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Chapter 195 What should come will come!

Chapter 195 What should come will come!

There is no way... There are too many people from the big families gathered now, and they set off relatively late!So the location is really incompetent.

Not surprising though.

According to Fang Han's observation, those who occupy the most front positions are those relatively weaker families that are at the back when the Zheng family lined up their seats, which is full of flattery...

A big family with real strength and background, even if they come to greet them, they will start late!Occupying the most peripheral position, it is obvious that such a big family welcomes the form more than the intention, and the outer position is relatively safe in terms of safety, and can advance and retreat.After each family representative occupies a position, the security personnel will separate a certain distance to ensure safety.So in a sense, the position occupied by a family, when there are already a large number of people, a safe distance must be considered, which has increased a lot invisibly.

In this way, the powerful families were pushed far away invisibly even though they were already in the periphery, so it was normal for them not to be able to see clearly or to hear voices. Of course, these peripheral families didn't care about it.Because no matter how far behind they occupy, the Zheng family can't underestimate them!And when they return to the manor, the first families the bride and groom will meet are also the big families on the periphery.

No matter how hard they work, those small families who are leaning on the innermost side and swaying their enthusiasm and showing excitement and joy to the Zheng family are not to be taken seriously. After all, at this level, the strength, background and potential of the family are the only ones that determine their status. factor.

Not long after, the guests who came to the dock to welcome them got into their own vehicles.Because the Zheng family's welcoming team has already boarded the car...

After all, people have been wandering at sea for so long, don't they want to go back immediately when they land at this time, besides, this pier is not a place to stay for a long time.

Luxurious buses drove in neatly one after another, and Fang Han, who was standing there waiting to get on the bus, breathed a sigh of relief, at least as far as the situation just now was concerned, nothing had changed for the time being.

After all, there are too many people concentrated in this port terminal, what if something happens!It's hard to be well-defended, but the good news is that Fang Han's worry was unfounded, and there was no crisis situation.

It is believed that there are a large number of people, and the vehicles leaving the pier and returning to the manor all drive in in order.

Under Fang Han's leadership, the four girls and their subordinates chose the rear order, neither the last position nor the front order, in order to ensure maximum safety.

Now the direct descendants of the Zheng family are back!Fang Han always had a feeling that it was the information revealed by Brother Hei... If it really happened, it would be after this, right?After all, counting the direct descendants of the Zheng family, Longtou Island is indeed full of big families at this time. Even if some families are sent to represent it, it is undeniable that the identity of the person who can represent the family to Longtou Island is not simple.

Once something happens at this stage, the impact will be worldwide!It may even cause chaos in the world.

The only reason for choosing this order of travel is to ensure that he is not in the first dangerous area of ​​the accident, because if Fang Han is the perpetrator, he will definitely focus on the people of the Zheng family's direct lineage. At this time, it is best to keep a distance from the vehicles of the Zheng family's lineage. A good choice, but you can't choose the last order, because at present...the unknown danger has not happened yet, but the actual hidden danger exists on the surface, and that is Zheng Chenghai, who has since disappeared in front of the big families , Judging from the previous situation, this guy has elite fighters belonging to his own collateral family. It cannot be ruled out that this guy became angry from embarrassment, and suddenly attacked Fang Han and the others after completely hiding in the dark.

After all, the enmity with Zheng Chenghai is real... The other party has sent assassins before, which proves that the other party is really capable of doing anything.

Protecting the four girls and boarding the car, Fang Han was the last to get in the car...

For some reason, after the members of the Zheng family returned to Longtou Island, even though the distance was relatively far, Fang Han still couldn't get rid of the uneasiness in his heart.

I always felt that something was going to happen. Fang Han's nervousness and seriousness were naturally noticed by other people around!But no one asked...

Fang Han's emotions made other security personnel around him subconsciously tense up.

The ten subordinates around Bai Yan'er, five men and five women, also became much more solemn!

"what happened?"

After the four girls were seated, Guan Xuanxuan looked at Fang Han who had returned to sit beside her, and asked with some concern.

You must know that Fang Han has never shown such an expression, no matter how cold Guan Xuanxuan's character is, she will not be cold in front of Fang Han.

Regarding Guan Xuanxuan's question, Fang Han smiled and replied "It's okay!"

After all, Xuanxuan didn't know many things about this trip. Brother Hei just sent the information to his mobile phone, so Fang Han didn't intend to say too much to scare people before the crisis happened.

But what no one expected was that after Fang Han replied this sentence, he suddenly found a car of a certain family in front of him stopped.

At the same time, there was a huge explosion sound far ahead!As soon as this sound came out... Fang Han was taken aback, and the countless security personnel around Fang Han subconsciously became nervous.

But when Fang Han finished telling the security personnel to keep calm and protect the four girls, the vehicle started driving again...

what happened?No one knew...but at this moment, the two captains had already received news from the security personnel who stayed in the manor.

It's a salute!According to the traditional etiquette, the Zheng family needs to fire cannons to celebrate the return of the wedding party...

It's just that ordinary people's salutes are the kind of well-made salutes!The Zheng family directly pushed the cannon out of the castle, and placed more high-end special shells towards the sky to beat them away.

So the resulting momentum is also amazing, and from the sound, it is impossible to tell that this is the sound of a salute.

Hearing the explanation, Fang Han cursed inwardly...but he had to admit that he was largely relieved.At least it's better than nothing if nothing happens.

"Don't be too nervous, what should come will come! Just wait..."

However, what Fang Han didn't expect was that at this moment, Bai Yan'er's unique voice suddenly came to his ears.

But looking closely at Bai Yan'er who was sitting on the side, it seemed that she didn't even look at him...

"What do you mean?"

Fang Han, who was not the first to receive such a sound transmission, was not too surprised. Tasting the meaning of Bai Yan'er's words, his heart moved inexplicably, and he directly made a judgment.

Bai Yan'er must know something...

When the vehicles entered the manor one after another and returned to the villa where he lived, Fang Han was completely relieved.

But he has to think about a question, is he just worrying about it?

With this in mind, Fang Han ignored the women who entered the room to dress up.

(End of this chapter)

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