Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 11 Brother Han, You Are Too Fierce

Chapter 11 Brother Han, You Are Too Fierce
"Classmate, do you think this is okay? I really can't let you in now. Someone has already booked the venue. The deposit you gave is to prepare for the drinks and food you requested. I won't be able to get it out at the moment. I will give it to you when I have money. Can I send it to you?" A middle-aged man with sparse hair next to Scarface begged with an ugly expression. You could clearly feel the fear in the way he glanced at Scarface from time to time.

"Get out! Give me a few dollars back, and I'll treat the money as if they bought me a drink. Little fat man, get out of here quickly...don't let him gossiping here. I'm really upset with you brother Scar... um Is this chick nice, play with Brother Scar?" Scar's face was threatening when he suddenly saw a sweet-looking girl in the crowd, and subconsciously stepped forward.

But just when he was about to reach out, an indifferent voice came from far and near on the street: "Brother Scar? Who do I think is so awesome? Why... your men don't play with each other* * already?"

Who is speaking?Scarface didn't know it, and when he heard this, his face suddenly darkened, and he turned to look at the sound with murderous eyes, and then saw Scarface's complexion suddenly changed.

Because he already recognized the guy who was walking over with his shirt off.

At this time, Fang Han had already taken off his coat, and had already held the powerful amulet in his palm. As long as these shameless bastards dared to show their teeth, he was ready to let go.

"It's you!" Scar made a cold voice with an ugly expression on his face.

Fang Han didn't even raise his eyelids when he spoke clearly threatening words on his scarred face, and ran over at a faster speed.

Fang Han's expression made Scarface's eyes jump wildly.

In terms of fighting, what happened last night is vivid in my memory, no matter how bad the scar face is, I still remember how fierce Fang Han fought.The most important thing is that the scary thing about this guy is that he has a strange ability to curse.

Those are all things that I have personally experienced. How could Scarface forget it so quickly?
This scarred face is also a ruthless person. Seeing Fang Han rushing over, he didn't know why he swung the machete in his hand and slashed at Fang Han...

Fang Han's mouth twitched into a sneer when he saw the knife on the scarred face.With his current body speed, if he wanted to rush over immediately, would he need to wait so long?
The answer is of course no, and Fang Han had pasted the powerful talisman on his dantian when he quickened his pace.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too fast, no matter how fast the scarred face came out, in Fang Han's eyes at this time, it slowed down a little invisible.

Seeing Fang Han speeding up suddenly, where the scar face retreated before it had time to react, grabbing the opponent's wrist, what strength and speed is Fang Han now?It's not what Scarface can imagine.


Scar screamed and passed out from the pain.

"Brother Han! You're too fierce...I'll toast you!" He Sen shouted at Fang Han with admiration on his fat face.

Fang Han smiled noncommittally, and neither responded to the drink nor showed any other expressions. After clinking glasses and taking a few sips, he replied: "The cost of booking the venue is not small, right?"

"It's okay! It's okay! It's not much money, so many friends can come, just for fun!" Some fat people who drank too much replied proudly with their tongues out.

It has to be said that the originally shy and introverted smiling fat man let go a lot after drinking too much, and lost the original restraint.

"Well, as long as you're happy. By the way, I'm going to work. You guys have fun drinking." Fang Han looked at the time, put down the bottle and said.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and he could no longer accompany these classmates.

"Oh! Good! I'll send you off..." The little fat man also knew that Fang Han was short on time, so he didn't try to persuade him too much.

All the way without talking, this disco is not far from the bar where Fang Han works.

After parking the electric car, Fang Han entered the door, but he didn't expect to hear an unpleasant sound like a drake as soon as he entered.

"Why do you still dare to come to work? You dared to come to work when the bar was cleared because of your fight yesterday? Get out of here after you get your salary."

"Fire me? Chen Jinsheng, are you sure?" Fang Han touched his nose and looked at the lobby manager playfully and said this.

Seeing that Chen Jinsheng was stunned for a moment, then his face turned red, and he scolded very impolitely: "Little brat, you are so courageous, aren't you? I'm going to fire you, what's the matter? It's not good for anyone who speaks or begs for mercy today." make."

As soon as these words came out, all the people around silenced, how could they dare to say anything?
As the so-called county magistrate is not as good as the current one, Chen Jinsheng is the direct leader of these people, not to mention whether he can directly fire the employees, even if they are wearing small shoes behind their backs.

As soon as these words came out, Fang Han frowned, his eyes turned cold.He didn't want to provoke flies, but that didn't mean he was willing to hear flies buzzing in his ears to make him sick and upset.What's the best way to deal with flies?Of course it is directly shot to death...

Fang Han was too lazy to talk nonsense, before Chen Jinsheng could change his mocking and smug expression, he reached out and grabbed Chen Jinsheng by the neck, making a big mouth.

"Crack!" Fang Han stood up with a loud bang, and without giving Chen Jinsheng a chance to speak, he asked, "Have I been fired? Does being fired count as an employee here? As a The lobby manager of the bar, insulting the personality of the guests who came in, should I hit him?"

Chen Jinsheng didn't react from being hit until Fang Han asked a few questions...

"You! You dare to hit me..." Chen Jinsheng is also a bullying, cowardly guy. After being slapped and questioned continuously, he suddenly lost his confidence. Nonsense questioning voices.

After the beating was over, he asked Fang Han if he dared to beat him?Isn't this sick?

For this kind of stupid question, Fang Han certainly didn't want to do a stupid answer, so he just folded his arms and showed a look of helplessness.

The sudden appearance shocked the waiters in the lobby. Although everyone was very disgusted with Chen Jinsheng, no one thought that Fang Han would be so courageous and just slapped his mouth?I really don't take Chen Jinsheng seriously.

At this moment, Chen Jinsheng also realized that the question he asked just now was really stupid. He pointed at Fang Hanyin with a trembling thin paw and said ruthlessly, "Okay! Okay! Hit me...you wait and wait."

While speaking, Chen Jinsheng ran directly to the counter in the lobby, picked up the intercom, and shouted into the intercom: "There is a disturbance in the lobby on the first floor, all the security guards come here for me, and bring me guys!"

Following Chen Jinsheng's shout, more than 20 security guards rushed out from upstairs and downstairs, all wearing very formal uniforms. These security guards were in charge of security on the third basement floor and the two upper floors.

Chen Jinsheng said to Fang Han: "Boy, if you are sensible, please apologize to me immediately and let me slap you ten times, otherwise you will not be able to walk out of this door standing today."

(End of this chapter)

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