Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 248 Do you still want to kill me?

Chapter 248 Do you still want to kill me?

But after the woman held the hands of the two of them, she grabbed the wrists of the two of them like iron inlays, pulled their heads hard and bumped into each other.

In just two moves, their cervical vertebrae were broken.

"It's not enough to warm up." The woman said something disgusting and walked out of the alley.

When Fang Han arrived at Baicao Danjing, he had the opportunity of Wanjie APP system to learn all the above knowledge in an instant. At this time, he felt that he could become a doctor of medicine.

After choosing all the elective courses for next year, he decided to take medicine. With this ability, it would be a great loss not to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

The cheerful Fang Han walked towards his rental house, and at the same time, he also found a woman following him. He didn't care, thinking it was a night shift worker.

Until he entered the building where his rental house was located, he found that the woman was still following him, and the two kept only half a floor apart.

"This guy..." Fang Han frowned and stood where he was.

The woman took off her high heels and continued walking towards Fang Han.

When the two got close, they suddenly drew out a dagger and slashed at Fang Han's neck.

"Killer!" These two words came to Fang Han's mind immediately.

The two of them struggled together in an instant. After the female killer took off her high heels, her movements were extremely flexible, which shocked Fang Han.

'Fortunately, I have practiced the dragon's breath technique, otherwise I might not be her opponent. '

Coincidentally, I also learned the Baicao Danjing tonight, which also has certain explanations on the various acupuncture points of the human body.

Relying on his professional knowledge, Fang Han hit her acupoints exclusively, and there was nothing he could do to force the woman to kill her.

After all, women's physical strength is not as good as men's. After wrestling for a while, Fang Han saw the opportunity, strangled her neck with one stroke, and knocked her down to the ground.

"Don't move, if you dare to move again, I will kill you."

This woman's strength is indeed not small, Fang Han can only press his whole body on it, lest she break free.

"Kill me, and the entire killer organization will come to kill you." The woman was a little out of breath under his pressure, her chest was deformed by the pressure.The legs covered in silk stockings kicked desperately, but Fang Han couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

"Are you threatening me?" Fang Ru was not polite, and directly touched her acupuncture points, and the female killer suddenly felt that one of her hands lost consciousness.

"You... what did you do to me?" the female killer asked in panic.

She relies on her hands for food, if her hands are useless, then her career as a killer will be over.

"Why are you panicking? Aren't you afraid of death?" Fang Han asked jokingly.

"If you want to kill, you can kill, where is there so much nonsense?" The female killer said resolutely.

She knew that she had failed in this operation, but she would rather die than have her limbs crippled by Fang Han and become his plaything.

"Did Shi Peng send you here?" Fang Han pressed on her and asked.

No wonder everyone likes to be on it, it's a little too comfortable.

"No." The female killer gritted her teeth and said.

It is their basic principle not to disclose the employer's information.It is also a proof of credibility.

She was also very curious about how Fang Han knew the employer's information, but she would never have thought that it was Duan Peng who leaked the secret himself.

It was overheard by Fang Han.

"There's no need to explain, I'm just watching the general situation of the world, what don't I know?" Fang Han boasted.

The female killer was also puzzled, didn't the information say that he was just an ordinary college student?
But this skill is not like an ordinary college student, even a trained soldier can't match him.

"You said we didn't have any enmity, so why did you kill me for a little money?" Fang Han felt that this position was a bit tiring, so he just sat on the female killer's fart.shares.

"You... That person's money is helping others to eliminate disasters." The female killer was so ashamed and indignant that this guy actually sat on her fart.It was a shame and shame, but both of my hands were caught, and I couldn't resist at all.

"Eliminate disasters for others? Then you should eliminate disasters for me. That Duan Peng has repeatedly troubled me because he doesn't like me. I don't have any grudges with him, but he wants my life. What do you say about this?" Who does it depend on?"

"If you don't like him, you can give me money, and I'll kill him for you." The female killer said.

When she first met Duan Peng, she really felt a sense of disgust in her heart. She even dared to touch her. It would be considered light to teach him a lesson by herself.

"A killer? Can I find a killer to kill? If I want to kill him, it's just a snap of my fingers."

After Fang Han finished speaking, he snapped his fingers, and a bunch of flames appeared on his fingertips and spread to his palms. They burned more and more intensely, forming like a small fireball, illuminating the dark corridor.

Looking at the fireball in Fang Han's palm, the female killer was also extremely shocked.

"You... are you a monk?"

"Hmph, do you still want to kill me now?" Fang Leng said with a smile.

"No...no...don't dare, please spare my life." The female killer said very frightened.

This kind of person is like a god-like existence. If you want to kill them, you are looking for death. There are many such people in the killer organization she belongs to. They are all people on the ranking list. Not eligible for the list.

"Take me to find that Duan Peng, I want to have a heart-to-heart talk with him." Fang Han extinguished the flame, feeling elated.

With his strength, he could use the dragon's breath technique to condense into a small fireball, but he didn't expect to really scare this female killer.

"Yes." The female killer quickly stood up and said respectfully.

It doesn't matter whether her clothes are stained or not, anyway, she dare not disobey Fang Han now.

The two of them took a car to Duan Peng's company. She and Duan Peng had discussed it, and after finishing dealing with Fang Han, she went to his office to submit the task.

Along the way, Fang Han also learned that the female assassin was named Lingmei, and she was ranked 123 on the killer list. This mission to assassinate Fang Han would allow her to get a reward of 10 yuan.

But now Lingmei has turned her back on the water. A killer has the dignity of a killer, but she will not risk her life for this mere 10 yuan. What's more, Fang Han's strength is seriously inconsistent with the data. The information Duan Peng gave was inaccurate.

At this time, Duan Peng was applauding for love with Chen Mei in the office. Today is a happy day, and Fang Han is about to finish playing.

This little bastard who kept causing trouble for him was finally going to die.

"I asked you to show off in front of me. Aren't you good at fighting? If you have the ability, you can fight this time." Duan Peng cursed, grabbing Chen Mei's hair and furiously attacking.

Chen Mei below her also made a painful and provocative sound, and she didn't know whether it was too comfortable or too painful.

Just when the two were about to reach the point of excitement, the door to the office was suddenly kicked open, shocking Duan Peng. This fall from the peak of excitement to the abyss of fear is something that most people cannot bear.

"Don't you know I'm working on something?"

Duan Peng scolded directly for not wearing any clothes.

"Ah..." Chen Mei was still a little bit ashamed, and quickly pushed Duan Peng away, and put her clothes on.

"Fuck...how did you come back so soon?" Duan Peng looked at Fang Han next to him, and immediately understood what was going on. It turned out that he came back after catching someone alive. This killer is too powerful. Bar.

"Put on your skin." The female killer said coldly.

Quite a posture of hitting someone if there is a disagreement.

(End of this chapter)

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