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Chapter 234 Who Makes You So Brainless

Chapter 234 Who Makes You So Brainless

"Oh? Then you can afford how much I buy?" Fang Han asked.

"Eight million, do you think it is money for our Guan family?" Guan Xuanxuan said disdainfully.

Looking at her expression, Fang Han was really envious to death. When could he speak so domineeringly?
"Okay, then I'll help you raise your reputation."

Fang Han readily agreed, this kind of wanton extravagance, and you don't have to pay for it yourself, how cool it is.

The items at the auction were taken away one by one, and Fang Han didn't see anything he liked.

"Everyone, this is the last auction item for today, Miss Manners please..."

Before you know it, the auction is drawing to a close.

A hostess came up with a tray covered with a red cloth.

Usually this kind of auction will save the most valuable things for the last.

Everyone was also very cooperative, guessing what the Miss Manners was holding.

"Guys, I'm not going to make a fool of myself here anymore. The next gemstone is priceless and extraordinary. The starting price is 100 million."

The auctioneer really didn't give a damn this time, he lifted the red cloth and started bidding.

"Uh...did he introduce what kind of gem this is?" a big boss asked, clasping his ears.

The person next to him thought that the big boss was also puzzled and said, "It seems that there is no such thing."

Everyone looked at the gem in front of them in bewilderment. It was dark red all over. Could it be a popular ruby ​​on the market?But such a small piece can't sell for 100 million.

The auctioneer was also a little embarrassed when he saw that no one was calling for the price. It wasn't that he could not introduce it, but that he didn't know what this gem was.

The material is completely different from the crystal diamonds on the market, but it is a bit like ordinary stones.

This was obtained by the Guan family unintentionally, and it has been appraised by many important treasures, but no one can see why.

In the end, after everyone has been discussing, this gem is either a priceless treasure, or it is a broken stone.

The Guan family was originally a businessman. Even if it was a broken stone, he would package it into a gemstone. This time it was directly auctioned at the auction without introducing the stone, which created a sense of mystery and raised the starting price to confuse everyone.

But the bosses are not fools. If you don’t introduce this gem carefully, they will not willingly pay for it.

"150 million." Suddenly, a boss in a white suit shouted.

"Fuck, there are really fools paying for it?"

Everyone turned their heads to look at the person who made the offer.

"Boss, the origin of this stone is unknown. Is it too expensive to spend 150 million? What if you get scammed?" A female secretary in business attire reminded the boss who made the offer.

"Just take it as a gamble, what if this gem is a treasure?" said the boss in a white suit.

"What's more, this is the Guan family's auction, so it's impossible for this to happen."

When the other bosses heard it, they felt that it made sense, but a smart person could tell at a glance that he was a trustee.

There are so many bosses in Binjiang, the person who made the quotation just now is really unfamiliar.

"Xuanxuan...how much money do you have?" Fang Han asked at this time.

"Uh...what's the matter? Do you want to buy this gemstone?" Guan Xuanxuan guessed his intention.

Fang Han nodded. He is not an ordinary person now. He has practiced the dragon's breath technique, so he can naturally feel the gemstone in front of him has a trace of aura.

It wasn't very strong, but he could feel it. He wanted to take this gem back and study it carefully to see if it would help him in his cultivation.

"Yes, I also want to take a gamble, if this gem is a
"Just go ahead and shoot, and I'll pay for it for you." Guan Xuanxuan said generously.

"200 million." After receiving Guan Xuanxuan's affirmative answer, Fang Han was not polite, and directly opened his bid.

His bidding immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Fuck, there are really fools bidding? Can't you see such a low-level trick?"

"Isn't this Miss Guan's friend?"

"No wonder he was so generous. Ms. Guan will probably have to pay for him at the end of the day."

"This kind of thing, don't envy, don't envy."

A group of bosses discussed in low voices.

Seeing a group of people looking at him with idiot eyes, Fang Han secretly smiled, "These people don't understand what that gemstone is at all, let alone feel the existence of spiritual power."

It is also impossible for him to explain that this kind of cheapness can be taken by himself.

"Fuck, this Fang Han has already started bidding." Li Jinlong looked at Fang Han and said.

A rich boy like him knows all kinds of gemstones. The red stone at the auction is not a gemstone at all. Let alone 200 million, even if it is sold for [-] yuan, it is a high price.

"He's still such an idiot, to spend 200 million on such junk." Qin Yang said proudly.

He was also very happy to see Fang Han suffered a loss.

"Brother Qin, we also have to bid." Li Jinlong thought about it and said.

"Ah? Brother Long, what are we bidding for? This broken stone is useless." Qin Yang asked in confusion.

"Fang Han is an idiot, but we can't follow an idiot."

"If you say you are stupid, you are stupid. Who told you to buy it?"

Li Jinlong said that he hated iron for being weak.

"I'm asking you to bid with him, so that the cost of buying this broken stone will be raised."

"Oh... So Brother Li meant that!" Qin Yang suddenly realized.

"Hmph, it's good for you to read more books." Li Jinlong said with a scheming look.

"200 million for the first time, 200 million for the second time." The auctioneer deliberately extended the time, and he was very much looking forward to a higher price.

"Quickly bid, it will be too late." Li Jinlong hurriedly ordered.

"300 million." Qin Yang roared at this moment.

The audience was stunned. They felt that there were a lot of idiots this year, and they cast sympathetic looks at Qin Yang.

But he didn't care about it at all, because the purpose of doing this was just to make Fang Han cold, whether he really planned to buy that broken stone.

"Fuck, why are you being so stupid again?"

"This seems to be the young master of the Qin family..."

"First Young Master Qin? How did he become so brainy... his bag is not working well?" A weak little boss forcefully suppressed the word "brainless".

"What else could it be? It was appointed because of Miss Guan. Guan Xuanxuan withdrew the Qin family's engagement. It may be that Young Master Qin became angry and burned his head out."

"It's also possible that it's because of jealousy. Look at Qin Yang's eyes." Another boss reminded.

Qin Yang ignored the looks of others, but looked at Fang Han with contempt. He thought that Li Jinlong's trick for him was really amazing. It not only showed off in front of everyone, but also deceived Fang Han.

It's just that Fang Han looked at him with disdain even more, and even raised a middle finger.

"Fuck, Fang, you dare to put your middle finger up?" Qin Yang scolded in a fiery temper.

"Who made you so stupid? It costs 300 million yuan to buy a broken stone."

Fang Han doesn't care about this stone at all, it's dispensable to him, of course, if it's cheap, don't take advantage of the bastard, since Qin Yang wants to be an idiot that attracts everyone's attention, he won't stop him.

Anyway, he has plenty of ways to get that gem back into his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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