Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 238 Still want to fight with me?

Chapter 238 Still want to fight with me?
Guan Shijie led the four of them directly to the monitoring room.

Seeing that the head of the Guan family had come, a group of small security guards thought that something serious had happened, they all lined up and asked repeatedly: "Boss, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, just call out the No.18 monitor in the banquet hall." Guan Shijie ordered.

"Okay." The security captain in the monitoring room said repeatedly.

Quickly brought up the screen of No.18 machine.The picture that appeared on the monitor was exactly the table where the four of them sat just now.

Guan Shijie nodded secretly, and looked at Fang Han's expression, which was still calm and calm.

'Could it be that Qin Yang framed him?This Qin Yang shouldn't be stupid enough to use such a low-level method, right? '

'However, this is also good, and I can take this opportunity to see the characters of the two of them clearly. '

Fang Han had nothing to worry about, but Guan Xuanxuan was nervous to death, as if she stole the gem. She kept thinking about how she should defend Fang Han.

"Move the monitoring screen forward." Guan Shijie ordered.

"Okay..." The security captain began to control the surveillance screen, moving forward bit by bit.

"Forward, forward...stop." Guan Shijie gave an order.The surveillance screen stopped when four people were sitting at a round table, and the gemstone on the table was placed on the surface.

The eyeballs of the others were all nervously staring at the surveillance screen, their eyes fixed on the gem, wanting to see if it was Fang Han who stole it.

But Fang Han didn't even look at it, because he had the Myriad Worlds app, what could these people see with their naked eyes?He wasn't worried at all.

"...What's going on here?"

"This, this, this...disappeared out of thin air?"

Li Jinlong and Qin Yang have the biggest mouths.

Everyone watched helplessly as the ruby ​​disappeared. Fang Han was just playing with his phone there and never touched the ruby.

Guan Xuanxuan felt relieved, "No wonder Fang Han is so calm and relaxed, so he didn't steal it!" '

Guan Shijie didn't lock it tightly, it's unscientific, how could a gem under his nose disappear out of thin air?

But thinking about the power of Fang Han's sword in Longtou Island, it was even more unscientific. Could it be that Fang Han used some means?
Turning to look at Fang Han, seeing his evil smile, Guan Shijie felt a chill down his spine, and he felt more and more that the disappearance of the gem had a lot to do with Fang Han.

"Okay, it seems that Fang Han didn't steal this gem at all." Guan Shijie didn't intend to say too much, let's just let this matter go.

"Guan... Uncle Guan, this... this matter doesn't make any sense. How could the gem disappear out of thin air? It must be Fang Han's method!" Qin Yang argued unconvinced.

"Qin Yang, are you still shameless? I've watched the surveillance video, and Fang Han never touched that gem." Guan Xuanxuan said with a little anger.

"I said Qin Yang, you guys are too good at talking nonsense, right? I also said what method did you use to frame me."

After Fang Han finished speaking, he turned to Guan Shijie, and said to him, "Uncle Guan, I feel that Qin Yang planned the whole thing. This kind of person is really shameless. Guan Xuanxuan's divorce from him is really the wisest move in her life."

"Damn it, Fang Han, don't stop spewing blood. Do I need to frame you here?" Qin Yang was so angry that Fang Han actually came to complain first against a villain.

"Anyway, everyone has no evidence. It's all a matter of talking. If you can say that I stole it, then I can naturally say that you framed it!" Fang Leng said with a smile.

'play with me?I can't kill you. '

"Okay, Fang Han, you... just wait for me." If it wasn't for Fang Han's strong martial arts, he would give him a kick if he really wanted to go up.

"Okay." Guan Shijie shouted sharply, stopping the two people who were arguing.

"This matter has been exposed. From now on, the two of you are not allowed to create conflicts anywhere in the Guan family, otherwise don't blame me for turning my face and denying others."

After Guan Shijie finished speaking, he walked away in a huff. His words seemed angry. To put it bluntly, he didn't want to meddle in the affairs of the two of them. Qin Yang is the young master of the Qin family, and the Guan family is not easy to offend, and Fang Han is even more so. The saviors of the father and daughter are not easy to offend, so they simply ignore them.

The two can quarrel as much as they like, and in the end whoever wins will marry his daughter.

Seeing that Guan Shijie didn't punish Fang Han, he felt so upset. His face was really wiped away today, and he didn't want to sit at the same table with Fang Han anymore.

"Fang Han, let's wait and see, Brother Long, let's go."

Li Jinlong shook his head secretly, knowing that in these two confrontations, Qin Yang was completely defeated. Taking Guan Shijie as an example, Qin Yang was the eldest son of the Qin family, so he didn't help Qin Yang speak, but let go of him.

Seeing that although Fang Han has no background, he definitely has the ability to win over the Guan family. It is impossible for him to be just Guan Xuanxuan's little boy.

'It seems that I have to deal with it carefully, it's really weird, how did that broken stone disappear? '

"Goodbye Young Master Qin, if I find that kind of stone next time, I'll sell it to Young Master Qin, only 200 million is enough." Fang Han did not forget to mock Qin Yang.


Qin Yang left the club directly without looking back. He is very depressed now, and he needs to find a place to vent.

"Hahaha, Fang Han, don't humiliate this useless second generation ancestor." Guan Xuanxuan laughed loudly.

"Hmph, with his little IQ, he still wants to fight with me?" Fang Han said disdainfully.

"That's the case, but this Qin Yang is still very narrow-minded, you have to be careful of his revenge!"

"Don't worry, it's just this kind of miscellaneous fish, I can beat ten of them without difficulty." Fang Han said confidently.

As far as fighting alone, he is not afraid of anyone now, what he is afraid of is that someone will play tricks on him secretly, and that Li Jinlong is definitely such a person.

"Well, I believe you, let's go to the banquet quickly." Guan Xuanxuan took Fang Han's arm and walked back.

She was very relieved of Fang Han's force. If Qin Yang really dared to find trouble for nothing, he would probably die a miserable death.

This meal is destined to be very happy without Qin Yang.

Back at the banquet hall, the other bosses had their answers to their guesses. It seemed that Fang Han hadn't stolen the gem. Qin Yang hasn't come back yet. It is estimated that Fang Han was the one he framed for this incident.

If Qin Yang knew how he would feel, he didn't frame him at all, and the gems were not with him, but now he has a bad reputation of being framed. In the eyes of these big bosses, his character value has plummeted.

It was already seven or eight o'clock after a dinner party, and Fang Han managed to evade a toast from a group of big bosses before he escaped.

When I went back to the rental house, I bought a lot of snacks. After all, I let the little fox dove off today, so I have to give her some compensation.

Pushing open the door, he saw the little fox wearing his shirt, lazily lying on the sofa, with extremely resentful eyes.

It's like a wife who works hard at home and waits for her husband to fool around and come back.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, okay?" Fang Han said, closing the door.

"Hmph." The little fox hugged his thigh and snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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