Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 135 Am I the Villain?

Chapter 135 Am I the Villain?

But just as the audience showed disappointment, complicated, and sighed, Shan Kun's ruthlessness also came up. Seeing that Fang Han didn't post the action of chasing and killing him immediately, but stood there and looked at him with a sneer, Shan Kun also Don't talk nonsense, endured the pain of dislocation, pressed his arm on the ring while screaming, and instantly lowered his center of gravity with the fierce roar of life and death, and heard the loud bone noise that was extremely crisp even in this environment, Shan Kun Trembling with pain, he rolled on the ring, and after a few minutes, he struggled to stand up again, and saw that Shan Kun's shoulders had recovered to such a degree, this guy was so natural that he even endured the dislocated shoulders by himself. The pain returned to its original position...

"The red player has regained his combat power... The red player is bloody enough, man! I have to admit that the black player's attack power is indeed very strong, but with the bloody will of the red player, the outcome is still unknown .”

When the male host next to him made such a sigh, the beautiful host also stood up from his seat in time, showing his inner shock. He saw the beautiful host raised the microphone and exclaimed: "Black player turns out to be so strong, but he was wrong before. But now I am more optimistic about the red player. Such an opponent is not used to fight, but to kill. Maybe the black player has the advantage in the ring, but if it is a life and death battle, it depends more on the bloodiness and murderousness of both parties. Just because of this point, the red player is fully qualified to be the winner."

The provocative words of the male and female hosts once again ignited the enthusiasm of the audience in the casino, and completely dispelled the horror and silence caused by Fang Han's power. All the audience present cheered for the amazing red player Shan Kun. When he got up, Fang Han, who kicked the opponent's shoulders and dislocated his shoulders, no one paid attention to him.

Rubbing his nose, Fang Han cast a speechless glance at the many audiences who were cheering for Shan Kun under the instigation of the host... When he glanced at the corner of his eyes, Fang Han clearly saw that the male and female hosts in the commentary booth were taking the lead in shouting. Under the open-air high platform above the commentary seat, Bai Yan'er was holding a glass of wine in satisfaction and toasting Fang Hanyuan who had noticed her position...

Fang Han still can't understand?Don't let both sides lose momentum!Isn't it the task of the two hosts in the commentary booth?Inciting the riots of the masses?so obvious...

Only by inciting the tourists can the handicap be considered a successful manipulation, right?At least Fang Han has already figured it out... When his own power is weak, the host speaks for him, and when the red team's power goes down, they will promote the red team's power.

Fang Han really couldn't understand, after being kicked and dislocated, he endured the severe pain to restore the dislocated part to its original position... But he has to admit that such actions and behaviors do conform to people's interpretation of words such as bloody and man.

Shan Kun, who had regained his fighting strength, gradually stood up under Fang Han's calm eyes. At this moment, he didn't know whether he was inspired by the audience around him or whether it was because of Fang Han's strength that he completely burned up his fighting spirit. At this time, Shan Kun's eyes The look in his eyes clearly showed a determination to sacrifice life and death, as well as the blazing flames.

The murderous and evil spirits were intertwined and revealed under such eyes... Fang Han was puzzled, why did this guy seem to be a decent person in the end?Shouldn't fighting to the death be a prerequisite for decent characters in movies and TV to fight back?

I'm a villain?Fang Han made Shan Kun's eyes look a little messy for a while, caused by the surrounding audience.

Just when Fang Han was inexplicable, Shan Kun stood up again and rushed forward again brandishing the dagger in his hand.

"Remember, to frighten his mind, as long as 5 minutes of distraction is enough for me." Just as Fang Han was about to fight again, Bai Yan'er's plain words suddenly came from his ears.

The voice was like what Bai Yan'er said while she was sticking to her side, with her small mouth breathing into her ear.But Bai Yan'er was clearly standing on the stand above the commentary booth, and the surrounding audience cheered loudly, not to mention the volume of the voice, even if Bai Yan'er yelled this with a loudspeaker, she might not have heard it to.

But this voice happened to appear in his ears, making Fang Han subconsciously slow down his hands in astonishment.

The rushing Shan Kun's eyes lit up in an instant, caught Fang Han's momentary pause in his movements, took advantage of his step, and swung his dagger into Fang Han's close range, while the dagger was in mid-air It turned into an afterimage, and wiped it towards Fang Han's throat.

There is no control of this guy's moves, he goes to the vital point, kills and kills.Killing decisively is exactly the purpose of the "Generation Killing God" in front of him.

Maybe Shan Kun is facing an ordinary master, even against an opponent of his level, this knife can be called a classic killing move, but...his opponent is Fang Han, a pervert whose body has entered the innate realm Super evil character.

Staring at the dagger that was about to cut his throat, Fang Han's eyes showed a bit of sarcasm, and the moment a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, Shan Kun's eyes jumped wildly, but just when he instinctively sensed something was wrong and wanted to stop Just as he was speaking, he suddenly saw a flash in front of him. Fang Han had already taken a wrong step backwards. Before he could react, Fang Han raised his knees and flew to the top at a speed that he couldn't even imagine...in an instant, he hit his abdomen .

"Ding dong!"

Everything happened too fast, Shan Kun clearly watched everything that happened in an instant, but he had no way to resist at all, because his body reaction could only keep up with the years of fighting and training after he was severely injured in the abdomen. Combat awareness...but it's too late.

The dagger fell on the ring and made a crisp sound. Looking at Shan Kun's face as pale as a weave, with blood-colored foam gushing out from the corner of his mouth, Shan Kun knew that this flying knee might have ruptured his internal organs.

Convulsed by the great pain, Shan Kun couldn't straighten his waist at all, his eyes were filled with horror and fear, just holding his stomach and let out a low, beast-like cry.With his eyes fixed on the dagger at his feet, Shan Kun finally knelt on the ground with his knees, but a hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the fence firmly, trying to control his body, not allowing himself to fall down like a dead person ...

After quite a while, the recovered Shan Kun had blood on his mouth, but his eyes were filled with the vicious gaze of a wounded wolf, although he couldn't speak!That look clearly conveyed a message

"I can still fight, I haven't fallen, as long as I don't die... I have hope of winning."

To be honest, looking at Shan Kun's will to fight, Fang Han admitted that he really admired this guy.

What kind of environment creates what kind of person, this single Kunping has fought countless times in his life, and he has developed this kind of fighting consciousness?But Fang Han knew... Such people are just paper tigers on the surface. A person who kills countless people, even the old and the weak, women and children, is nothing but the so-called strong that supports his will.Because he has mastered other people's life and death habits, he naturally develops a false self-confidence and pride.To be precise, this is a very abnormal mental illness.

(End of this chapter)

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