Chapter 251

Early the next morning, Fang Han got dressed and planned to go to the Chinese medicine store to buy some medicinal materials. The Baicao Danjing recorded a lot of knowledge about elixirs, and he wanted to have a try to see if he could refine those elixirs.

Once he succeeds, he will not have to worry about money in the future, and he will not even be short of pills for cultivation.

The little fox is not interested in these things at all, and Fang Han understands that, except that eating can excite her, all other things are in vain.

Taking a taxi, Fang Han went directly to the largest Chinese medicine hall in Binjiang City. Looking at the classical building in front of him, there were three bright golden characters of the Chinese medicine hall written on the plaque, which was really magnificent.

According to his understanding, this Chinese medicine hall is jointly established by many Chinese medicine families in Binjiang, and the head of the Chinese medicine hall will be elected every four years. It can be said that all the best Chinese medicine doctors in Binjiang are here.

"Sir, are you seeing a doctor or taking medicine?" Fang Han greeted a dressed woman as soon as he entered the cheongsam beauty.

"I'm here to grab the medicine." Fang Han looked at this beauty, no matter her face or figure, she could be regarded as a beauty in the school beauty field, but she didn't expect to be only a receptionist here.

"Mr., please follow me." After the beauty reception finished speaking, she led Fang Han into the inner hall.

The inside is much more spacious than the outside. On the left side are some old Chinese doctors sitting in the clinic, and on the right side is the place where medicine is taken.

As soon as Fang Han came in, he smelled a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

There are also many beauties in cheongsams who are taking care of other people who are consulting.

"It seems that such a beautiful woman has become a nurse in this Chinese medicine hall..." Fang Han said secretly.

These women can rely on their looks to make a living, and they may earn more money than this, but they rely on their ability to make a living, which he admires.

"Sir, what kind of medicine do you want?" The beauty in the cheongsam brought Fang Han to the medicine cabinet and said, "This is the pharmacist of our Chinese medicine hall, Kang Fu, just give him the medicine list."

"Oh, okay." Fang Han handed the medicine list to the old man in his 50s.

"En, Chen Xiang, Nan Xing, Ling Xiaohua, Xu Changqing, Wang Buliuxing..."

Kang Fu chanted the name on the medicine list, and the more he read it, the more puzzled he became.

"Little brother, why are you buying these herbs?"

"Of course the medicine is being dispensed." Fang Han said speechlessly.

He felt that the question asked by the old man was a bit idiotic. What else could he do if he bought the medicinal materials and didn't use them for dispensing.

"Hahaha, little brother, I think you are not very old, so you must have just learned Chinese medicine, right?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

It is true that Fang Han just got the Baicao Danjing yesterday, but the above pharmacological knowledge has been imprinted in his mind, even a doctor of medicine may not know as much as he does.

"Little brother, let me tell you the truth, the medicinal materials you bought can't make any medicine." Kang Fu was shocked.

He has seen a lot of young people like Fang Han who love Chinese medicine. He thinks that he can become an old Chinese medicine doctor after reading two posts on the Internet. It's going to kill someone.

"Ha ha."

Fang Han chuckled, it turned out that the old Chinese doctor thought there was something wrong with his medicine list.

"Old man, it's okay, you just follow the above and give me the medicine."

"Eh? Little brother, don't you know the harm of this random dispensing? You better stop messing around. If you have any symptoms, just tell me and I'll prescribe medicine for you." Kang Fu directly refused.

He was also thinking of Fang Han, there are several medicines in this medicine list that are harmless, but they will be highly poisonous when mixed with other medicines.

"I..." Fang Han was really helpless. He didn't expect the old man to think that there was something wrong with his medicine list.

The Baicao Danjing is the task reward of the Wanjie APP. If the Baicao Danjing is fake, the Wanjie APP will check it out. Can the Wanjie APP still cheat itself?
But now he really can't figure out how to explain it to the respected old man in front of him. He can't say that my brain is based on the Baicao Danjing, which records time and various prescriptions, right?

"This doctor... Please, please save my daughter."

Just when Fang Han was at a loss, a heartbroken cry for help suddenly came out of the inner hall.

Looking back, a middle-aged woman was kneeling on the ground holding a seven or eight-year-old girl, but the little girl was pale, and she didn't have the lively vitality of children of the same age.

"Big girl, it's not that I don't save people, but that your child is dying." A man in his 40s wearing a white coat said impatiently.

'I told her that she couldn't be cured, she couldn't be cured, and she still pestered me. If she was cured to death, wouldn't it ruin my reputation if it fell into my hands? '

"Go to the central hospital now and let those Western doctors see it. If it's too late, I'm afraid it will be too late."

"But... I have been to the central hospital, and they can't cure my daughter's disease. I really have no choice but to come here. Now I have sold everything that can be sold at home. I can't help it." The middle-aged woman said melancholy.

"Tch, I thought of seeking Chinese medicine when I couldn't be cured by western medicine. What did you think about? Now that the condition has deteriorated, even if the gods come, there is no way to recover." The middle-aged man said annoyed.

Since modern times, there have been constant contradictions between Chinese and Western medicine. Chinese medicine occasionally uses advanced equipment from Western medicine, and Western medicine also uses folk remedies from Chinese medicine. war.

The middle-aged man has studied Chinese medicine since he was a child, and he does not agree with Western medicine. He was even more upset when he heard that the woman was seeking Western medicine first and then Chinese medicine.

"I... I didn't know that such a thing would happen!" The woman felt very guilty when she heard the middle-aged doctor's words. If she had come to seek Chinese medicine earlier, maybe her daughter's illness would be cured.

"It's pure farting." Fang Han cursed immediately when he heard the middle-aged man's words.

He disagreed with the middle-aged man's words.There is no conflict between Western medicine for emergencies and Chinese medicine for root causes. Doctors should start from the perspective of saving people by treating diseases, rather than looking at patients according to the school of Chinese and Western medicine.

Hearing Fang Han's scolding, all the doctors and nurses in the Chinese Medicine Hall looked at him.

"Who is this kid? How dare he scold Dr. Zhou?" A doctor in a white coat asked.

Zhou Mingjie is a well-known veteran doctor in their Chinese medicine hall. He is in his 40s and has been in the clinic for 20 years. He has cured more than [-] cases, but he dismissed all incurable diseases that could not be cured, so there has not been a single failed case so far.

In addition, his father is the leader of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall. With this record, it is very likely that the next leader will be Zhou Mingjie.

"I don't know... It doesn't look like someone from our Chinese medicine hall." Said a beautiful woman in cheongsam next to her.

"It's not designated, this kid is not over thirty, how could he be a member of the Chinese Medicine Hall."

The young doctors in their Chinese medicine hall have to be old for consultations. After all, for old Chinese medicine doctors, the older you are, the better your medical skills are, which is actually the case.

"Then he still dares to scold Dr. Zhou, isn't this courting death?"

Even Kang Fu smiled slightly, it seems that this kid is going to intervene in this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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