Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 169 The average lifespan is 1 year!

Chapter 169 The average lifespan is 1000 year!

While talking, before Fang Han could give a response, he consulted the internal camera switch, and was already pointing at a brightly lit small room, which was filled with a lot of sundries. , woodworking tools are the most.

But... these things seem to be of little use to Fang Han, right?
And if these things don't pass the system, Fang Han doesn't know what the quality is.So there is no way to ask for it.

When the young man showed off all his belongings, Fang Han was speechless for a while. For Fang Han... there is no problem with three hundred trees. The only problem is that there are so many words!Didn't they cut out a clearing in the back hill of the manor?

But some ordinary trees!It is expected that it will not attract anyone's attention.

"what do you want?"

After displaying his belongings quite proudly, the young man opened his mouth to ask Fang Han, whose expression twitched and he didn't know what to express.

The meaning is obviously to say "I have good things here, tell me which one you choose, it's not a bad job! If there is something you want, let's confirm the deal."

But young people may have overlooked a problem, that is, in the case of browsing like this, the only thing Fang Han can see is the shape of these items, and he doesn’t even know what many things are for, because there is no system space to give information, Crossing the space world again, how did Fang Han know the power of these items?

So under the extremely expectant eyes of the young man, Fang Han, who was almost suffering from internal injuries, finally choked out a word from his throat.

"Can you! Explain to me... what are those things?"

Fang Han almost said what those things were, but after thinking about it, he took back the last two words, because it can be judged from the young man's proud appearance that he has strong confidence in these things of himself, Fang Han is really afraid The words that came out after the last two words made the boy hang up the communication directly.

Anyway...you don't need to wait for the mission, it's still very good to trade directly to get rewards for items in private, and Fang Han's little Jiujiu is turning very fast, the world of heaven and man...the items in this space must be much stronger than those in the human world, right? ?The most important thing is... What the world asks for is only [-] trees of the kind that were delivered to the mission. According to Fang Han's observation, this kind of trees are almost everywhere on Longtou Island... Let alone [-] trees, [-] trees are not what is the problem.

People who give up this kind of transaction must be fools, and Fang Han is certainly not a fool!Therefore, as soon as the other party shows his trading intention, he must first understand what the other party's transaction item is!Only in this way can you maximize your own interests.

Hearing Fang Han's words, the young man was stunned for a moment, then he patted his forehead with an apologetic expression, and replied: "Forget, forget! Your information shows...your grade points are very low, and you haven't yet The transaction function has been officially opened, and mirror image information cannot be retrieved through the system! We will facilitate this kind of offline transaction when you level up in the future. Now...we can only deliver items to both parties by sending system emails! But it doesn't matter ...Let me pick a few for you! This deal...I'll send you an email first...Well! Wait for me to see."

While they were talking, the young man in the camera moved again and walked to the cabinet in the corner of the room to rummage around.

In Fang Han's anticipation, he finally picked up a dark brown wooden short knife, then walked to a long table with a pile of wooden products, and picked up a black and purple leopard puppet from the table.

"Just these two! Treat it as a deposit first! Don't underestimate these two things! One is the ten thousand year mahogany sword. Although it is very common in the world of heaven and man, it is quite powerful in the world of demons and demons." The world of heaven and man is different from yours. The lifespan of all things is very long... Take me for example, I am already 130 years old, and the average lifespan of our people is about a thousand years. This kind of peach wood with ten thousand years is not too rare , you don’t have to be too surprised.”

When the young man saw himself briefly introducing the mahogany sword, Fang Han showed a shocked expression, and hurriedly rubbed the back of his head and explained embarrassingly.

It can be seen that this young man is indeed very simple and kind-hearted. He is afraid that Fang Han will not understand the truth and misunderstand something.

Ten Thousand Years Peachwood Sword!This is something that has never been heard in the world... I have never heard that there are peach trees that have lived for 1 years on the market. Even if they exist, they will be well protected. How can they be cut down and made into peach wood swords? Woolen cloth?

So Fang Han was really shocked when he heard about this Wannian Taomu. It is not difficult to imagine that if the young man explained a few words unkindly, Fang Han might really agree to it right away, just as the next follow-up mission in the Demon World was about to deal with a The monster who only cultivated the demon core, with this mahogany sword combined with his abnormal power, the odds of winning have increased a bit.

But thinking about it, since the young man proposed a private transaction, he came with sincerity. In the young man's heart, he must not use one thing to ask Fang Han to replace the wood for him. Texture, and because the aura is more abundant, there is nothing he can do with these trees at his current level, and the firewood for training... the precious firewood in the world of heaven and man is also a luxury.

After having the system, the boy has always wanted to find firewood in the world...because the firewood in the world is soft and fine enough in texture, and the growth cycle is not long or short, which is just right...I think there is really no other more suitable firewood in the space other than the world Well, the trees in the demon world are easy to become spirits, the trees in the demon world are full of evil because of their growth environment, and the plants in the underworld are all yin.The world is the most suitable.

It’s just a pity that the mercenaries in the human world have not been registered with their hosts, and the boy has been waiting for a long time, because there is only one employment and registration identity in the human world. When the human world’s employment system has not been completed, the entire Ten Thousand Realms upgrade app does not support the system tasks of the human world. Publish and receive.

Now that Fang Han finally appeared, the young man must show his sincerity...especially the first private transaction!He wanted to leave a good impression on Fang Han.

Although Fang Han has taken on several missions at this time, he doesn't know much about these knowledge in essence, and he doesn't know how important his appearance is to the gods, ghosts and demons registered in the Wanjie Upgrade APP.

But one thing is for sure, after listening to the boy's explanation!Fang Han felt a little more depressed...

There is only envy in my heart, look at the living space of others, the average life expectancy is 1000 years!Trees that have been around for ten thousand years are normal trees, but it’s not surprising... Now there are trees in some forests that are hundreds of years old or even thousands of years old, but relatively speaking, trees like this are very common in the world of heaven and man. , After all, the average life expectancy is there!
Envy is envy!Fang Han hasn't forgotten the business... After nodding his head to show he understood, Fang Han asked curiously at the black and purple leopard puppet: "Then what is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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