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Chapter 1135 Too bullying

Chapter 1135 Too bullying

Fang Han gave Ta Tian a wink, and then Ta Tian moved, rushed towards Xiao Cheng, and directly raised his huge fist to hit City Lord Xiao's face!

No matter how angry City Lord Xiao was at the moment, he didn't dare to fall into Tatian's attack, so he had to punch the same. He used all his strength in this punch, and Tatian was also not to be outdone!

Since he is the soul suppressing general, Tatian must be based on strength!



In an instant, Tatian and City Lord Xiao confronted each other, but Tatian's fist was so huge, while City Lord Xiao's fist was the size of a normal person. It seemed that City Lord Xiao was fighting for the glory of the bright moon like the light of fireflies!
However, this time when they faced off against each other, they actually fought evenly, and terrifying energy ripples swept through them!

With a thought of Fang Han, he directly suppressed the terrifying energy ripples, and then with a thought of Fang Han, a sword pierced all directions and directly slashed towards City Lord Xiao!
Although City Lord Xiao didn't dare to be careless when facing the mysterious existence of Tatian, he still looked down on Fang Han when he faced Fang Han. .


There was a sound of the body being torn apart, and when Fang Han's sword slashed at City Lord Xiao in all directions, it directly left a gash of more than ten centimeters on City Lord Xiao's body, and blood gushed out instantly!
City Lord Xiao's face was terribly dark. With his cultivation base, he would not be harmed even if he was constantly attacked by a cultivator at the peak of the Ninth-Rank Underworld Master Realm while standing, but now he was attacked by Fang Han, a sixth-tier... No , is the seventh-order underworld master realm!

Originally, City Lord Xiao subconsciously thought that Fang Han was at the peak of the sixth-order Underworld Master Realm, but he suddenly noticed the aura emanating from Fang Han's body, which was at the peak of the sixth-order Underworld Master Realm. for.

However, it was previously revealed that Fang Han was at the level of a sixth-order underworld master, which is absolutely correct, but when did Fang Han step into the seventh-level underworld teacher?
He couldn't allow him to think too much, because Tatian had rushed towards him again, and Tatian punched out, and there was a burst of lightning and thunder in the sky, and then, a loud thunder and thunder sounded, accompanied by Tatian Tian punched out, and suddenly a huge thunder dragon gathered in the sky!

This thunder dragon looks lifelike, and its body exudes a faint dragon power!


A huge thunder dragon roared, and then rushed straight towards Xiao City Lord. The thunder dragon opened its mouth wide, and a blue ball shot out directly from the thunder dragon's mouth, shocking Shoot at City Lord Xiao!
Immediately, the hairs all over Xiao Chengzhu's body stood up, because he felt a huge sense of threat.

Now he can only choose to resist one of Thunder Dragon and Tatian's attacks, because he can't dodge it at all, and he has made a choice in just one breath!
City Lord Xiao bite the bullet and punched Tatian's huge fist, but at this moment, City Lord Xiao's entire fist became as black as ink!
Fang Han could clearly sense an extremely terrifying poison from City Lord Xiao's huge fist. This poison could even corrode the soul!
No need to think about Fang Han, he knew that Ghost Ash was defeated by City Lord Xiao with this kind of poison before. City Lord Xiao didn't release all the power of this poison before, but smothered Ghost Ash bit by bit!
So even Fang Han didn't notice when Ghost Ash was poisoned.

He believed that Tatian could sense the poison contained in City Lord Xiao's fist, but he didn't see Tatian retreating at this moment!




When City Lord Xiao and Tatian confronted each other, it was obvious that Tatian had the upper hand this time, and he flew City Lord Xiao away. The next moment, a blue ball of light directly blasted on City Lord Xiao's back, suddenly Blast!

A terrifying explosive energy swept forward and directly overwhelmed City Master Xiao. In an instant, City Master Xiao let out a scream!

Before City Master Xiao recovered his senses, a purple light beam came to him again and shot towards him.

"Do you still want to come?"

This time, City Lord Xiao's eyes suddenly showed anger, if he got hit once, would he get hit a second time?

Is he really stupid enough to hit the same move twice in a row, or is it because Fang Han and Ta Tian don't take him seriously at all?
You must know that rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, not to mention that he is not a rabbit!

City Lord Xiao punched the purple ball of light from the air. Although he didn't use much force in this punch, in his opinion, the power of this punch was enough to detonate the purple ball of light!
The moment City Lord Xiao punched, a body of energy shot directly at the purple light ball, but when City Lord Xiao didn't expect it, the energy body he blasted out was directly evaporated after approaching the purple light ball!
The next moment the purple ball of light had come to him, City Master Xiao's expression changed, because the flame ball exploded later and would accumulate more energy!
So he punched the purple ball of light directly and subconsciously, but when he punched, he understood why the energy he punched out was evaporated, because when he punched, he felt an extremely hot feeling .

The next moment, City Lord Xiao's fist hit the purple ball of light.


In an instant, the monstrous purple flames suddenly swept out and burned blazingly, directly surrounding the place with a radius of thousands of miles.

At this time, the thunder dragon summoned by Tatian also opened its mouth and protruded one by one thunder light balls, directly lasing into the area covered by the burning purple flame, and then directly exploded.

City Lord Xiao, who was in the area enveloped by Fang Han's purple energy from the east, suddenly let out bursts of screams.

When he felt that it was almost the same, Fang Han moved his mind and put away the Ziqi Donglaihuo, and Tatian also dispersed the Thunder Dragon.

"Aren't we going to bully people too much..."

Fang Han couldn't help touching his nose and looking at Tatian, is this two against one...or three against one?

Tatian just smiled slightly, and returned to Fang Han's body the next moment.

At this moment, City Lord Xiao was in a state of distress, and his clothes were all torn to pieces by Fang Han's purple qi coming from the east and the thunder ball of light from the thunder dragon. It was obvious that many places on City Lord Xiao's body were covered with black reefs and black. Reef, at a glance, it is known that it was caused by flames.

The most important thing is that the aura on City Lord Xiao's body is extremely weak now, and one can tell at a glance that City Lord Xiao has been severely injured at this moment!
And if it wasn't for Fang Han's timely stop, the current City Lord Xiao would have been burned to ashes by Fang Han's purple energy coming from the east!

Fang Han's Ziqi Donglaihuo is the most powerful skyfire, but City Lord Xiao dared to use his own flesh and blood to counter the fireball Fang Han compressed with Ziqi Donglaihuo.

This is not what courting death is!
(End of this chapter)

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