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Chapter 166 Declare war on the Zheng family!

Chapter 166 Declare war on the Zheng family!
But such blatant persecution of the visiting guests will definitely arouse the hatred of the other guests. If the matter becomes serious, even they cannot bear the responsibility. After all, they are just because the main descendants of the Zheng family accompanied them to the sea to welcome their relatives. After that, the person who was temporarily appointed under the authority.

Fang Han's words were so loud that the expressions of the five people on the high platform flickered for a while!But there was no previous arrogance.But that cold look is very real, and of course it is understandable. After all, they came here later, and they have not personally experienced the scene of the "devil" described by Zheng Long, so it is easy to cause misjudgment. In their minds, it is true that Fang Han played a very important role in the death and injury of Zheng Long's subordinates, but it only shows that Fang Han is very good at fighting. The main reason is that the security personnel behind Fang Han are all The elite masters of their respective families, in the final analysis, still don't believe that Fang Han is so perverted that he can kill, injure, and maim 80 or [-] people by himself.

This kind of cognition is in line with common sense, but what they don't know is that Fang Han in front of them cannot be judged by common sense at all.

So after Fang Han's words came out, a person behind the middle-aged man replied unceremoniously with his eyes flashing: "Explanation? There is no explanation. It is a conflict caused by a dispute. If you are sensible, let him go quickly, otherwise! Longtou Island is the territory of my Zheng family, and I can easily kill you anytime and anywhere."

These words are very pretentious and full of threats. Before Fang Han can say anything, the security personnel behind Fang Han have all moved to protect the three women to the central area for the first time, and then looked at the gloomy face. While the corner of his mouth was twitching, Fang Han's face was gradually ferocious, as if Fang Han ordered them to attack.

Regarding the attitude of their subordinates, the two security captains didn't talk nonsense. After looking at each other, they stood behind Fang Han and raised the steel pipes in their hands!This was confiscated from those disabled thugs just now, and now it seems that it is still very useful!After all, they had not brought out a lot of equipment from the villa in the castle manor before they went out to sea.

As soon as this situation of confrontation was formed, countless eyes flickered around, as if they were watching the situation...Many of them thought that Fang Han would choose to let it go after the person in charge of Zheng's security came forward.

But what no one expected was that at this moment, Fang Han suddenly moved, stretched out his hand and directly mentioned Zheng Long, who had sensed the change in Fang Han's expression and had already sensed something was wrong, and instinctively wanted to get out of the gazebo to meet his uncle...

"You let go..."

"what are you going to do?"

"If you dare to touch him, I'll kill you."

Amidst the continuous shouts of panic, Fang Leng smiled and directly clasped Zheng Long's wrist, gently breaking it, accompanied by a loud scream resounding through the port, Zheng Long's body convulsed by the pain and convulsions limply fell to the ground. On the one hand, Zheng Long, who couldn't bear the pain, just passed out, and then saw that his wrist had been completely broken, showing what kind of picture the palm and the back of the hand are completely upside down with an unimaginable twisted angle. Horror picture.

Not long after Fang Han made the move, the four people behind the middle-aged man had already pulled out their guns and pointed at Fang Han...

But for some reason, Fang Han didn't talk nonsense. He stepped forward with a sneer, grabbed one of the pistols and pressed it to his forehead, and at the same time ordered the people behind him: "As long as he dares to shoot, he will rush forward. Kill them! No matter how the Zheng family is... None of these people are allowed to go out alive. I want to see if they have the guts."

Fang Han's voice was very cold, and the words were full of sarcasm!But people around him still think that Fang Han is exaggerating...

What if the other party really shoots?
This is the thought in everyone's mind, but Fang Han is not afraid at all!A pair of crimson ferocious eyes stared at the person who looked at him coldly, his eyes revealing hesitation at noon.

Fang Han is not afraid!It's because Fang Han knew that the opponent's gun had no bullets, so why was there no bullets?Didn't Fan Feifei sneak out the bullet when she was investigating the news just now?
It's not that Fan Feifei's thoughts are so strong!It’s really because people will be possessed, possessing a person with a gun, and the bullets will be released in three to two minutes. During the time period, the possessed person will not be aware of it at all, and can’t remember it. It's been a while.

But it is undeniable that even if the gun is empty, as long as the other party dares to pull the trigger, Fang Han will dare to kill... So Fang Han is forcing them to shoot. Once they shoot, the matter will become a big problem. The Zheng family handles the conflict and favors themselves People shooting indiscriminately at guest members?
However, just as Fang Han resisted the gun, Guan Xuanxuan and the three daughters suddenly stood up.Under Fang Han's suspicious gaze, he shielded Fang Han behind him.

At the same time, he said calmly to the middle-aged man with a cold voice: "The Zheng family is so powerful. They didn't first hold accountable the gangsters who hijacked us, but they even tried to attack my friends. Do you really think that my Guan family can be bullied?"

Unexpectedly, Guan Xuanxuan, who had been protected in the crowd before, would stand up resolutely when the incident came to an end.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the middle-aged man shrank... Fang Han didn't take it seriously, but Miss Guan!He had to think about it, but he didn't expect Miss Guan's family to make such a statement for an entourage beside him.

Just in the thinking of middle-aged people!Guan Xuanxuan had already opened her mouth to swear.

"If you touch my people! On behalf of the Guan family, I will formally declare war on the Zheng family!"

The resolute and straightforward words made countless people around gasp, declaring war on behalf of the family?What kind of courage is this?

Never thought about it!After Guan Xuanxuan's swear words came out, Lin Ke'er immediately followed up to express her position, and said coldly to the security captain beside her, "I have come to Longtou Island on behalf of the family, and today's matter... I can also speak on behalf of the family! The gangsters hijacked I couldn’t wait, and the head of the Zheng family’s security personnel arrived at the scene and threatened us with guns. The Lin family is willing to join the Guan family in declaring war on the Zheng family.”

Lin Ke'er's words made the already silent scene even more chilling. In this case, Sima Jinglan didn't talk nonsense, and directly echoed: "Count me into the Sima family!"

He was straightforward, but made the face of the middle-aged man change wildly!The family declares war?He knows what this means, the Zheng family is powerful, but if the alliance of the three major families in the mainland is really formed, it is something that the Zheng family has to pay attention to, and he is only a collateral member of the Zheng family, this kind of matter is of great importance How can he be responsible for this matter?

At this time, middle-aged people have to think!Fang Han's true identity...how could he make the three young ladies sent by the three major families to Longtou Island to swear an oath to fight?Could this be the usual accompanying security personnel?
Not only the middle-aged man, Fang Han was also surprised at this time!And when talking to the three women, the inexplicable behavior of pulling him behind him felt a surge of heat in his heart, because the four people behind the middle-aged man hadn't put down their guns, and the three women were standing in front of him and facing him directly. These muzzles... Fang Han knew that the bullets in these guns had been released by Fan Feifei, but the third daughter didn't know!This is tantamount to risking his life to stand up for Fang Han...

(End of this chapter)

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