chapter 121

For some reason, Fang Han felt a little funny when he saw this mockup, and laughed out loud, it doesn’t matter if he laughed like this, the little guy who was annoyed because he missed a key shot jumped off the bed directly, and jumped onto Han’s shoulder above the sofa , just bumped Fang Han's nose with his small head...

The strength is neither too strong nor too weak...the pain is not so bad, but it must be sore after hitting the nose like this...the sore Fang Han burst into tears.

"Okay, okay! I'm convinced... Is it okay if I accept it? I won't laugh at you next time!"

Facing Fang Han's begging for mercy, the little guy showed a satisfied expression, and did not go down anymore. Fang Han hugged her...but she continued to watch the movie engrossed.

One person and one fox fought for a while, Fang Han suddenly heard the phone ringing in the room, put down the little guy who didn't care about him at all, Fang Han rubbed his sore nose, wiped away his tears, and connected the phone... Then he responded with a strange expression Hang up the phone after a few rings.

With a wry smile and a helpless expression, Fang Han went into the bathroom and changed his clothes.

It was Guan Xuanxuan who called, asking him to go to Guan Xuanxuan's room next door... But it was not because of anything else, it was because of Sima Jinglan, Lin Keer and her two daughters were there, and the three daughters didn't know what to think!Maybe it's boring, and I don't know which young lady proposed to play mahjong in the end!Playing mahjong... Three missing one, Guan Xuanxuan called Fang Han directly to join hands when three were missing one.

"I'm going to the next room! Aren't you coming with me?" Fang Han, who had changed into casual clothes, looked at the little guy who was still indifferent after leaving the bathroom, and asked suspiciously.

"You go! Wait for me to finish find you." Then Fang Han was taken aback by the message from the system, but Fang Han hesitated after a wry smile.

Now on the cruise ship, the safety of the little guy is very problematic!Don't talk about the old woman named Xing Guilan, just say that Bai Yan'er already knows that the little guy is a goblin. Although no matter how you look at him, he is not malicious, but you still have to guard against it. very shallow!Fang Han didn't dare to let the little fox alone in the room without understanding the situation.

As if aware of the message expressed by Fang Han's hesitant expression, the little guy reluctantly glanced at the TV for the last time, and then jumped into Fang Han's arms.From this point of view, the little guy is still very sensible and well-behaved.

"Let's go! Go to the next room and continue watching." Fang Han smiled and nodded under the message from the little guy, carried the little guy out of the room, and knocked on the door of the next room.

"Mr. Fang!"

It was the security personnel beside Sima Jinglan who opened the door, Fang Han nodded and said nothing, the security personnel beside them naturally had to follow the two girls into this room.

Entering the room, Fang Han found that the three girls had already sat around an electronic mahjong table, and they seemed to be waiting for him. I guess this mahjong table was sent by the cruise ship staff, right?
"Come on! Come on!" Seeing Fang Han holding the little guy into the room, Guan Xuanxuan hurriedly asked Fang Han to sit down. From this eager attitude, it is not difficult to judge that the three girls should have been impatient with the wait, right?

When Guan Xuanxuan asked Fang Han to sit down, the little guy jumped out of Fang Han's arms!Because she found out that Guan Xuanxuan's room also has a TV, so there must be a DVD. The little guy forgot to cover up his identity as a fairy.

Fang Han narrowed his eyes, and Fang Han, who sensed something was wrong, hurried over, turned on the TV before the little fox, adjusted the volume and found the video disc, and after the show was finished, he glared at the little fox who instantly reacted and turned to the fruit on the table in front of the sofa.

The little guy was very smart, he understood Fang Han's eyes almost instantly, jumped on the sofa, grabbed an apple and stared blankly at the movie that started to show while gnawing on it.

Seeing the little guy pretending to be stupid, Fang Han couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

Facing the three girls who had been stunned by his quick and hasty movements just now, he smiled awkwardly and explained: "The little guy will be much quieter every time he watches TV! Otherwise... if she keeps making troubles, we can't have a good time!"

Fang Han's explanation is very reasonable. Many cats and dogs in the family have the habit of watching TV!This kind of behavior is not uncommon in the pet world. It can often be seen on some news and small video websites.

The three women were just shocked by Fang Han's haste, which was too fast to react to, right?

If you have to have an idea, it's just that it's a little strange that Fang Han, a big man, raises pets like raising children, but after seeing Fang Han's behavior of feeding crab roe to the little guy yesterday, it's not surprising.

"I didn't expect that you still have this patience? When we came in the morning, we were surprised that the little guy wasn't in Xuanxuan's room, why was he in yours! It seems that you are indeed more suitable for keeping pets than Xuanxuan, haha! No wonder her The pet likes to follow you." When Lin Ke'er said this, her eyes were filled with an inexplicable and strange expression, and her eyes would flicker across Fang Han and Guan Xuanxuan's faces from time to time, implying something self-evident .

Fang Han was taken aback by such words, but then he understood what was going on under Guan Xuanxuan's embarrassed eyes.

Guan Xuanxuan must have declared to everyone that this fox was her pet.

Guan Xuanxuan's pet is not in Guan Xuanxuan's room, but sleeps with Fang Han. What does this phenomenon mean?No one pointed it out, but everyone knows that there is a big problem here.

Looking at the way the little guy gets along with Fang Han, it's obviously more harmonious than with Guan Xuanxuan!
Under this kind of phenomenon, it is not to blame for others to think wildly, at least according to this argument!At least Fang Han is very close to Guan Xuanxuan. If the pet can sleep with Fang Han, it cannot be ruled out that the progress of the relationship between the two has crossed a certain "boundary".

Fang Han doesn't know how to explain this point, but since Miss Guan is just blushing and sullen and doesn't answer, then he has to explain something. Guan Xuanxuan's declaration to the outside world is nothing more than to give those guys who pay attention to little foxes The warning is to protect the little fox.What can Fang Han say?I can only acquiesce, as for what others think!Think whatever you want, Guan Xuanxuan didn't even speak out to explain her innocence when she jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean herself up. What is he afraid of, a big man?
After Lin Keer finished saying this, Sima Jinglan also covered her mouth and snickered!A pair of beautiful eyes also looked back and forth between Guan Xuanxuan and Fang Han, but for some reason there was a hint of envy in them.

Guan Xuanxuan, whose face was already burning hot, finally couldn't stand the stares from the sisters. She gave the two of them an angry look and urged, "Should we still play?"

After saying this, amidst the two women's busy nodding their heads and laughing strangely, they rolled their eyes at Fang Han who was standing aside like a log, and said in a strange tone: "Sit down quickly! It takes so long to change clothes."

Hearing such words, Fang Han just smiled and spread his hands, and sat down at the card table!Some quarrels are better to be listened to honestly, once you pick up the words, you will get into trouble if you can't say that sentence, one Guan Xuanxuan is enough for Fang Han, let alone facing the three sisters now!So if you can pretend to be stupid, pretend to be stupid, if you can not speak, it must be the smartest way to deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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