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Chapter 277 The Waiter Serving Wine

Chapter 277 The Waiter Serving Wine
"Is it really you kid?" Ma Haishan said with a smile.

I didn't expect that Fang Han was so handsome now, and he was wearing a suit. He looked like a successful person.

"Uncle Ma, why are you here?" Fang Han also asked a little excitedly.

When he was admitted to a university in the city, Ma Haishan sent a lot of eggs to their family. It can be said that he has no relatives in Binjiang City. Now he is naturally happy to see his fellow villagers in the county town.

"Hey, didn't I earn a little money by opening a Chinese medicine shop in the county in the past few years? I'm thinking about developing in the city." Ma Haishan said with a smile.

Lao Ma's family is a rich family with dozens of acres of land planted with Chinese medicine, and the quality of the medicine is good, plus he knows some Chinese medicine, and he is quite famous in Dongbao County.

He has recently contracted some land and plans to plant it on a large scale, but he is also afraid that he will not be able to sell it if he grows too much, so he first came to Binjiang to inspect the market to see if there is any market.

"Then this is a good thing! Uncle, how is my father at home recently?" Fang Han still asked his father. Although he had already sent the money to him, his father had already been discharged from the hospital, and he even called himself to tell him not to Worried, but he didn't see it with his own eyes, so he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Haha, your father is doing well now, and there is no serious problem after the operation, and your sister's academic performance is also very good."

Ma Haishan suddenly asked:
"By the way, Fang Han, I think your outfit is pretty good. Could it be that you made a lot of money?"

Last time, he originally wanted to help the old Fang's family pay the medical expenses first, but Fang Han suddenly sent the money, and he was still worried that Fang Han had done something illegal.

But now seeing that Fang Han's makeup definitely doesn't want to be a villain, he feels relieved a lot.

"Haha, no." Fang Han said modestly.

"Haha, how much money can this kid make by crying and crying when he was a child?" At this moment, a discordant voice came from the side.

Fang Han frowned and looked. It turned out that there was another person behind Ma Haishan. He also knew him. His name was Sun Degui. Like Ma Haishan, he was also in the Chinese medicine business, but this guy was not very good.

His son bullied him a lot when he was young, but this guy still watched the fun and praised his son for his strength.

The most wicked thing is that this guy also grinds the rotten medicinal materials into foam and sells them, which is against medical ethics. Fang Han was often bullied by his son because he saw this when he was a child.

His son is three years older than Fang Han, and he is also quite strong. Fang Han is not his opponent at all.

"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be Uncle Degui?" Fang Han said mockingly.

"Look at what he's wearing, it seems to be the waiters serving wine next to him."

After Sun Degui finished speaking, he pointed to the waiters next to him, but those were in white shirts and black vests, while Fang Han was in formal attire.

"Fang Han? Do you have any wine here? Bring me a glass, and I'll have a taste of this foreign wine." Sun Degui said with a smile.

He is a bullying guy, he didn't dare to go up there when he saw those waiters carrying wine, after all, he had never drunk it, so it would be bad to make a joke.But he kept clamoring for Fang Han to bring him a glass of wine, completely treating him as a waiter.

"Old Sun, don't talk nonsense. I feel that Fang Han's clothes are different from theirs. On the contrary, he looks like those big bosses." Ma Haishan stopped him.

His daughter was always clamoring that he would come to Binjiang to play with Fang Han, and he had already figured out that if the business was negotiated this time, he would move the whole family here and become a city dweller once again.

If Fang Han was just a waiter here, he would really consider whether to let his daughter get in touch with him. After all, birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups, so he naturally hopes that his daughter stays with good people.

"Old Ma Tou, please stop teasing me. Look at those big bosses, aren't they old? How can they be so young? Only waiters are so young." Sun Degui said proudly.

"But, Fang Han hasn't graduated yet, so being a waiter here is just a part-time job!"

Ma Haishan was still defending Fang Han. After all, he still liked the child Fang Han.

"Come on, there are as many college students as dogs nowadays, and graduate students are everywhere. What's the use of going to college?"

Sun Degui boasted disdainfully.

"My son, he went out to enter the society after finishing junior high school. Look at it now, five or six years have passed, and he has established a construction company with hundreds of people under him. It's not worth millions a year. Things. In this era, it’s not academic qualifications but ability.”

Ma Haishan remained silent. What he said was true. Sun Degui's son did make a lot of money a year. If he could earn 100 million in his county, he would definitely be a rich man.

"Haha." Fang Han smiled but said nothing.

His own card now has more than 400 million, and his son is indeed a bit short.

"Uncle Ma, please leave my phone number. If the market is not easy to find, please call me. Maybe I can arrange it for you."

"Uh... okay." Ma Haishan took down Fang Han's phone number. As for looking for a sale, he didn't think about Fang Han. He couldn't find it himself. How could he, a student, solve the problem.

"Uncle Ma, I won't accompany you for now, I have a friend waiting for me." Fang Han was about to go to the bathroom after speaking.

"Huh? Fang Han, where's my wine?" Sun Degui asked.

Fang Han just talked to the waiter next to him, and the waiter brought wine to the two of them on a tray.

"I feel that Fang Han is a bit like a big boss, otherwise how can he command the waiters?" Ma Haishan said.

"Come on, at most he's a waiter's team leader." Sun Degui said disdainfully.

Just took a sip of the wine and spit it all out, "This wine is really bad, not as good as beer."

The waiter on the side also had nothing to say, this is a large-scale trade fair, and the wine provided to the guests is tens of thousands of bottles.He even said that the beer that cost five yuan a bottle was not as good.

"Okay, just say a few words less." Ma Haishan stopped Sun Degui's belittling words.

"Hey, Lao Ma, Lao Sun, why are you two here?" Wan Desheng walked over at this time and said.

He was going to meet the Guan family, the largest family in Binjiang City, but he couldn't find the two of them after searching for a long time. He didn't expect them to come here.

"County Wan, I met a fellow villager just now, and chatted with him for a while." Ma Haishan explained.

Wan Desheng has come to attract investment for Dongbao County this time. As long as they can win over a big boss, then Dongbao County may become a phoenix.

And his political performance will also improve, he is only in his 40s now, which proves that he still has hope of promotion.

"Okay, you two stop inking and come with me to meet the eldest lady of the Guan family..." Wan Desheng greeted the two of them.

The Guan family was his first target, if not, he planned to go to the Qin family again.

"County Wan, let's go quickly." Sun Degui said at this time.

He also very much hopes that Dongbao County can attract business and investment. He has bought a lot of real estate. Once foreign developers enter Dongbao County and designate shed reform, he can make a lot of money at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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