fang Han.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Fang Han's originally eager mood was instantly extinguished by cold water.His eyes gradually darkened...

However, this society is basically like this. Although people ignored him, they didn't say any rude words to drive him away, so Fang Han could only suppress his inner emotions.Walking to the reception desk in the lobby, I asked in a cold voice, "Hello, I would like to ask, is your manager in?"

After all, he didn't come to buy things. As a door-to-door seller of jade, Fang Han kept restraint very politely.

Regarding Fang Han's inquiry, the middle-aged beautiful woman standing at the service desk didn't have any harsh words, but she wasn't very enthusiastic either.

Just maintaining a professional smile, Fang Han explained very coldly: "Hello sir, I am the lobby manager here. Can I help you?"

Professional questioning, professional attitude, even though he kept smiling when he spoke, he just rolled his eyelids, and then he stopped looking at Fang Han. There was no offense in words, but his attitude was really annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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