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Chapter 1089 Picking up 1 life!

Chapter 1089 Recovered a life!

This is the gap in cultivation. Even if there are too many sheep, in the eyes of a wolf or a lion, they are just numbers and cannot pose any threat at all. This is the current situation!

Nearly [-] monks from Soul Continent were unable to move under the coercion of Tatian. This is why monks from Soul Continent and Nether Realm are now ordered to prohibit. The older generation of monks cannot come to the central battlefield. A generation of monks shot!

Because the number of strong men determines everything, if the older generation of strong men can attack the younger generation of monks at will, it will be a huge loss for both the Soul Continent and the Nether Realm.

And there is no need at all!
Fang Han tore apart the space, and a figure suddenly appeared in the sky!

"I, Fang Han, never kill innocent people. Since you want to kill me, then I will not be polite. I don't like killing, but I was forced to kill to prove my way!"

Fang Han's voice resounded in all directions like thunder, and his voice was extremely calm, as if he was stating a fact, but the murderous intent hidden in his calm voice was extremely terrifying, and it had turned into substance, streaks of pale red The mist-like gas lingered around Fang Han!



Fang Han's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp. He looked straight at the place where the old man from the Soul Continent stood before. At this moment, there were more than 8000 monks there, and their eyes were full of fear when they looked at Fang Han!
When Fang Han's voice fell, the Asura Red Spirit Sword in Fang Han's hand pointed directly at the area where more than 8000 monks were. In an instant, Fang Han's pupils instantly turned into a coquettish blood red, and one after another Black air emanated from Fang Han's body!

But when the black gas came into contact with the surrounding air, it suddenly made a hissing sound, as if it was ignited by the air, and was quickly burned out!


After several breaths passed, a coquettish and terrifying sword light condensed. This terrifying sword light turned out to be a coquettish bright red. This sword light was a thousand meters high and ten thousand meters long!

And on this coquettish and terrifying sword light, there are horrifying black air, and a gloomy and icy aura emanates from these black air!


A deafening sword cry sounded, and then the coquettish sword light that was thousands of meters high and thousands of meters long suddenly moved, carrying destructive power and slashing sideways forward!

More than 8000 Soul Continent monks are no longer affected by Tatian's coercion at this moment, because the moment Fang Han's terrifying sword energy condensed has been broken!

But when more than 8000 monks from the Soul Continent saw this terrifying and coquettish sword light that was thousands of meters high and ten thousand meters long, they were immediately frightened. Feeling powerless!

And it's still a very powerless feeling. At this moment, they can't see a glimmer of hope for life, and they are completely in despair!

Even Tatian, who retreated to a very far place, frowned tightly, because at this moment he also felt the power of this coquettish and terrifying sword glow, and at this moment, if he was cut by this terrifying sword glow , will definitely be severely injured directly, and even beheaded is possible!
You can see how terrifying Fang Han's Zhantian is!
One second...two seconds...five seconds...six seconds...

It only took about six seconds for Fang Han to condense a coquettish, blood-red horror sword glow directly out of the crowd!

"Puff puff puff—"



The sound of the flesh being cut open came out one after another. In just six seconds, more than 8000 monks in the Soul Continent lost all their vitality within six seconds!
And at this moment, they didn't even have a complete body left. Under this terrifying blood-red bewitching sword glow, they were all cut to pieces, and the broken limbs and wreckage were flying all over the sky. Affected by the bloody aura, it instantly turned blood red!

Fang Han stood in mid-air, like an unrivaled demon god, constantly harvesting the lives of all living beings!


Suddenly, there was a burst of blood-red aura on Fang Han in mid-air, and it shook out of his body and poured out in all directions.


Suddenly, a mouthful of fresh blood spewed out from Fang Han's mouth. At this moment, Fang Han's blood-red eyes, which had already become coquettish, had returned to normal. Has disappeared!
"Such a big murder is really terrifying..."

Soon, the surrounding sky scene, all people and things have returned to normal, and everything has returned to calm. If it weren't for the extremely strong smell of blood permeating the surrounding air, no one would have thought that at the previous moment here It is full of the atmosphere of killing, it is like purgatory on earth!
Fang Han wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth and murmured, his eyes extremely calm.

He glanced at the remaining nearly [-] Soul Continent cultivators who chose to be neutral, and then moved his figure, and his figure swept away, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

And the moment Fang Han left, Tatian also moved and followed Fang Han to leave!

The remaining nearly [-] monks are very lucky. They did not stand in the wrong team. If they had also stood in the direction of the old man in the Soul Continent, Fang Han would never spare their lives. Although the nearly [-] monks They didn't stand on their side, but they didn't stand on the side of the old man in the Soul Continent either. To put it simply, these nearly two thousand monks were lucky and made a neutral choice to save their lives!


Quiet, as quiet as silence!
After Fang Han and Toutian left and several breaths passed, the remaining nearly two thousand souls from the continent came back to their senses. At this moment, they all turned to look at the monks around them, and no one spoke. !

Nearly two thousand monks just stood there, their faces pale, and many of them were even sweating. If you observe carefully, you can see that some monks who were less courageous actually fainted!
But this silent scene only lasted about 10 minutes. The nearly [-] monks immediately exploded and began to discuss with lingering fear.

At this moment, they were really frightened by Fang Han's terror, and cut off more than 8000 monks with a single sword. What kind of terrifying strength is this?At this moment, they couldn't help being curious about Fang Han's identity!

Being so young, possessing such terrifying strength, and having such terrifying courage, he beheaded more than 8000 monks from the Soul Continent with one sword, and many of them were powerful in the realm of Earth Masters. Martial master realm or a monk of the sixth rank martial master realm!

(End of this chapter)

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