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Chapter 164 Completely Submit!

Chapter 164 Completely Submit!

Heaving a sigh of relief, Fang Han looked around, only to find that after he walked out of that tyrannical killing intent, the eyes of these guys in front of him were still full of despair and fear, and it could be judged that...they had completely disappeared. The will to resist!Even the courage has been shaken away.

Thank you, Captain Fang smiled in relief, and Fang Han lazily went to deal with the thugs who had no combat effectiveness but still refused to retreat.

Turning around and looking around, there are countless people lying all over the port, many of them have fallen into a coma!The wailing sounded one after another!There were a few of them who looked tragic, and those who saw it felt chills.

This time, all the thugs brought by the young master of the Fu family and the white suit, except for five or six people who passed out directly, the others also became cripples!It is foreseeable that...the seriously injured people will be in a very dangerous situation if no one comes to treat them in time.

"How long have you been in contact with Zheng's Castle Manor?"

Fang Han, who created such a tragic scene with one hand, looked at the two young masters in the gazebo who had urinated their pants, and the thugs around them who looked at him in horror from time to time while wailing, Fang Han felt a dull and empty heart, in the loneliness... Fang Han took a cigarette handed over by Captain Fang, grabbed the young man in the white suit, wiped his blood-stained hands and upper body with the pure white coat of the young man in the white suit, and lit the cigarette under the lighter that Captain Fang held up After that, he asked flatly.

The young man in a white suit who was regarded as a "rag" by Fang Han didn't even dare to fart. After Fang Han let go of him, he quickly crawled back to the young Fu family who was huddled in the corner of the pavilion. They leaned close to each other and looked away nervously. Looking at Fang Han, these two young masters have been frightened out of their wits?Fang Han didn't know very well, and he didn't pay much attention... After venting, Fang Han had lost interest in cleaning them up.

It seems that two poor guys can feel a little more safe staying together?

Casting a sideways glance at the previously extremely arrogant and domineering young master of the family in the corner of the gazebo, Fang Han had such a question out of nowhere.

"Has it been a while?"

Instructing his subordinates to control the thugs who were still standing, Captain Fang glanced at the two family young masters in the corner of the gazebo with a sneer on his lips, and then replied solemnly.

The situation at this time couldn't be more clear. It has been nearly an hour since the conflict started, and it does take more than an hour at normal speeds to travel from the Castle Manor to this port, but after all, things depend on the situation. !Generally, in the event of a conflict, it would not take too long for the Castle Manor to quickly send troops over. If the Zheng family could really control a leading island with such a speed of response?You know... There are other sea families in the surrounding islands. If they were really attacked, the Zheng family would have been wiped out at such a speed.

So there is only one explanation at the moment, that is, the young man in the white suit brought someone to find fault with the hijacking. There is a certain amount of rumors on the side of the castle manor. Anyway, now the main members of the Zheng family are welcoming the relatives outside, only the noble old man in the family It's impossible to personally ask about everything by your side, so it's not ruled out that some people who don't know how to live and die are cheating and suppressing the news?

It's really not a big problem for the Zheng family to come over in an hour or so at normal speed, after all, it's just a conflict over the location of the port!It can be said... Even if you ask the Zheng family for this reason, you will get such an explanation.

It's just that the Zheng family deliberately delayed the time by concealing the news. The current person in charge of the island's security may not have imagined that his delay...has harmed the young man in the white suit, right?But it's not surprising if you think about it, Fang Han's abnormality is only known to a few people, and the guests who got off the Queen just saw Fang Han fighting in the ring, and didn't really realize how abnormal Fang Han is.

Who would have thought that the youth in white suits would bring about seventy or eighty experts, but in the end they did not cause too much harm to Fang Han and the others, but they were dead and disabled. So far, except for the two young masters...basically unsound What about people?

Quiet!Fang Han is already at the seaside!After cleaning the blood on his body, he changed his clothes!
Leaning back on the chair in the gazebo, Fang Han just sat comfortably.

As for those disabled thugs!He was taken away by the medical staff who arrived.

The three girls, Guan Xuanxuan, were also sitting in the pavilion. The security personnel of the two major families stood neatly outside the pavilion, behind the girls!
Beside them, the young master of the Fu family and the young man in the white suit were sitting on the ground in the corner obediently with a face of shrinking.

The medical staff came here together with the people sent by the Zheng family, but so far no one has come to the pavilion to discuss the details of the problem with Fang Han and others.

But Fang Han is not in a hurry!Because he knew that the two young masters were by his side, he was not afraid that the person in charge of the Zheng family's security would run away.

So Fang Han didn't even look at what was happening around him!He was waiting... for the last opponent.

no way!Now that they have the advantage, if they don't give the opponent a blow, the opponent will know that they are easy to bully.Maybe what will happen next.

Strangely enough, it seemed that the people sent by the Zheng family were also shocked by what they saw.Haven't you figured out how to face Fang Han and others?

No one knows what that guy is thinking, but one thing is for sure... the dozens of security personnel sent by the Zheng family this time were indeed stunned for a long time when they arrived at this port before they came to rescue those Injured persons.

law?On Longtou Island of the Zheng family... the rules may be greater than the law!At least Fang Han thinks so, because so far no one has come forward to ask for an explanation for the disabled thugs in his hands.

At this time, it is not difficult to see a kind of emotion from the eyes of the security personnel around Fang Han...

That is worship and admiration!It seemed that they were standing behind the three girls, let alone behind Fang Han, standing straight!He glanced indifferently at the Zheng family members who were helping the disabled.

There is a stance of Fang Han giving an order to launch an attack at any time, even though the people sent by the Zheng family are all armed with weapons such as knives and guns. Although there are not many guns, they are always there.Everyone saw this, but for some reason, as long as they were by Fang Han's side, they felt fearless.At least their eyes revealed such information.

For fighters like them, following Miss is the family's appointment, but voluntary compliance with Fang Han's order is definitely due to the worship effect of the strong.

After seeing Fang Han's strength several times, their hearts have been completely convinced!Not only them, but even the ladies of the three major families now take Fang Han's attitude as the standard.

If Fang Han doesn't speak, they won't speak!Fang Han is here comfortably waiting for the Zheng family to come over, blowing the wind, and they will follow along.

You must know that the power of Longtou Island is much stronger than the family power behind them, but for some reason, the family power that used to distinguish between active and passive was directly ignored by the three women present and the security personnel around them!They blindly believed that as long as Fang Han was by their side, the Zheng family might not be able to suppress them and take the initiative in this conflict on Longtou Island.

(End of this chapter)

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