Chapter 1041
Of course, there are some special places that can block the eyes of monks, such as some forbidden places, dead Jedi, or ancient ruins, but no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like forbidden places, dead Jedi and ancient ruins. No matter how you look at it, it’s just an artificial It's just a huge cave dug out!

Among the crowd, there were only two people whose vision was not affected in any way, and these two people were naturally the eight-armed old man and Fang Han.

After walking for about half an hour, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of them. At this time, the nearly 200 monks who came down finally breathed a sigh of relief. The half-hour journey seemed to them like walking for a day and a night. Generally speaking, and my whole heart is in my throat, for fear of encountering any changes and dangers again.

Under the leadership of the eight-armed old man, Fang Han and other monks have already penetrated the entire hole at this moment, and what is introduced at this moment is an extremely vast underground world. At this moment, there are no vegetation, trees or sky in this underground world.

There are only large underground pits around and the torches used for lighting on the nearby walls. At first glance, it is impossible to know how huge it is. At this moment, there are no number of monks in this underground world. It's carrying the manuscript on the back of the fire, and constantly digging in the big pit to find something.

Fang Han glanced over, but he didn't find a monk of the orc race, but all of them were monks of the human race, and Fang Han could feel that there were at least 2 monks of the human race here, and these more than 2 monks of the human race were all The cultivation base of the Warrior Realm ranges from the first-tier Warrior Realm to the ninth-tier Warrior Economic Peak.

But without exception, the faces of the more than 2 monks were extremely haggard, and they looked sickly, as if they were sick.

The monks with relatively low cultivation bases have dull eyes, and what's more, the eyeballs are sunken.

As soon as Fang Han came in, he found a strange force surrounding him, trying to invade his body, but was directly blocked by Fang Han.

Seeing the appearance of these more than 2 monks, coupled with the strange power around him, Fang Han's face turned cold instantly, because at this moment he had already remembered the familiar strangeness that he had sensed above the dungeon before. What exactly is power!

Because there was a thick rock wall above the dungeon before, Fang Han didn't remember what kind of power it was. Now that he entered this underground world, the strange power around him rushed towards Fang Han and other nearly two hundred monks like a tide. It rushed over, and then wisps of strange power slowly invaded the bodies of the surrounding monks.

With the surrounding thoughts moving, a gentle force directly enveloped the Wolf Clan Master and the Humen Clan Master, blocking out the strange forces that wanted to invade the Wolf Clan Master and the Humen Clan main body.

"This turned out to be a faint underworld energy..."

Fang Han couldn't help muttering in his heart, his face became colder and colder. As we all know, the monks on the Soul Continent use spiritual energy to cultivate, absorb the spiritual energy and transform it into their own martial energy, and then accumulate their own martial energy to a certain level. Once the bottleneck is broken, monks can break through their cultivation, while monks in the underworld only need to absorb the unique spirit of the underworld to break through their cultivation, so they can practice in the same way as the monks in the soul continent. way is completely different.

And the strange power that Fang Han is full of is the weak Nether Qi, and the Nether Qi is the unique power of the Nether Realm. This is the Soul Continent. Why does the Nether Qi appear?

This is what Fang Han is most confused about, because logically speaking, except for the special places like the battlefield of the two worlds, it is impossible for other places to have the spirit of darkness in the entire Soul Continent.

But generally the Nether Qi is extremely strong, but the Nether Qi sensed by Fang Han is extremely weak. Although it is weak, the amount is extremely large, filling this small world.

Generally, whether it is martial energy or netherworld energy, as long as the quantity increases, even if its essence is extremely weak, it will merge into an increasingly strong force, but this does not happen here!

"It seems that there is really something unknown here..."

"The beast clan... what are they planning..."


At this moment, countless thoughts drifted through Fang Han's mind. He had imagined many possibilities, but none of them could be established. Now Fang Han decided to stay here for a while to see if he could find anything.

After entering this underground world, the eight-armed old man also explained the situation here and what they need to do to Fang Han and other monks. These are exactly the same as what Fang Han learned from the masters of the wolf gate and the tiger gate. .

After hearing the words of the eight-armed old man, these monks who came in with Fang Han couldn't help being filled with righteous indignation, scolding the orc monks for being shameless, and even caught them weak monks to come here as coolies!

After finishing speaking, the eight-armed old man glanced at the other people present, and when he saw Fang Han, he couldn't help but frown, and then he said to everyone: "This place is extremely strange, although you are monks, you can Don't eat or drink, but because of the influence of this place, your physical strength will be consumed very much, you need to eat food to replenish your physical strength, otherwise you will easily starve to death here..."

"And only those who work hard can get food. Tens of thousands of people have starved to death in this place..."

"If you don't believe it, you can try..."

After the eight-armed old man finished speaking, he carried a handful of manuscripts on his back and left without looking back.

Fang Han's monks looked at each other in confusion. Some of the monks found rusty manuscripts on the ground around them and began to dig somewhere. Some of the monks stood there at a loss, and some of the monks had a look on their faces. Disdainful, don't take it seriously at all.

They were monks in the warrior realm, how could they starve to death?It's just a big joke.

But soon their faces became ugly, because they were a little out of breath after bouncing on some relatively large stones around them, and they also felt a stomach reaction, as if they were really... hungry up.


"Strange, that kid is clearly only a third-tier martial artist, why does he look at me so terrifyingly that even I feel shudder?"

At this moment, the eight-armed old man who was digging in a big pit couldn't help but feel puzzled, and seemed very puzzled.

Because when he was talking to Fang Han and the others just now, his gaze swept across the skirt, and when he touched Fang Han's extremely cold eyes, he couldn't help but subconsciously shuddered.

Although everyone in the world thought that he was only at the peak of the ninth-level warrior realm, he had already reached the peak of the ninth-level warrior realm. Even though he was really at the peak of the ninth-level warrior realm, he was only a third-level warrior. How could a cultivator in this realm give him such a terrifying feeling?

(End of this chapter)

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