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Chapter 197 Fake is Fake

Chapter 197 Fake is Fake
While Fang Han was pondering, time passed by little by little... This is too much for Fang Han to think about.

As for what Bai Yaner said about family connections, Fang Han didn't take it seriously.

But judging from the current situation, there is no harm in finding ways to collect more information and explore this hidden undercurrent. After all, Fang Han still needs to take responsibility for the safety of Guan Xuanxuan and the girls.If you want to protect the safety of several girls to the greatest extent, you must absolutely not be short of information. At least you must understand what kind of predicament you are about to face, even if they are not the main target of the other party... There are many issues to consider under the influence.

In the blink of an eye, it was already evening, and the sun had already set!

It was less than half an hour before the dinner started.

At this time, the girls have already finished dressing up!Walk out of the room and into the hall in their most satisfying gorgeous costumes.

When Fang Han walked downstairs, the women were already ready and looking at each other!It seems that he wants to find his own flaws through other people's eyes.

Guan Xuanxuan was wearing a white evening dress, looking extremely cool and noble.

Lin Keer and Sima Jinglan also put on dignified yet charming clothes, but Bai Yaner chose purple in a simple and plain dress!She has a more mature and charming charm, and combined with her charming face, she is really a rare beauty in the world!Of course... with Bai Yaner's overall charm and temperament, she seems to be a stunner no matter what she wears.

Fang Han didn't delve into this point. Fang Han, who was wearing a white men's dress, was straddled by Guan Xuanxuan after he went downstairs. At this time, the other three women realized that he was wearing a suit!Leaving aside the fact that men, talents and women complement each other, let's just say that when a man and a woman stand together, they look so well-matched!At least that's how it looks from the outside.

Of course... when I chose this dress for Fang Han, it was a set!It's not surprising that you feel like this when you wear it at this time, after all, this suit was originally designed as a set.

No one cares about Guan Xuanxuan's small thoughts, after all, Fang Han belongs to her family... No one can deny this.

But at this moment, the little fox quit!An accelerated run ran down the stairs and rushed towards Fang Han!But it happened that Guan Xuanxuan took the lead!Catch her... Both of them are pure white, they are a perfect match.The little guy is very satisfied with being successfully integrated into this pair of walled people, and when he is satisfied, he doesn't care who is holding him now, anyway, it seems that the two of them are together!
The little guy squinted his eyes in satisfaction...

At this moment, Lin Ke'er and the others rolled their eyes angrily, greeted everyone out of the villa, and entered the gate of the Zheng family's castle accompanied by security personnel.

By the time they felt the auditorium where they sat in line last time, many family representatives had already arrived here one step ahead of schedule.

Looking at the family representatives coming and going around, Fang Han's heart flickered... But he didn't make too many gestures, he just stayed beside the three girls peacefully, and at the same time carefully observed the surrounding situation. The dinner party hasn't started yet!However, judging from the layout of the auditorium, it seems that the seats are still assigned according to the power of the major families. From this point of view, the Zheng family did not completely let go of the rules even on the big day, which made Fang Han feel relieved.

At least even if it is a banquet, no unrelated strangers will be arranged to sit together.

From this point of view, in this critical period of time, can some security be guaranteed?Fang Han thought in his heart.

Not long after, many people from the Zheng family had come to the auditorium!Judging by the dusty appearance of these people, they should all be from the direct line of the Zheng family, right?

At this moment, Fang Han's eyes froze!Because he found that Zheng Chenghai followed a middle-aged man into the auditorium, so the middle-aged man should be the real ruler who stayed behind in Zheng's house, right?Fang Han remembered that when the seats were lined up in the auditorium, the middle-aged man was the first to read the speech from the stands.

Where is the dinner party?It was an occasion for the Zheng family's direct line to formally meet with the representatives of the major families. At this time, the person in power brought Zheng Chenghai here. Why?
Fang Han instinctively felt a little uneasy, because according to his judgment...either he chose this occasion to formally convey his explanation to the representatives of the major families after the direct descendants of the Zheng family returned.There are just two kinds... Either punish Zheng Chenghai in public and give an explanation to the family representatives, or bring Zheng Chenghai out to vindicate him for what happened last night and at the same time track down the culprit who disguised himself as Zheng Chenghai.No matter which one it is...it illustrates a very critical issue.

That is, the Zheng family did not intend to deal with this matter secretly, let alone turn a blind eye to let this matter pass... Such a decision of the Zheng family will undoubtedly make Fang Han, who is the perpetrator, very disturbed.Because he didn't expect...

After all, the Zheng family is also a fighting family, so they should try to avoid the influence as much as possible when they are overjoyed!Why is this so?Fang Han sighed in his heart... he understood a truth, absolute strength is the initiative.Just like the imperial power of ancient emperors, some emperors cared about the thoughts of ministers and people and paid attention to their influence, but some emperors acted recklessly. The choice of the method depends on the strong with absolute strength and initiative... not the weak.

The strong will understand the truth and take into account the position of the weak. This is called morality... But the weak can only passively accept the choices and decisions of the strong. This is the law of nature.

This is why the Zheng family brought Zheng Chenghai to the representatives of all the families now. The Zheng family is very powerful... So the initiative is in the hands of the Zheng family. As for what other family representatives think, it doesn't matter at all...

With his eyes flickering, Fang Han silently watched Zheng Chenghai, and at this moment... Zheng Chenghai also looked at him, and after staring at each other coldly, they moved away neatly.

To this day, the hatred between the two still exists, but Fang Han does not believe that the other party can find evidence to prove that the person in disguise is himself, but Fang Han has to admit that the girl today gave him a very important reminder. Comparing the surveillance video and the identification of physical experts, they may not have direct evidence, but they can also accurately identify the person pretending to be Zheng Chenghai. In this case... the Zheng family will talk about the evidence, right?

Fang Han felt awe-inspiring!Knowing that I have underestimated the people of the world, my fairy willow juice is indeed powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, a counterfeit is a counterfeit, it is impossible to have flaws...

Based on this fact, Fang Han believes that the situation will develop extremely unfavorably in the future!At least he has to ensure that he will not be picked up by the Zheng family.

what to do?Fang Han's mind was flickering, and the family representatives at the table had already taken their seats!It's just because the Guan family represented by Guan Xuanxuan was accompanied only by Fang Han, so in the end, the women negotiated with the Zheng family after discussion. Therefore, the Sima family, the Lin family, and the Guan family were arranged in the same seat, and then I don't know what Bai Yan'er was thinking... After the girls sat together, she also negotiated with the Zheng family, and finally sat in this seat.

The four girls, including Fang Han, sat on the chair!The other female security personnel sat around the chair of the family chairman.Protect Fang Han and the four daughters in the central position.

(End of this chapter)

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