Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 223 Believe in Fang Han

Chapter 223 Believe in Fang Han
"Squad leader, I am wronged, I..."

Fang Han glared at the little fox fiercely. Now this little goblin started to pretend to be stupid again, as if he really was a little pet.

"It's actually like this. You were drunk by Zhong Xuewen at the bar... and then you vomited. I just want to help you change your clothes."

Fang Han told the whole thing in full.

"If you don't believe me, look at your clothes. You vomited on yourself."

Hua Xiaoran checked his clothes suspiciously, just as Fang Han said, there was a lot of stains.

'Could it be that Fang Han really just changed clothes for himself? '

"That... I'm sorry!" Hua Xiaoran looked at the bright red slap marks on Fang Han's face, and said with some guilt.

After she calmed down, she thought carefully about what happened tonight, and it seemed that she had indeed wronged Fang Han.

If Fang Han hadn't rescued him in the bar, he might have had an accident.

"This girl is too innocent. Fang Han explained it so easily. It's really boring." The little fox nestled on the sofa felt upset when she saw that Hua Xiaoran had chosen to trust Fang Han.

Because her goal was not achieved at all.

"It's okay, it's okay, as long as the misunderstanding is resolved." Fang Han said with a long sigh of relief.

He took out one of his own shirts and handed it to Hua Xiaoran, "Your shirt is already dirty, put on this one before going to sleep."

"Uh... then can you turn around first?" Hua Xiaoran said coyly.

She is a girl from every family, and she still can't let go of changing clothes in front of a boy.

"No problem." Naturally, Fang Han would not do such a shameless thing, so he turned around and fell asleep on the sofa.

After Hua Xiaoran changed her clothes, she lay down on the bed again.

The next morning, the two went to school together, and before leaving, they told Little Fox to be more honest at home.

He drove Hua Xiaoran to school in a sunspot Mercedes-Benz.

The two entered the lecture theater together, which immediately attracted the attention of many people. After all, Hua Xiaoran was the seventh person on the school belle list, and the boys in the class still paid a lot of attention to her.

As soon as Fang Han sat down, the boss Yue Yang came over and asked, "Third brother, why did you come with Hua Xiaoran?"

"Uh...what's the matter, won't you all come together?"

"We came together because we live in the same dormitory. Do you live in the same dormitory with Hua Xiaoran?"

"Hi, the two of us met at the entrance of the teaching building." Fang Han said pretentiously.

As for the matter of Hua Xiaoran living in his house last night, he had better not talk about it, lest this group of people gossip, and there may be some stories coming out.

Fang Han listened to the class for a long time, and he felt that his own thinking was also very clear. If it was put in the past, his head would have become a mess.

'Could it be that my cultivation base has improved and my brain has become more flexible? '

University is not like high school, where one class follows another. Fang Han finishes his class in the morning and is basically fine in the afternoon.

As soon as he left the teaching building, the phone rang.

"Hello?" Fang Han picked up the phone and said.

"Fang Han? I'm Murong Wan." Murong Wan's soft rubbing voice came from the other end of the phone.

"So it's Miss Murong! What's the matter?" Fang Han asked.

"What can I do? I just want to ask if you have returned to Binjiang."

"Just came back yesterday."

"Oh? So you've returned to Binjiang! Do you have time in the afternoon? I want to treat you to a casual meal... I said I would treat you to a meal last time, but I never found the chance." Murong Wan on the other end of the phone was a little embarrassed. Said.

This was the first time she invited a boy to dinner, and she was afraid that Fang Han would refuse.

"No need..."

Fang Han walked and said:
"You are a big boss. If you are so busy on weekdays, and you still want to invite me to dinner, I will feel very sorry."

"Actually, I have nothing to do. By the way, I would like to thank you for helping me cure my sister..." Murong Wan fought hard again.

"Okay then, you send me the location of your company, and I'll find you when you get off work." Fang Han thought for a while and agreed. After all, Murong Wan is also kind, and it would be a bit hypocritical for him to refuse. .

"Alright then, I'll send you the location later." The two chatted for a while before Murong Wan hung up the phone.

Murong Wan who hung up the phone had a look of joy on her face.

She had to think hard about what to wear tonight.

"Xiao Li, I want to go home." Murong Wan ordered to her secretary.

"Sister Murong, why are you in such a hurry to go home? Who was the person who called you just now?" Secretary Li on the side teased.

She just heard a man's voice on the phone, and Murong Wan still had a smile on her face, and she felt that this man was not easy.

Murong Wan is going home now, so she is destined to go back and change clothes.

"Oh, what nonsense are you talking about..." Murong Wan said with some embarrassment.

Murong Wan went home and changed into a pure white slim dress with a pair of white high-heeled shoes on her feet. She was in no mood to work the whole afternoon.

A pair of eyes have been staring at the phone, the time to get off work is getting closer.

The door of Murong Wan's office was suddenly opened, and a man in a suit with shiny hair walked in.

"Luo Wenbin? Why are you here?" Murong Wan was taken aback when she saw this person. It's almost get off work time, why is he here?
Luo Wenbin is the sales manager of Murong Wan's company. His parents also own a large company. Instead of helping his parents manage the company, he went to Murong Wan's company as a sales manager because he was pursuing Murong Wan.Almost the entire company knows about this.

Today he won another big order of 200 million, and he specially came to Murong Wan to show off.

"Wan'er, this time Boss Wu placed a big order of 200 million directly from us, let's celebrate tonight!" Luo Wenbin said triumphantly.

I have never succeeded in asking Murong Wan to dinner before, but this time he has brought huge benefits to the company, and she will definitely not refuse to ask Murong Wan again.

"That's really congratulations to Manager Luo, but let's skip the meal. I have an appointment with a friend today."

Murong Wan said exactly like the boss was speaking:
"Let's do this, you can take your employees to eat, and the company will reimburse you for the loss."

"No! Wan'er, you are the big boss of our company. How can you do that without a celebration party?" Luo Wenbin quickly refused. He was not in the mood to eat with those employees.

"What's the matter, this time the order was completed by you, and it has nothing to do with me at all!"

Murong Wan didn't want to talk nonsense with him and said:
"Okay, Manager Luo is also exhausted, why don't you go back and rest early."

"Why are you tired? I am willing to pay for the company."

Luo Wenbin waved his hand and said:
"Let them go to the celebration banquet. I'll go with you tonight."

"With me? I have a date!" Murong Wan said.

This Luo Wenbin was too deadly and shameless, he had clearly rejected him, yet he insisted on pestering him.

"It doesn't matter, I just want to get to know each other too, I can help if we talk about business!" Luo Wenbin said cheekily.

Murong Wan was really helpless.

I made an appointment with Fang Han to have dinner alone, but this guy insisted on following him.

(End of this chapter)

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