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Chapter 1141 Ancient Codex

Chapter 1141 Ancient Codex

But now, Fang Han had another idea.

Fang Han looked at the old man, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and said, "I'll give you a chance to be my follower for a year, would you like it?"

Fang Han put away the terrifying soul power that was as powerful as the sky, and looked at the old man lightly, his tone was full of calm, as if he was asking about an ordinary matter that could no longer be ordinary!

The old man was taken aback for a moment, with a look of surprise on his face, and then he said firmly: "Don't think about it, just come if you want to kill or cut, if you want me to surrender, there is no way!"

The old man resolutely refused. You must know that he was the supreme of the third-order Pluto realm in the last era, and his arrogance penetrated deep into his bones. Even if his cultivation base has fallen now, even if he is only a part of the soul of the body, his arrogance is still there. Naturally, it is impossible to surrender to Fang Han, a kid!
Although he felt that Fang Han's aura was like Tianwei, he felt a familiar feeling from Fang Han's aura!

Once upon a time, he also possessed such terrifying power, so even if Fang Han was the supreme king of the Hades realm, it was about the same as when he was at his peak.

Naturally, he couldn't accept submitting to someone who was as cultivated as he was at his peak.

"Don't rush to refuse... Although your cultivation base has fallen now, I am not at the peak of my cultivation base..."

The other party's refusal was within Fang Han's expectation, because Fang Han was once the Supreme of the Ninth-Rank Celestial Master Realm, so he naturally knew how strong the arrogance of the Celestial Master Realm's Supreme Being was!
So Fang Han just smiled lightly, and then said: "When I was at my peak, I was equivalent to the peak of the ninth-level celestial master, and I was born in the era of five gods, so I am qualified for you to follow?"

"Equivalent to?"

"What! What did you say! The era of the five gods?"

After hearing Fang Han's words, the old man pondered for a while, thinking about what Fang Han meant by equivalent, and then he heard Fang Han say that he was born in the era of the five gods, and suddenly exclaimed!

Because he was the Supreme of the third-order Pluto realm in the previous era, he had naturally heard of the era of the five deities, and it was precisely because he had heard of the era of the five deities that he was so shocked!
Fang Han didn't speak, just looked at the old man quietly.


"You... You said that you were born in the era of five gods? And you are also a super supreme at the pinnacle of the ninth-order celestial master?"

It took a while before the old man digested the horrifying message Fang Han gave, and then asked after taking a breath.

Fang Han didn't speak, but nodded without a doubt!

"How do you prove that what you said is true?" The old man couldn't help breathing heavily, his heart was terribly shocked, and his eyes were fixed on Fang Han.

Then Fang Han directly raised his hand, and made a vow of heaven with the heaven of the underworld, to prove that he was a real person from the era of five gods.

But Fang Han cleverly avoided whether it was the soul continent or the creatures of the underworld, and just said that he was from the era of five gods.

Because Fang Han was worried that if Tiandao of the Nether Realm noticed him, he would definitely kill him at all costs!
After all, I am a native of the Soul Continent, and I used to be such a terrifying existence. If the Heavenly Dao of the Underworld knew of his existence, I would be damned if I didn't want to try my best to kill him!
After all, I am a native of the Soul Continent, and I used to be such a terrifying existence. If the Heavenly Dao of the Underworld knew of his existence, I would be damned if I didn't want to try my best to kill him!
This is also the reason why Fang Han did not reveal all his details. Otherwise, if all Fang Han's details were revealed, it would definitely be easier to scare the old man.

The old man stared at Fang Han closely, as if he could see through Fang Han's slightest lie, and then he asked, "What's your name?"

"Fang Han".Fang Han spread his hands, after all, there is nothing to hide.

After all, the age of the five gods is too far away from now, even this old man could not have heard of his name, because the first point is the long time, and the second point is because Fang Han is a native of the Soul Continent , and this is the realm of the underworld.

After such a long time, how can people in the Nether Realm remember a strong man from the Soul Continent.

It's like in the current Soul Continent, almost no one remembers the supreme names of those Pluto Realm kings who invaded the Soul Continent in the era of the five gods!
"Fang Han?"

In the old man's mind, he began to quickly flip through the things about the era of the five gods. Coincidentally, he once got the handwriting left by an ancient strong man, and this ancient strong man happened to be the five gods The strong man of that era.

The letter he left behind is not a treasure, but a simple letter, which records some major events that happened in the era of the five gods.

Since it is a big event, there are naturally many characters!

And the characters who can appear in this handbook must be the most famous big shots in the era of Wu Zun at that time!

And since Fang Han said that he was once an existence equivalent to the peak of the ninth-order Pluto realm, and he was in the era of the Five Lords, he must be a famous existence.

But no matter how he searched, he could not find the existence of the high-level Pluto Realm also named Fang Han. He continued to read, then shook his head, and read through all the Supreme Pluto Realms in this ancient handbook, but none of them were there. I discovered the name Fang Han!
Among the supreme beings in the Pluto realm who appear in this ancient manuscript, whether they are high-level or low-level, none of them have the name Fang Han.

At this moment, the old man couldn't help becoming puzzled, because he always felt that the name Fang Han was a little familiar, and he should have heard it somewhere, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it for a while.

"Could it be here..."

Suddenly, the old man came up with a guess for no reason, his heart tightened, and he began to read another part of the ancient manuscript.

The contents he read just now were all major events that happened in the Nether Realm in the era of the five gods, but there is still a small part of the content about the Soul Continent.

Only when a real major event happens in the Soul Continent will it be recorded in it.

Because he also knew that when the Nether Realm tried to invade the Soul Continent, it ended in failure. Although it failed, if something major happened in the Soul Continent, those strong men in the Nether Realm would still be able to know something.

And the strong man who left behind this ancient letter is the cultivation base of the peak of the ninth-order underworld general, but by virtue of special means against the sky, he can gain insight into the Soul Continent.

That's why he can know more things and record them.

It's just that after going through countless eras, when he found the ancient book, there was only a part of the records about the Soul Continent, and now he is reading this part.

Although he never believed that the name Fang Han had anything to do with Soul Continent, his intuition told him to read this part.

Soon, an ancient book engraved with complex runes appeared in the old man's memory. This ancient book recorded lines of complicated handwritten words, which recorded the events of the Soul Continent.


"In the era of the five gods, the underworld invaded the Soul Continent and seized the territory of the Soul Continent. They failed in the end. Thirteen Supremes returned to the Underworld. wait……"


(End of this chapter)

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