Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 22 Yin Yang Eyes

Chapter 22 Yin Yang Eyes

"Oh! My parents still don't know about me, right? Don't reveal the news and let them worry about it." Hearing Murong Wan's words, Murong Qing didn't seem to have much joy.He smiled politely at Fang Han.She turned her head and said to Murong Wan.

It seemed that Murong Qing's disapproving expression was a bit embarrassing, Murong Wan apologized to Fang Han who was standing aside, "I hired two or three masters, but they were all liars, and one of them even took advantage of my absence. Molesting my sister, luckily the female guardian I hired broke in and stopped the guy when the other party showed ill intentions."

Hearing this explanation, Fang Han felt a stabbing pain in his heart for no reason...

For some reason, he thought that no matter how much suffering he experienced in this city, when his parents called, he would try his best to appear happy and optimistic and lied.

He used to look down on these guys with good family backgrounds, maybe because the guys he saw were second-generation ancestors, but now Fang Han had to admit that he was wrong, and nothing could be generalized.

At least the two sisters are good-looking. He can't imagine that Murong Qing on the bed is like this, and she has to hide it from her parents. Looking at the bandages on her body, a car accident must be serious. Lying here every day is a kind of torture in itself. Leaving aside the pain of being haunted by ghosts, how does she get here every day?
Murong Wan was going to take care of the factory, she didn't have any relatives here, how did she survive?

Thinking of this, Fang Han's eye sockets seemed a little moist, feeling the same way. Fang Han turned his head to the side to face the wall under Murong Wan's and Murong Qing's suspicious eyes.

"No! I said you were on a business trip...Call home when you feel better. You can just lie." What happened to Fang Han?Murong Wan was not clear yet, so she comforted Murong Qing first.

Then he walked to Fang Han's side and asked softly, "How is it? Can you catch it?"

Hearing Murong Wan's question, Fang Han went to the window and opened the curtains. Murong Qing was a little uncomfortable and restless, took a few deep breaths to suppress the soreness in his heart, and then replied: "The sun is in the middle of the day, That evil ghost hasn't appeared here yet, so don't worry, you two sisters can chat, I'll stay here... until it appears."

After saying this, Fang Han left the ward. There was no way he really didn't want to stay in it anymore. If nothing else, Fang Han had to take care of this matter for the filial piety of the two sisters.But right now, there is no response from the ghost messenger token, which means that the ghost is not here at all, so Fang Han can only wait...

After leaving the ward, Fang Han first found the remote staircase at the corner, and stretched out his hand to release the female ghost in the token.

"There's a lot of yin here." As soon as the female ghost came out, she presumably stretched her waist, but suddenly found that the surrounding aura was not right, and subconsciously hid behind Fang Han.

"It's a ghost after all. Don't lose your ghost like this, can you? Do me a favor..." Fang Han looked at the frightened look of the female ghost and said angrily.

When the female ghost heard this, her nervous and cowering expression was very embarrassing, and she froze in place, but she was still nervous by looking at her expression.

"What's the matter? Let me tell you... This place is very scary. This place should be the territory of a certain ghost. Judging from the remaining breath, it can easily drive me away. And this level of ghosts is very sensitive, otherwise I was captured by ghost messengers long ago, if your token doesn't hide your good breath, it will be difficult to hold it." The female ghost replied pitifully.

"I don't want you to fight that ghost! I just want you to keep an eye on your surroundings. If you notice that ghost is around, come back and report to me. I have a way to hide the token where it can't perceive it. Don't worry... "Hearing the female ghost's words, Fang Han replied indifferently.

"Are you sure?" The female ghost still didn't quite believe it.


After Fang Han nodded affirmatively, the female ghost bit her lip and finally stopped talking nonsense and floated to the stairs, and started to investigate...

As for Fang Han, he first put the ghost token back into the item space in the APP. For Fang Han, the best way to hide the breath of the token is to hide it in the item space of the APP. The reason why he sent the female ghost out , It is because the breath of ghosts to the same kind around me is far stronger than Fang Han, Fang Han must ensure that the other party will be included in the token as soon as the other party arrives at Murong Qing's ward.

I got the token early, for fear that that guy would run away. After all, this is a token blessed by Bai Wuchang. If that guy couldn't perceive it, he wouldn't be able to harm the world for so long. polite.It's just that these guys ran to avoid it when they sensed the breath.Capture is a big problem.

It was too late to get the token, and Fang Han was afraid that the ghost would directly possess Murong Qing. Considering Murong Qing's current state of mind, the cost of possessing the ghost was almost negligible. Can the cards be captured quickly?According to the common sense learned from the master on the forum, Murong Qing's fire of life has been weakened to the extreme. If the last bit of life energy is collapsed, perhaps the soul trauma caused by one possession will be enough for Murong Qing to be stupid and nervous for a lifetime. No, this risk cannot be taken.

"I hope everything goes well!" Fang Han felt a little nervous when he encountered such a difficult problem for the first time. He took a few deep breaths and turned to enter the ward.

At this time, Murong Qing rarely showed a smile when her sister Murong Wan was talking with her.

After entering the door, Fang Han nodded to his sisters, but without interrupting, grabbed a free chair beside the bed, sat by the door at the end of the bed, and waited silently for the sky to sink.

As night fell, Fang Han, who was guarding the ward, looked more and more serious.

As if feeling the oppressive aura emanating from Fang Han's body, the two sisters, who were chatting and laughing, also lowered their voices appropriately.

The sisters clasped their hands together nervously, staring at Fang Han by the door and the gradually darkening sky outside the window.

"Close the curtains! It's okay, don't look at anything reflective, including mirrors, mobile phone screens..."

Looking at the explanation and narration of the master on the mobile phone forum, Fang Han raised his head and gave Murong Wan an order.

After receiving Fang Han's order, Murong Wan nodded without saying anything, and closed all the curtains. Finally, she simply took off her shoes and lay down on the bed, hugging the dark and frightened Murong Qing.

It's not surprising to Fang Han that Murong Qing's nightmares come at night, and it's also the moment when she is most panicked. Usually, when Murong Wan is busy with factory affairs, the female guardian she hires stays up all night. Stay in the room at night.

In the previous exchanges between the sisters, Murong Wan had already introduced some things about Fang Han to her sister in detail, so at this time Murong Qing looked at Fang Han not so coldly.

Especially in this fearful and tense mood, she had put all her hopes on Fang Han.

Feeling the eyes of the two sisters on the hospital bed, Fang Han also felt a kind of pressure spontaneously.

At this moment, Fang Han felt a strong wind rising from his back.

Before she could react, the female ghost had already appeared in front of her with a panicked expression.

"Here we come! Come, come from the northwest, let me go back to the token space immediately." As soon as the female ghost appeared, she made a frightened voice and begged Fang Han in an extremely trembling tone.

It can be seen that the female ghost at this time is really scared to the extreme. After all, with her cultivation base and ability, she might not even be able to resist a single attack from a ghost, and she will be beaten to pieces, right?
But Fang Han could not agree to the female ghost's request. Once he takes out the token now, the ghost aura blessed by Bai Wuchang on the token will inevitably be released. If the ghost notices the aura and runs away at that time, he will try to find it again. It's difficult.

Therefore, Fang Han could only ignore the panicked female ghost's request.Instead, he replied in a deep voice: "You hide behind me, don't panic! I can't take you back now, is there a way for me to open my yin and yang eyes?"

At the end, the female ghost's expression showed despair.However, Fang Han's words also stunned the female ghost, and her eyes became a little more joyful in her panic.Replied: "You find a way to suppress the soul fire on both shoulders! After I entered your body to hide...you also temporarily opened your spiritual eyes. Although you can't achieve the skill of Yin and Yang eyes, at least you can say that with the strong magnetic field of a ghost , it shouldn’t be difficult for you to see it!”

The female ghost's reply made Fang Han's serious expression a little more excited, nodded... hurriedly asked: "How to turn it off? Quickly..."

But for Fang Han's question, the female ghost seemed to be a little hesitant and tangled, and there was a bit of embarrassment and shyness on her pale face.

(End of this chapter)

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